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Social Experiment


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When you look at this photo, what do you see ? What labels would you attach to these people ? Where do you think they live ?

I think they are middle class suburban type family on vacation...my reasoning is this...they are clean cut, the belly is not near big enough and there are not enough tattoos for this to be a redneck or extremist family. The vehicle is NOT a truck but a family SUV which violates the code of both above mentioned groups.

Just not your typical militant or redneck pose...

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Hmmmm, I am seeing it differently. I think they are probably part of a militant group of some kind. They are obviously not "hunting" as the two kids have hand guns, and the look of the younger male makes me think skinhead. I am going to guess they are from the north due to that. As far as the vehicle, that could put them north or south since it could be a 4 wheel drive vehicle. The don't have a tan, so I dont see them as southern rednecks that hunt, as most of our people who hunt are big outdoorsmen, and usually have a tan.

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OK, how about this one: EXPERIMENT PICTURE # 2

Is this man educated, is he religous, is he blue collar or white collar, is he wealthy, middle class, or from the trailer park ?

This guy actually looks like a physician I used to work with. He even drove a similar bike. The tats are different, though. So unless he's changed his ink work it's probably not him.

What's your point? Or are you simply trying to bait people?

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When you look at this photo, what do you see ? What labels would you attach to these people ? Where do you think they live ?

Why would you wish to attach any "label" in the first place ? Well for your personal entertainment I will play and add my observations.

All 3 are not smiling, just why would be just a guess, obviously there are 4 in this group (someone is taking the picture) they appear to all have pride in personal appearance suggesting middle income as well as does the vehicle an SUV.

First off by elimination its not in Canada (the handguns being first indication) and clearly there are very few biting insects with all this flesh exposed. I see 3 American's middle income possibly related (a educated guess) one middle aged male, one adolescent female, one 20 something male that is in good physical condition, law-abiding and safe gun owners. Barrels are pointed away from harm, breeches are open in handguns, the long gun safely pointed away, no hint at all of being hunters, no knives, no camo, clothing is not dirty. The tat on the male on the left is suggestive, as does his haircut and trimmed beard possibly a para military back ground.

The wooded area suggests a temperate climate, spring or summer because of the flowering plants, conifer and deciduous mixed forest exactly were would be a wild guess. No indication in the slightest that they are some militant group or fit into any stereotypical sub group's in the slightest.

What's your point? Or are you simply trying to bait people?

I bet 100 bucks these pics are all about flamingemts personal theme of advocacy of gays in EMS almost predictable really.


# 2 is a weekend warrior biker, bald, in his 50s and has a significant other taking the picture ... what is missing is a brain bucket .... for shame.

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No I have no agenda, nor will I make any comments or steer the direction of the conversation, I leave that totally to you. I am posting this third picture, I will then sit back and watch the conversation. I have watched this before and the interesting results you get if people are honest. So again, this is not a trap, or a setup, talk among yourselves and have fun.

Experiment # 3

What about this guy, is he homeless, or just backwoods poor ? Is he mentally ill, was he veteran, is he an american citizen ?


Edited by flamingemt2011
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I will play, I am not scared. #2 I think is probably an ex-con, the jeans look cheap, the boots are kind of weird, but the bike doesnt look cheap, so I am not sure. #3, my first guess would be homeless, but it looks like he is sitting on someone's porch, the shirt looks to be in good shape for a homeless person, so I am not sure.

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Knee jerk reaction to #1, redneck trailer trash. Thank goodness I am not inclined to live by my first impressions. After examining the photo I would go with middle class suburbanites, for the reasons mentioned above.

#2, I grew up in the biker culture so I'm confident that there is very little to be guessed at by the photo. It could be a surgeon out for the weekend or a picture of a guy stealing a motorcycle. No way to know that I can tell.

#3, knee jerk reaction, mentally/physically damaged person in some type of institution. Further investigation of the photo offered no real reason to change my mind.

And for the record, I don't really care if you have a gay agenda here or not, as I've seen your posts and should expect that there will be some type of advocacy to most of what you do. I only ask, though I've seen little sign of it so far, that if you come with an agenda that you do so prepared to change your mind should the evidence be fair and sufficient to do so. I've started many threads with an agenda, and in many of those I have been steered to an unexpected conclusion, or at least direction. That is all that I ask of you.

Can you truly say that you're not hoping to see that people will judge, and act, on their first visual impression of a person?


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