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Ridryder 911

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Everything posted by Ridryder 911

  1. Interesting... sounds like the Texas firm needs to be invistigated and possible criminal charges. Be safe, R/R 911
  2. You can see the original posts at WWW.Defrance.com Sorry, should had stated no distress...Which was shocking to me ! "Randy Moulin RN, CFRN in Louisville, Kentucky Randy stated the patient was A & O x 4 and was in no acute distress. The patient had been D/C'd from the hospital several days prior after recovering from multiple stab wounds". Be safe, R/R 911
  3. Good luck. I do wish you the best of luck in one of most complicated business. I do suggest that you find the best coding and billing services available, and have enough capital to run until you have a good payment schedule. Again, good luck, R/R 911
  4. No, but I write orders for them to follow. R/R 911
  5. I suggest that you look in JEMS for pay comparison. Whatever, people bragging rights one will see the what averages are. Most are definitely in the lower middle income level. There are very few that on the upper level of the middle income. Be safe, R/R 911
  6. Ditto.. remember skin stretches.. so one can not make a determination without proper education.. and like others states, it does not really matter. Be safe, R/R 911
  7. Be sure to follow local Training Center (TC) agreements. Some have more requirements than 2 a year also you may be placed on probation status until monitored by a prompter. As far as making money, I have yet seen anyone get rich teaching CPR. Since now, AHA has home video course with mannequins for < $50. and now re-certs can be done on-line. Unless you have connections to a TC that has contract the classes are rare. Good luck, R/R 911
  8. I know of some medics in other states that this has happened to. The medical director did not want that Paramedic working at that time as a Paramedic. It is their right to do so, it their license that they work under. One, that comes in mind is one Paramedic that t was dealing with some emotional issues and worked as a Supervisor, instead of having him loose license and certification, he was no longer to function. This was an agreement based upon him receiving treatment, and the physician okay after & evaluating him. I believe more physician in-put should be encouraged. There are several Paramedics that can follow the recipe, but are still lousy chefs. They should be closely monitored and based upon individual basis. Be safe, R/r 911
  9. I agree, in ER when medics question the treatment and try to insinuate something .. I tell them hold on.. I get the physician and ten tell them . here.. now, you tell the physician how "wrong his/her treatment was"... You know it is amazing.. some reason or another they seem to get amnesia.. or get tongue tied... hmmmm I suggest next time dial the M.D. up and had the phone to them and tell the Doc here, they want to question your tx... I am sure they will never repeat it. Be safe, R/R 911
  10. I was thinking Chaney was trying to get a new heart... now, finding out the attorney had a MI .. he blew it !. Be safe, R/R 911
  11. I thought it was synonymous with ml.. Be safe, R/R 911
  12. I am still waiting for some explanation of what the average person with advanced first aid has that makes the EMT more superior?.. Now, if EMT was truly a starting point and had general medicine, then I can understand and support the current EMT curriculum. Again, most of the EMT;s are not aware or for some reason comprehend how much of the current "training" has been watered down. Take away the equipment (EVOC, charting, etc) I think one would see how horrible the curriculum is. Be safe, R/R 911
  13. It is amazing that people cannot control their basic urges and needs. EMS has a horrible reputation as it is. This is one of the many reasons we are still considered non-professional. Ironically, I have been intimate with fellow co-workers, even was married to a fellow flight nurse, and no-one even realized it..(she kept her maiden name) until after she had quit, and we informed the crews. It was no one business, we kept business at business, and personal at home, it is called being professional. The same with instructors with students or even being a preceptor. Please wait, until after school or program is over or out that clinical area. Too many people get labeled as "groupies", followers etc.. I have seen and been offered more advances to pass, both school, license even Registry tests. This disg usts me even more.. especially of those that actually take the profession serious. It is a slap to their dignity and character. I have no use for "flirts" or "secret sessions' etc... want to do that .. go home! We are getting paid for a job.. not a lonely hearts club. Far as weeding out, unfortunately we are stuck with the employees that continue to have the behavior and weed out good potential EMS because of special considerations for those that patronize. I have no use for people that use people one way or another to gain anything... Be safe, R/R 911
  14. Please have your instructor join this site ! I would love to hear their explanation of why one can not determine pnuemothorax in the field.. oh, they are F.O.S. .. ask what that medical abbreviation is. :wink: They are right about tracheal deviation it is a late sign as others has posts.. remember it takes a lot of movement to shift the lung, heart, mediastianum to cause tracheal deviation... Here is a pic that a Flight nurse has that shows a major pnuemo..please not the shift on the film at the trachea level... guess what gang the patient denied of any complaints ....
