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Should we be afraid?


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Over the last little while going through the forums I have seen a few things that make me not so much uneasy but raise a few questions in my mind. We have seen trolls with no sure purpose, and in at least one case an employer who saw a post through a google search. In this forum we discuss problems or difficulties with the EMS systems we work in, questions about how patients should be treated or have been treated, and honestly post our opinions on a variety of issues. After seeing another post about being recorded on scene by cell phones and the like I started to wonder, should we be afraid to use our real names or talk about issues that we have?

I generally don't use my real name for anything, more out of habit than anything else, and I have seen members here who do use their own names. In an age where anything can be found online should we worry that anything we say could be taken out of context and used against us?

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Since I am one of those who has not been afraid to use my name and pic (because I feel I am more credible when I sign my name to my post), I understand your question and your concern. Yes, I feel that I have to be very careful what I say and how I say it for fear that my employer or co-worker will take what I post and use it against me.

I want/need a place where I can come in here and post for legitimate feed back and it's a shame that what could be educational can be construed as improper.

At the same time, I'm afraid that if I don't use my real name, I'll be construed as a troll and then I'm not gaining the information that I am seeking.

Too much of a gray/grey area, and not sure how to get around it other than just being very cautious.

Dfib - too funny.


(edited to sign my name)

Edited by tcripp
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Since I am one of those who has not been afraid to use my name and pic (because I feel I am more credible when I sign my name to my post), I understand your question and your concern. Yes, I feel that I have to be very careful what I say and how I say it for fear that my employer or co-worker will take what I post and use it against me.

I want/need a place where I can come in here and post for legitimate feed back and it's a shame that what could be educational can be construed as improper.

At the same time, I'm afraid that if I don't use my real name, I'll be construed as a troll and then I'm not gaining the information that I am seeking.

Too much of a gray/grey area, and not sure how to get around it other than just being very cautious.

Dfib - too funny.


(edited to sign my name)

I don't think you would be considered a troll no matter what your name or picture is. Your post are always carefully laid out and thoughtful. Your contributions are sincere and honest. If you did change your profile, your friends would find you out.

It is an interesting consideration as I probably will not be as critical of our local guys in the future even though they can't take any action against me that would matter.

Edited by DFIB
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When I was a kid my dad was pretty wealthy. I didn't live with him but went to visit sometimes. One time that I went his yacht club was having a dinner, and during the dinner they were going to vote on adding some new members to the club. They used the black ball method. If you're not familiar with it...

Eveyone in the club has two marbles. A white one and a black one. In turn they walk past an opaque jar and drop one in. White to accept the new members, black to reject them. I'd spent the weekend with these folks and loved them...but they were rejected as after a count it was found that there were three black marbles in the jar, the min necessary to reject them.

I just didn't get this. I was 8-9 I think and I remember asking my dad, "How come they get to vote in secret? If they have the power to prevent these people from joining, why don't they have to stand up and say why?" I just didn't friggin' get it. And still don't.

But it left a perminent brand on my brain about having opinions that you're not willing to be responsible for. That is why I write 'Dwayne' at the end of every post regardless of the fact that it's clear who wrote it. I just have an aversion to putting forth an opinion that I don't claim.

Anyway, that's kind of how I feel about my posts. Many may not have noticed, but I sometimes have a strong opinion expressed in a strong, yeah, and sometimes stupid way. But that is who I am. Those here that know me personally will tell you that you wouldn't be surprised if you met me in person...there's not much that's different, only I'm way uglier when you actually have to look at me while you're talking.

The point being, is that any company that Googles my name prior to hiring me may say, "Holy shit..he's an asshole." and that's ok, as I'm likely not going to be a good fit there anyway. I believe in my arguments, (until someone smarter crams them down my gullet), and don't want to post anything that I feel a need to hide from and I'm willing to lose the opportunity to work for someone that won't like me for my opinions, or simply makes such a decision based on a couple of posts that they may find offensive despite the argument presented.

But, as I've often said before, I've got some, maybe many opinions that aren't really that smart, or career oriented and have gotten me jammed up in past. (Though I might add that each time I got jammed up I've immediately moved onto something that I liked much better.)

Does the danger exist to get hosed for what you post online? I'm sure it does, though I've not heard of it happening to a professional provider in actual educational threads (Well, except CM, but she's a chick...gotta expect that she'd be trouble. There are a ton of lessons to be learned by her experience, not the least of which is if you want to be a hard core medic but come with an innie instead of an outie, you better be prepared to sometimes play by a completely different, unwritten set of rules. Just sayin'...)

So, I guess my point is this. Consider your opinions well before posting them. And if you like them, feel that they are worth releasing on the world and are willing to stand behind them. Post. If, with even your best opinions, you don't feel that way, it's probably better not to.


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It's not the lack of using your real name that makes you a troll, but the quality of your posts. Despite the fact that we have a multi-national group, it is still a very small world. I've chosen not to use my real name, except in some PMs for various reasons. With some of the stories you hear in the news, I like it better that way.

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I live in a dangerous environment. Kidnappings, extortion and such occur every day. It seems to be getting worse before it gets better. For me it really has nothing to do with the opinions and everything to do with security. I have gotten rid of my web page for that very reason. In fact it is a constant chore not to become a complete paranoid.

I hide behind a picture and stage name but not for the reasons one would think.


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