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Status Updates posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. "If your mind is happy, then you are happy anywhere you go. When wisdom awakens within you, you will see Truth wherever you look. Truth is all there is. It's like when you' ve learned how to read - you can then read anywhere you go." ~ Ajahn Chah

  2. Just when you think it's safe to buy a Groupon... So Dylan, well, in fact none of us had been to a monster truck show before. Groupon had a deal for $24 per person which included a 'pit pass.'They claimed that this was a 57% discount. You had to buy two, or four, so I bought four with the intention of giving the other ticket to someone else that might want to go. I sent the deal to Babs, in case I had to go back to work or couldn't go for another reason. Within a few minutes she sends me ba...

  3. Sometimes you can't see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others. ~ ♥ Ellen DeGeneres So true. That's why I value my friends so much. I can't become who I wish to be without their help...

  4. "Never underestimate the seductive value of a decent vocabulary..."

  5. It is very simple to be happy, but very difficult to be simple...

  6. Carpe Diem That is all.... :-)

  7. You know, I see this so much in the young generations. The need to think instead of follow, the choice to be kind and independent instead of congregating in anger, and I love it a lot. To my younger friends and colleagues, my nieces and nephews, and all of those that have made the brave decision to think differently without believing that there is only one way to think. Thank you. I couldn't be happier entrusting the world that Dylan will live in after I'm gone into your care. "We are livi...

  8. "Each person must find his or her own path. Nonetheless, seek guidance from wise and compassionate people and listen to them earnestly. This will help you find the best way to proceed – now and in the future." ~ H.H. The Gyalwa Karmapa

  9. I don't think I've ever read anything more powerful, or, at least it appears to me at this time in my life...true. I'd never realized how shallow and myopic my world was until I was forced to live with and care for others who's view was completely different than my own, yet equally, and often more so, correct. “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” ~ The Buddha

  10. "The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others." Paramahnsa Yogananda

  11. Going through my FB page today, and again I see many angry posts regarding religion and politics. Each seeming to argue from the extremes. What confuses me about this is that though I know many people, and love most of those that I know, I know no extremists. So why do we choose to argue these points only from the poles, and not the equator, where most of us philosophically live, so to speak? If your goal is truly a search for truth instead of proving yourself intellectually or morally, or s...

  12. That awkward time when every thought has an airport it in... Two days and a wake-up, three days of travel, them home to my girl and my boy...Oh yeah...life is good...

  13. I can't remember what I misspelled today, but the word 'titties' was actually a spell check option! There may be hope for the world yet....

  14. "The appearance of things change according to [our] emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves." ~ ♥ Kahlil Gibran

  15. You know, I just received my company review, and without speaking with any of the people that I'm tasked with caring for, in fact not a single person in any role on my site, it was determined that "due to your near constant bad attitude and unwillingness to make any effort at cultural sensitivity it has been decided to extend your probation period." Yeah, whatever. But that got me thinking about the quote below, which I believe is absolutely true and I also believe that I see it happen often...

  16. The present moment contains past and future. The secret of transformation, is in the way we handle this very moment. ~ ♥ Thich Nhat Hanh

  17. "Never call a woman crazy unless you want to see CRAZY...."

  18. Good morning all. I'm sorry it's been so long to respond to all of your amazing comments regarding Matt Stegall and his hatefull nonsense. I'm still in PNG so am on the other side of the clock from most of you. I've taken it down because I've heard from two sources now that he no longer works for SMS/Acadian ambulance. My apologies to them, he claimed that he did. I was just telling my cousin Rich a week or two ago, "You know, I never have any drama on FB. I'm not sure what everyone's probl...

  19. Any of my Aussie friends going to be around Brisbane on the evening of 8/Aug for a drink or two? I promise to go easy on you.... I should get in around 5-ish and be overnighting here... Comfort Inn & Suites Northgate 186 Toombul Rd Northgate QLD

  20. "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." ~ The Dalai Lama

  21. In this world hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible. ♥ Buddha ♥ (Note. No, I've not converted to Buddhism, but you have to admit that many of the quotes not only rock, but make perfect sense."

  22. To my Colorado brothers and sisters and all effected by the theater shooting. Please understand that there are currently a ton of stories trying to convince you that the EMS world sat on their hands while those that you love were suffering. Because of that, there are a couple of points that I'd like to make, not in defense, but hoping that some honesty might give you perspective. There are no systems that are prepared for an incident of this type. None. Bigger cities are better prepared, bu...

  23. Say, do I have any kids on my page, or any adults who's kids might read my page? You may not have noticed, but I sometimes like to post questionable stuff...just curious. I'm almost certain that I don't, but not sure..

    1. Bieber


      Well, I'm still a child at heart...

  24. Ok, so I'm going to admit going in to being in kind of a shitty mood...but still... If you're being constantly judged because you have tattoos, or big boobs, or are fatter than average, or your clothes are too tight. If people are constantly effected by these qualities about you first, then maybe you aren't really given them anything else to work with, right?? I've spent my entire life around people with visible tattoos and the only ones that were ever judged because of them, to the best of...

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