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Status Updates posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. Hey man! Welcome to the City! Your anal retentive personality will be an asset here!!

  2. Yikes. I just pulled up the 'new posts' and see my name on every...single...one. My new clinic gig on the oil spill is terrible slow...sorry you all got babysitting duty while I'm here. Then again, it's fun , so suck it up Princess! Lets rock the forums!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eydawn


      Ok, Princess... you asked for it... ;-)

    3. DwayneEMTP


      I did reply, you mean to the papers you sent me? I replied when we were chatting...I can't help it if you only read half of what I write!!

    4. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      No, I was talkikng about the email I sent you about the flail chest video....

  3. thinks that not all of life is about the glass being half full or half empty. I like to start each day with my glass three quarters full, but do find that some days it seems to be leaking..

    1. uglyEMT


      LOL I always liked my glass filled half way with a good scotch LOL

    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Optimism is seeing the glass as 'half full', while pessimism is seeing the glass 'half empty'. I am a 'realist', I see the glass is too big for the amount of liquid in it!

  4. Married? Married?? Without letting us vet your potential mate? Oh hell...nothing good can come from this... (Kisses girl, and wishes for the most amszing and wonderful life from the Womacks'in Colorado)

  5. Richard retired? At your young age? Good God...Fire is truly going to the dogs now...

  6. believes, while not admitting to the consumption of alcohol as that is not permitted here, that mixing tequila and whatever that pink Gatorade shit is, might not be a good idea for your palet...just sayin'..

  7. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I left the roads and walked in the stream, and that has made all the difference. Andy Brown

  8. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I left the roads and walked in the stream, and that has made all the difference. Andy Brown

  9. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I left the roads and walked in the stream, and that has made all the difference. Andy Brown

  10. Man, sorry it took me so long to do the friend thing...until I figured out who you were it never even occurred to me to add someone named billygoatpete...what the hell??

  11. Hey! Good for you....Look at the people that have visited your profile! If you take me out of the equation, every one is smart, brave, and productive here. I think that says a lot for you..to see who has come to visit after reading your posts...good on you girl.

  12. I have no idea what the message you left on my profile mean..

  13. Holy shit, this isn't anywhere close to johnems1...where you hiding?

    Good on you brother for getting started. Your spirit and intelligence is just what a place like this needs.

    Give me a shout if I can help with anything, otherwise I'll be stalking you, challenging you when I can, and ask for the same in return.

    See you next shift!

  14. Hi! Welcome to the City!

    Though it's been my experience here that the Aussies need constant adult supervision, I'll try not to hold the behavior of your countrymen against you.

    I hope to see you participate. You'll have a great time!


  15. Holy crap Med, you found your way back here!! When are we going to expose your class to this contagion?? :-)

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