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Everything posted by Oilersfan1

  1. I haven't had the opportunity to see this device yet we currently use the combi-tube and LMA. I will have to look into these. Cheers
  2. We are currently looking into the powered cots. If they save one back injury I think there worth every penny.
  3. Check under high tech gear. Should answer your questions. Cheers
  4. You will have patients who don't make it. As long as I know I did my very best It doesn't bother me. Cheers
  5. Hold it togeather. Everyone deals with things differently. Keep your head up. Cheers
  6. I haven't had any problems with being pulled over but our department has had it's share of the red light camera tickets. If the camera doesn't pick up the lights going you get the ticket. Cheers
  7. We cover a large refinery plus about 30 miles of highway with one town. Cheers
  8. We get regular pay for the holiday worked or not plus double time if we work. Cheers
  9. We have between a 30 -50 minute travel time to the hospital which is very tough in critical calls. Cheers
  10. Oilersfan1


    We recently switched to using the LMA's and combitubes. I prefer the combitube over the LMA but time will tell. Cheers
  11. We are currently implementing the new standards. With all the present research we have chose to purchase the Zoll AutoPulse to perform CPR. Which free's up a person, increases responder safety and is more efficent. Cheers
  12. I will not use a community scope I prefer the Littmann Master Cardiology. Cheers
  13. I love my job and would only suggest to those who are unhappy to find another career. Cheers
  14. Thanks for all the feedback. Cheers
  15. We are looking into moving to an electronic PCR's. Any thoughts or experiances would be appreciated. Cheers
  16. Thank you all for the feedback. It is greatly appreciated. Cheers
  17. Fubar we are interested in this device due to our long transport times, roughly 30 mins. Do you feel this device is a total waste?
  18. Hi All I am a Firefighter EMT-A from Fort McMurray, Alberta
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