  15. And you wonder why they still call us ambulance drivers ?.........Oh by the way spell check CAN be your friend.. It will help present your idea better. A word of hint...it is better to be presumed ignorant than to remove all doubts. Be safe, R/R 911
  16. That is what the law suit is about they were following the law.. they did have the right to refuse. The same as Catholic or Religious institutions or hospital based. Again, the dilemma was it was not a life threatening illness or injury, the same way our ER does not dispense the med as well. Be safe, R/R 911
  17. It does not matter how many toys you give a medic, if they don't know how to play with them. Knowing, how, when, and interpreting the readings, is what really matters. It is like the Docs that read the "idiots interpretation" on XII leads, basically idiots. So basically your equipment is only as good as the person that uses it... Be safe, R/R 911
  18. Where is "Master of the Universe" certification. .? R/R 911
  19. A few years ago I was in a compromising situation. I was the instructor of an EMT course as well as a Supervisor . I had a student that all of sudden stopped her clinical phase and stopped going to class. After inquiring from a friend and classmate she had confided that an employee, (preceptor) had made advances on her at a clinical. This really placed me in a bind, being the instructor and supervisor that this apparently occurred. Th medic ( whom was married .. shocking huh ? ) admitted to it.. There was no further discussion, he was terminated immediately. Unfortunately, the student did not return and finish her course, even with me attempting to contact her and leaving messages that she could attend clinicals elsewhere, and make up on lost class time. I blame the EMS workers, that feel that students are easy pickings. They are infatuated at the time and overwhelmed. It is the responsibility of the preceptor to be professional enough, to maintain their composure long enough not to harass or flirt with students. Telling them they would like to talk to or participate after they finish the program or out their clinical phase is their business. Too many so called "professionals" exemplify unprofessional conduct and behavior. This does nothing for our profession, but lowers our standards and encourages the general concept "it is the norm" .. maybe after a couple litigation's and potential harassment suits things will change. I forewarn students of such behavior will not be tolerated on both sides. I highly suggest you talk to your clinical coordinator or program director, privately. Good luck in your education. Be safe, R/R 911
  20. On top what has been said, (general education) any classes that will add to your profession, such as medical terminology, Latin, etc. Dependent on some of your interest, that you might consider, such as some basic management course or leadership courses that might add to your resume for later purposes including computer skills. Good luck in your career... Be safe, R/R 911
  21. I have to admit King County has a great reputation. Yes, they are a forefather in EMS, but just like another EMS system, they too have problems. There are good EMS systems out there that may never get the publicity or notability such as King County. They have been fortunate to have a progressive physician and emergency medicine teaching to help make them have a great system. I always forewarn all medics that every system has its advantages and disadvantages... each should be careful and evaluate when seeking employment. I really do not like the BLS vs. ALS and call screening. There are too many variables that causes problems. If the patient requires transport, then why should the patient wait and then receive potential bills ? Again, we have not addressed our systems problems... Be safe, R/R 911
  22. ditto with Azcep... Hyperkalemia, if you kaexolate he would had prbably gave that too... Not unusial to have brady-aystole arrest with hyperkalemic patients. Be safe, R/R 911
  23. Heck, let's just make a 6 year course.. 4 year didactic and then 2 year internship.. so every one would be over 20.. and everyone would have experience as well... Be safe, R/R 911
  24. Maybe with life experiences, one can change an opinion. Hopefully, you really don't think you actually make the difference or really save lives. This is the naivete's I have seen with new & younger medics... Tragedies will always occur.. God did not say they would not, yet, tragedies in our eyes may not be through His. Miracles do happen.. from the EMT that had a successful code that barely passed his class, to the major MVC without any injuries.. it is all in the interpretation. As far as in embarrassment, I would find it far more embarrassing to presume someone that took a couple hundred hour course presumes that they actually saved them.... Be safe, R/R 911
  25. Maybe if we had better educated Paramedics then we would have the other to follow. We definitely are our own enemies... and close our minds if it does not fit within our box or perimeter. As one who started in the dinosaur age, I remember we used to tease each other as being "pioneers".. oh, how true it was. But, we never had the vision to limit or box ourselves in..not like I see some of the new members of EMS now. If we had you would still be wearing white smocks and both would ride in the front of the ambulance. The drive of being a true profession and providing care does not appear as strong as it was in the beginning. Now it appears to be more egocentric than as a service to others. This is not being of professional versus volunteer, but in general of "what can I get out of it" rather, what do I need to do, learn and educate to provide better patient care, as well as develop my profession. Hopefully, as the profession matures, we will see more research and development for our profession rather than absorbing from another medical profession. Be safe, R/R 911
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