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Richard B the EMT

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Everything posted by Richard B the EMT

  1. Oh, nearly forgot. There is a "Hunter EMS" that is possibly owned by the same group, somewhere in Suffolk County (Long Island), New York, but other than a name, I have no information on them.
  2. Hunter Ambulance and Ambulette Company, located on the New York City (Far Rockaway) and Nassau County (Inwood, Long Island) border. I have a couple of friends there. They've been in existence from about 1982 or so. I never worked for them, by the way. Their employment link is http://www.hunterambulance.com/employment.html. Hope the information is helpful, and if you go there, good luck. Good luck, anyway, wherever you get the paid employment.
  3. As for the "Mensa Medics", former FDNY Medical Director Dr. Lorraine Giordano, and President (Paramedic) Pat Bahnkin, of the Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics of the FDNY (Local 2507, DC 37, AFSCME) are fighting it's being implemented. The usual bad joke of the "fact" that it is a Paramedics (Pair O' Medics in pronouncement) is only the start. 2507's thought is each Paramedic is support for their partner. If one has a bad day and can't get an IV started, the other probably can.
  4. As for the 1812 (was that the last one?) New Madrid Quake, wasn't the mighty Mississippi River's course changed? Seem to remember something on that order, read about it somewhere.
  5. Please tell me you are NOT referring to that film with the baby showing the ribs on each inhalation, during "retractive breathing?" It seems the crew working that call, in the ER, if memory serves me correctly, don't do anything during almost a full 60 seconds, for that child!
  6. As most of you longtimers know, I was hospitalized on May 12, 2005, for 8 days, and one of my station's Paramedic teams transported me to an out of local area hospital. The bill came a month ago (August), so I don't recall the dollar amount billed me, but suffice to say, my 3rd party medical insurer is going to pay for the transport, oxygen, and KVO IV start-up I got enroute. As a mention regarding billing, for those services that will mail a bill to the patient's family, instead of demanding "cash before carry" (now watch how that line gets kicked around!), the FDNY EMS actually has instructions on the bill as to how to fill out the bill and send back, to allow the insurer and the department to talk to each other, so the FDNY can get paid, and not violate patient confidentiality. Does your agency do similar?
  7. Oh, yeah, "B. A. Barrakus, the initials stood for (allegedly) "Bad Attitude". And the nutcase pilot, Murdoch, was Captain H. M. Murdoch, for "Howling Mad". That tidbit was on an episode when "HM" was on Wheel of Fortune. Pat and Vanna kept calling him "H. M." I concur that "Face" was only called "the Face-man" by Murdoch. As for the Robot Commando, that thing stood about 2 and a half feet tall, shot 2 spring loaded "missiles" out of it's head, and it's left arm was a catapult for a 1/2 inch big ball. The thing today, would probably never make it to market, as too dangerous (that thing will put your eye out, kid!).
  8. Considering that nasty visitor...Glad that you're at least safe!
  9. September 12, 1960, as Hurricane Donna was causing a coastal tidal surge in my neighborhood, and I'm at a friend's house playing with a "Robot Commando." Anyone else remember that toy?
  10. Speed Racer has had at least 2 incarnations, and is back for a 3rd round, doing a commercial for Geico Insurance. Trixie: "Speed, the bridge is out! but I have some good news, I can save a bundle by getting Geico!"
  11. Anyone aside from ancient me, remember the tiny wax soda bottles with a little colored sugar water in them? Button candy on paper strips? Cloris Leachman as Lassie's "mom"? Cloris Leachman? Quisp and Quake cereals? the "Supermarionation" puppet shows (Fireball X-L-5, Supercar, Planet Patrol, Stingray, Captain Scarlett, and the original Thunderbirds), and the live action shows from the same studios (Space 1999, U.F.O.)? H.R.Puffinstuff? Admit your age, and admit you used to watch Crusader Rabbit and his sidekick, Raglan T. (Rags) Tiger! What's this got to do with EMS? Nothing, but feels good to reminisce!
  12. Or Glitter powder! Done to me, someone had an extra key to my ambulance.but during a security upgrade. I damn near called in a stolen ambulance report, would have gotten EMS, FD, and the LEO Chiefs around me in short order!
  13. That remains my feeling, and attitude. I hope FDNY allows EMS to go back to wearing the badge proudly, from their outermost garment, even if they don't let us wear the awards ribbons over it, like we used to.
  14. One of my colleagues drove all over town in his VW "Bug" with an "Annie" seatbelted in the front seat. The looks from the public were, "sumpin' wrong wit dat lady."
  15. You know a "Bucket Fairy" is a reference to when the firefighting was done by a bucket brigade, from the water trough to the burning building. Nowadays, is usually used as a somewhat derogatory term for firefighters. You know how to UCA, which is to "update current address", so the Computer Assisted Dispatch machine will know when you are closer than any other unit for a job.
  16. If I understand correctly, this instructor offers this I-85, then offers a "bridge" training program to bring you up to this I-99 standard? Sounds like he wants to get as much money off of you for getting trained as he can, in my opinion. This is, unless there's something in the details that I missed, here.
  17. Let's be honest, here. A lot of race fans don't go to see the fancy cars, root on the drivers, or to get that tobacco juice down the back of their necks. They go to see someone crash spectacularly! There are those who do go for the first bunch of reasons, too.
  18. Car One was Chief of EMS Robert M. Becker, and this might have been 1987.
  19. When I figure out how to use the flatbed scanner, I'll post a picture of my badge from when EMS was NYC HHC EMS. It's a stop-sign shaped thing. That one was replaced by the "PD style" badge, which I also have. When FDNY took us over (the "Merger"), we were told not to wear them anymore, in what was felt to be a Star Trek "Borg" maneuver to assimilate us in. "Firefighters don't wear badges, why should you EMS guys?" We were also told to get the FD Blue uniforms, and lose the Hunter Green Pants, Jackets and ties, with white shirt that had been our uniform. As a possible proof of the assimilation, don't your officers wear a white dress cap as part of their Class A Dress Uniforms? For a long time after the Merger, the top EMS 4 Star Chief was only allowed a Blue one, with Gold Band and the "scrambled eggs" on the brim. After 5 years, EMS Captains and Chiefs finally got the "right" to wear the white hats, like their Fire Suppression side equivalents in rank.
  20. Caution! Tampering with food by adding any medications can, and has, been interpreted as an assault, and can cause problems from extension of probationary periods, to jail-time! DON'T DO IT!
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