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Patients, Guns, and EMS

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...but bad things happen to people who don't carry a gun too. If the wrong person gets a hold of a gun, that just means that the innocent victim should have fired sooner. If you (generic "you") have a problem with shooting bad guys, then don't carry for the reason PCP elaborated on. If you carry a weapon, you have to be prepared to take a life. As far as someone else getting shot, I'm perfectly happy with bad guys being shot after attacking, or making a move towards, a victim. In fact, if someone is shot robbing a house, the criminal's estate should have to pay for the clean up.

Quick question PCP, what are you going to do between being attacked and the police arriving?

Well hopefully I don't get attacked as I am a very nice person. If the situation occured and the person had a gun, I would do everything I could do to not upset that person, by doing what he asks. If the person was attacking me and turned out he had a gun, well I would do everything in my power with the martial arts training I have to defend myself.

I agree if you carry a gun you need to be prepared to take a life, but also be prepared to defend your reasoning for shooting that person., I do agree if someone is attacking someone and they get shot then too bad for the attacker.

I just feel that there is a time to use a gun such as being abused by your spouse or being raped, attacked, but when they break into your house to steel stuff. Now if they broke in and where using physical violence towards you then yes shoot the SOB. I feel a person should not be allowed to carry a weapon on their persons while out grocery shopping or walking the dog due to them maybe missjudging the situation and shooting someone who just wants to steal their wallet or car.

I honestly don't know what the rules are for carrying a gun such as age limit or being conceled or not so maybe I should not have responded to this thread due to my lack of knowledge of firearms and the reasons why people carry them.

Maybe some of you could give me an example as to why someone feels they need to carry a firearm, so I could better understand the reasoning behind it.

What are the rules for being allowed to carry a firearm down in the United States?

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Is not the presumed "Job One" of all EMS, FD, and LEO the same job: Return home at the end of tour in relatively the same shape as when leaving home for the job? You can't help anyone if you need help for yourself.

On the generalized subject of carrying a firearm, when my girlfriend and I were jumped and robbed, the way they surprised us, in addition to gaining the money from both our pockets (and my EMS ID and badge), they would have had an additional firearm to play with.

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In NY the gun laws are strict. You need permits or licenses. The process is very thorough. I don't have a gun license or permit but I do have a shotgun which is legal to purchase w/o a permit.

I feel all firearms need to be regulated; some States are too lax. Just like you need a License to drive; you should have one for firearms and it needs to be renewed yearly; a thorough background check and firearm safety classes mandatory. Great power comes with great responsibility.

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In NY the gun laws are strict. You need permits or licenses. The process is very thorough. I don't have a gun license or permit but I do have a shotgun which is legal to purchase w/o a permit.

I feel all firearms need to be regulated; some States are too lax. Just like you need a License to drive; you should have one for firearms and it needs to be renewed yearly; a thorough background check and firearm safety classes mandatory. Great power comes with great responsibility.

Now I understand your statement and in part agree with it, thats why I think firearm safety should be taught along side the safe sex classes and social studies in Jr high....but there is one fundamental difference between the driving and firearms.

Driving is NOT a constitutionally guaranteed right. Firearm ownership is. There is the problem, and is why I believe that concealed carry permits are borderline unconstitutional, but that is another debate and a tiresome one.

Regardless, you dont need a license to exercise free speech, vote, privacy, freedom to make medical decisions, or otherwise exercise any other constitutionally guaranteed right. Driving on tax funded roads (as opposed to private property) is a privilege and thus can be regulated. Free speech, voting, and firearm ownership is a right.

I am sure there are various political and religious parties that would like to license and restrict my free speech, but the constitution wont let them. And I am sure that those same groups would like to prevent certain groups from firearms ownership for the same reasons......reasons that have nothing to do with safety.

States/cities are not too LAX (though I do wish they would all use the same standard so I could carry across state lines), some are ridiculously restrictive based on poor understanding of firearms themselves, fear mongering, and special interest groups. The federal Brady Bill was an example of a colossal failure on all counts. Just look at Washington DC and Detroit as examples of the results of the anti gun nut crowd run amok. The only thing the anti gun laws have done is prevent law abiding citizens from owning and carrying guns, criminals dont care.

Anyway, Ill shut up before the FBI knocks on my door. :)

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We need more guys like Uncle Ben...

It maybe a constitutional right but firearms needs to be highly regulated. No one is saying you can't own one but there is too much irresponsibility when handling a firearm. Gun shows sell guns to everyone; no background check as mandated by law. It can't be that easy to buy a gun. If you want a gun; apply and get your license; that's it. What's the big deal? If you have something to hide; you'll fight this type of mandating. If you want to buy or have a gun; you'll get the license. Its not a big deal...








