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Back Braces?

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What about weight lifting we use a belt for that?

We who?

I suppose if you wear it backwards it might help prevent an umbilical hernia.

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I have several bulging or protruding discs. Lifting, of course, the main cause, one was kind of worn away due to trauma. Back Belts.. are fricken worthless. I have one of the best orthopedic physicians in the Eastern US.. I ignored his suggestion, to lose the back support. He said it would weaken the abdominal muscles, and possibly worse my problem. Whoops. I had been out walking, which is my miracle cure to back pain.. Uphill walking. I was on a trail, and bumped my hip, which caused me to fall over as if my brain and legs weren't getting the same message. Went home, got in bed, lots of pain pills. Upon being able to get out of bed again, I took my back support off, and now, I tilt. My abd muscles, compensating for the support my back wasn't giving me, were and now are fucked up major. Around L3, I curve, the top of me is about 2" to the left of the bottom of me. I can't get any info on it, any answers as to why.. The only explanation.. The back support, which now causes uber severe pain, and numbness in areas I don't want to be numb.. when worn. My fault, of course, should have listened. But I'd never wear one again. If they're too heavy.. call for back up.

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I think that back braces might help the person remember not to lift wrong but overall I don't think they really prevent injuries, of course there are going to be those who think otherwise and if they believe in them, then by all means keep em on.

oh yeah, I have a new signature too.

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So I've been wracking my brain to come up with a ergonomic reason why, but so far with no luck. Anyone who works in a warehouse and does a lot of repetitive lifting wears a back brace as part of their safety equipment to protect their back. I have never seen a medic wearing one or talking about them, so unless I've missed this entirely and everyone is walking around with them under their uniforms, any thoughts as to why we don't wear back braces? Should we?

When I was waiting to be hired for a private ambulance service, I worked at Lowe's as seasonal ( Christmas) help. I was doing some heavy lifting and cherry picker work. Lowe's told us the reason for the back braces, was that they strictly serve as a reminder to have good posture and use proper lifting techniques. My orthopedic doc confirmed this, years later. He said that they actually don't help your back any..just a reminder to keep your back straight to avoid injury or stretcher drops, etc..

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Could this be a case of a back brace reminding one to use good lifting mechanics? Or do you think the brace actually corrects bad posture, therefor spreading the load onto the pelvis rather than lifting with back muscles?

Yep. Years ago we had them issued. I hated it. It was indeed a weight belt and it was in the way most of the time.

Problem is, most people I know with back injuries received them during awkward lifts(myself included), where proper lifting mechanics is almost irrelevant and a back brace isn't practical. Pulling someone out of a tight spot, out of a bathtub, in a tight area, etc.

A friend had 2 cervical discs blown when a 90lb little old lady grabbed a doorway as they were carrying her on a stairchair. It was just enough to torque his neck- no fall, no massive patient. He's had multiple surgeries, is in constant pain, and is out of the business.

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Ok I'm actually going to answer this from a massage therapist point of view not from an EMT. Please note my mother was a LMT for many years only allowing her certs to expire this last year. This is actually her post more than mine. :P

Back braces are actually one of the worst things a person can use and wear. They take over the job of your back muscels causing them to atrophy. They don't get stronger because they don't need to. Which in turn causes more back problems, pain, and injury rather than less. Great for my job security but poor for their over all health. Medical professionals are taught how to lift things correctly and for the most part follow their training. This means they backs are stronger as are their legs and arms. They also tend to give their bodies more TLC by going to massage therapists or even chiropractors. (That I have personally witnessed.) The average person in a store might get a 30 minute lecture to which they totally ignore. While we get months of training and continuing training over the years about how body mechanics work.

In short we don't use them because we treat our bodies better.

~ Martina Gypsy's mom.

I love my mom. :D

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Medical professionals are taught how to lift things correctly and for the most part follow their training.

A lovely patronizing speech there by Gypsy's Mom of course prevention vs cure concept is something tangible but when you already have prior injury ...pfft la la la.

Like others, first relieve the pain and muscle spasm ... then get up and walk WALK !

Brace or not, it just works for ME is all ... recovery phaze ... or an expectation of rough seas and getting hammered into pulp on a Rescue ...

Hell: Last time I injured my back I was just "pulling on pants wrong" and snap and hit the floor.

Seriously ... I screwed up my back working IN Hospitals in ICU +++ doing the sideways slide to get patients HOB back up from doing the slither do that 50 times a day (ps gravity sucks) Even then with all the Emergency work, like upside down in a crashed truck in - 40, (cause a patient isnt going to extracate themselves) agreed this is not a forgiving Profession, with no warm up period one twist/turn and heave ho and we wonder why we have backs that are wrecked ? I will stay away from the ever increasing mass of the general population .... the bariatric pandemic does not help our situation in the slightest.

This means they backs are stronger as are their legs and arms.

Core strength is a "must work on" unfortunately I must agree with Your MOM ! EMS = Strong Back's, Weak Minds ..... :showoff:

PLEASE don't get me on a rant about Quakropractors ... :devilish: When a back cracker can explain how "Henry's Law" .... thats the coefficient of nitrogen gas dissolved in liquid ie (synovial fluid/ capsule) well this POP one hears is exactly that, a Law of Physics in expensive action, so ever wonder why one has to return every week? ie the absorbing of Nitrogen thus the cushioning effect is gone ..... But HEY everyone is entitled to believe in Dr. Placebo .

I am all for a good back rub or a real Physiotherapist to assist in recovery, but above ALL better life through pharmacology (my Mantra)

Besides its just bloody idiotic to believe that one can "adjust the spine" without surgical intervention like Herrington rods or +++ ... ok will stop the rant and back on topic I love my back brace, and I seriously doubt that they can do harm .. hell its just a girdle anyway ... and don't have surgery unless you really truly absolutely need it.


ps Is Your MOM HOT ?

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Re the wearing of a lifting back belt under street clothing or work uniform, while I don't recall anything pro or con by the FDNY EMS, I do know that it is NOT in the guidelines for uniforms. If personal choice is to wear one, it cannot be visible over the uniform.

Yeah, I know that may not be helpful, but it would explain why you never see a Fire Fighter, EMT, or Paramedic in FDNY wearing one on duty.

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Re the wearing of a lifting back belt under street clothing or work uniform, while I don't recall anything pro or con by the FDNY EMS, I do know that it is NOT in the guidelines for uniforms. If personal choice is to wear one, it cannot be visible over the uniform.

Yeah, I know that may not be helpful, but it would explain why you never see a Fire Fighter, EMT, or Paramedic in FDNY wearing one on duty.

Is a concealed OTHO support a misdemeanor or a felony in NYC ?


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ps Is Your MOM HOT ?

LMAO Ok I'll go ahead and answer that. Go look at my picture and you will see her. We're identical. She only has a few more wrinkles since she's older than me by 20 years. My husband can valadate this fact. It's very scary.

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