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Help my son!!!!!!


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So to recap:

4am called to residence for 12 y/o male, 60lbs, altered LOC, laboured resps, febrile w/ NVD x 3 days.

Pt found supine on bed, hot, dry flushed. Moderate respiratory distress. Opens eyes and withdraws from painful stimulus and is verbalizing innapropriate/incomp. words.

Pt has had a "stomach flu" times 3 days with NVD, diffuse abdo pain increasing on palp, hyperactive bowel sounds, decreased food intake, fever, and decreased urine output. Pt had soup for dinner and was lethargic and irritable prior to going to bed.

Side note: Why is mom trying to rouse pt at 4 am?

previously healthy, no allergies, no meds.

Initial VS:

pulse 148 weak

RR 28 laboured

BP 90/40

Sats 88%

Temp 103.2 f

BG normal (? I think)

Pupils equal and reactive but sluggish


Pt has been self administering tylenol since onset of symptoms.


CO poisoning



Prescription drugs


Pt now having sz activity

autonomic hyperdysreflexia. 8)

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Looking at Hammers recap, I have a few questions:

1. Does this kid has some unknown metabolic disorder? A 60 pound 12 year old, things that make you go hmmmmmm.

2. What meds was he taking and who was giving them to him?

3. Is anyone else at home or at school sick?

Hammer, why can't this be meningitis? A kid with fever, possible sepsis and mental status changes could definitely have meningitis.

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I just can't get used to these newfangled acronyms.

I sat here for a good five minutes thinking, "sample of what?" :?

In LA, we use HAM (Hx, Allergies, Meds) for everything. When medics come on scene they always ask "Did you get a HAM yet"
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I remember being told about HAM during EMT class [LA Co medic taught the course]. I always figured that if you needed something to remind you about asking about medical history, allergies, and medications then EMS might not be the place for you.

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So, far all I can think of is some kind if -itis in the abd or meningities (but don't think I got my photosensitivity questions answered...Brudzinski's and Kernig's signs?...can't do all nerve tests b/c not following instructions...any muscle stiffness per parents?) or some kind of exposure (can we get more hx on what he did that day he stayed home alone).

Maybe stool check ISN'T a bad idea....I volunteer Dust for this mission since he's more qualified. Umm...WBC count?

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