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Wife Hospitalized


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I've been out of the loop for a few days. My wife had been having some numbness around her mouth and her left hand. She went to a neurologist Fri. and he sent her for an MRI just knowing it was going to show MS. But after the MRI they said it was inconclusive and ordered a CT. To make the story a little shorter, it showed she had a bleed at or near the brain stem. They admitted her then transferred her St. Louis. While over there they ran a few more tests. They said there was no active bleeding and what blood there was it appeared to be old. She's been having problems for about two months. They did an angiogram. I wanted to wait until I had more info and a definite diagnosis before I started posting. What they came up with was a "cavernous malformation". It was something she was born with. The vessels there was bundled up. They said it was rare and even more rare for it to bleed. But for someone who did have it bleed they said she was doing remarkably well. They just couldn't figure out what made it bleed. There is less than a 2% chance that it could bleed again in the next year. She doesn't have anything to worry about. They said she could live a completely normal worry free life. No restrictions. But if she does start to have more numbness or severe headaches to come back over immediately. It can be operable but not necessary right now.

She's home now and doing fine and feeling fine. Now we're just both exhausted. You know that the worse place to be to get some rest is a hospital.

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Sorry to hear about that Doc,

I just wanted to mention that I responded to a 50 y/o male one time with hallucinations. It turned out to be the same thing, a cavernous malformation with a chronic bleed (was his diagnosis)

Anyway long story short, he ended up having surgery, and he said he never felt better!

I remember specifically him telling me "The minute I woke up I felt something I haven't felt in years.....Hungry"

Anyway, I realize he is not your wife, and no 2 people are the same, but I just wanted to share my experience with you.

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Thank you everybody. You don't know how much I appreciate it. :wav:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just giving a follow up. Deanna is doing fine. She's back to work and is on light duty until she see's her doc again around the 26th. She's had a few headaches but probably either stress or sinus. No new numbness, and what numbness she has had is not spreading.

I don't think she'll have any more problems.

Thanx one and all for the thoughts and prayers. :wav:

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