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The BS that happens in EMS -


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First of all, Vin is totally self responsible for his decisions. So it's not CM's problem, and she should not make it her's. She may give help, council and all of that, but Vin sure is old enough. Plus he seems to be weak on several basic issues, so he should not wonder to have difficulties.

The relationshipof CM to the other two is crappy anyway. CM should accept this, and not worry but move on in life. Sometimes you simply have to decide if someone else is important enough for you to make you troubles.

For the constraint, CM never could be sure if the issue really was this way. Did Vin understand this right, did the mean that, did they actually really say it or does Vin make something up (for whatever reason, even by dumbness or wanting to sound interesting up to completely misunderstanding the whole thing). Even if it really was the case: CM learnt something from it and that's all. No thing to really worry about too long afterwards. Jake and Rad are the way they are, no issue for CM to change this. The school project already finished anyway, so no harm anymore.

Just my view...

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