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So I guess we need to highly regulate amendments 1 and 3-10 as well?!? The whole point is it's not supposed to be regulated.

BTW, if you want to strictly enforce federal gun laws, Bloomberg and his ilk need to be in federal prison for participating in straw purchases during his little Virginia escapades.

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Then since its in the Constitution; we should ignore it.

Gangbangers its fine to go to the gun shop. Hey, just keep trafficking illegal guns; file the serial numbers. Hey what's with the bottle for that 4y/o? Give him a gun. Why learn martial arts; that's not self defense; here's a gun. There's no regulation; so its fine. Here's your HS Diploma and your gun. So I carry my gun on my waistband. Can I get that gun; that AK. Hollowtip; armor piercing bullets.

Sawed off shotgun hand on the pump. Throw your guns in the air and buck, buck like you don't care. Let me bust a cap on that fool. Extra clips in my pocket so I can reload and explode. Shoot them: yeah, shoot them up. Peel your cap, fool. I'd pulled out my nine; bust a cap I your eye. All these were from songs; suggested as expletive lyrics. Since, its Constitutionally protect; I demand that they remove the expletive lyrics warning off any songs who talk about a gun.

I am sorry that I offended someone's Constitutional Right. My bad. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Am I?

Tell me where I can bring my shotgun? I need to know. Can I bring it into a Sporting Event, an Amusement Park, a School, a Museum, or a Church? I'm going to bring it to the next CME. You know what; on a scene of a call. Maybe I'll make an appt to see my Internist; I'll bring it then. At the next PTA meeting; it may liven the mood. How about at a funeral? How about at a parade or a fair. I'll definitely stay strapped... Thanks for educating me on the Constitutional Right to bear arms.

You have a gun for sale? I'll pay for postage. Make sure the serial numbers have been filed off. Thank you...

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Then since its in the Constitution; we should ignore it.

Gangbangers its fine to go to the gun shop. Hey, just keep trafficking illegal guns; file the serial numbers. Hey what's with the bottle for that 4y/o? Give him a gun. Why learn martial arts; that's not self defense; here's a gun. There's no regulation; so its fine. Here's your HS Diploma and your gun. So I carry my gun on my waistband. Can I get that gun; that AK. Hollowtip; armor piercing bullets.

Sawed off shotgun hand on the pump. Throw your guns in the air and buck, buck like you don't care. Let me bust a cap on that fool. Extra clips in my pocket so I can reload and explode. Shoot them: yeah, shoot them up. Peel your cap, fool. I'd pulled out my nine; bust a cap I your eye. All these were from songs; suggested as expletive lyrics. Since, its Constitutionally protect; I demand that they remove the expletive lyrics warning off any songs who talk about a gun.

I am sorry that I offended someone's Constitutional Right. My bad. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Am I?

Tell me where I can bring my shotgun? I need to know. Can I bring it into a Sporting Event, an Amusement Park, a School, a Museum, or a Church? I'm going to bring it to the next CME. You know what; on a scene of a call. Maybe I'll make an appt to see my Internist; I'll bring it then. At the next PTA meeting; it may liven the mood. How about at a funeral? How about at a parade or a fair. I'll definitely stay strapped... Thanks for educating me on the Constitutional Right to bear arms.

You have a gun for sale? I'll pay for postage. Make sure the serial numbers have been filed off. Thank you...


This is hyperboyle and fear mongering it doesn't even border on inetligent debate. Using emotions to guide policy decisions is generally leads to poor policies, no matter what the party. I'm just as pissed of at the Republican tactics in the health care debate.

Guns are not a magic self-defense talisman, they are part of a well thought out plan that may include martial arts, non-lethal devices and the biggest weapon of all, your brain.

Last time I checked we didn't restrict where anyone can go. I see "gang bangers" in gun shops all the time. It's the price of a free society.

As far as where you can take guns? In Texas you can take them a hell of a lot of places. Generally you will never know they are present. No, I don't think that a restricting things like gun types will deter crime. Criminals are generally planning on violating multiple laws anyway?

Why are you so afraid of objects that kill far few people than automobiles (which you probably drive daily) do every year? Be afraid of intent, not the object. If someone is "too dangerous" to have a gun, why in the hell are they among free society anyway?

Edited by usalsfyre
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Its not about being afraid. Its about regulating it. You want a gun? Here's the process; get through it and you can have your gun. People need to be held accountable; that's all. There is no accountability.


Second Amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Edited by NYCEMS9115
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