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Everything posted by miscusi

  1. well if not FDNY, does your agency have any kind of "transport the dead" protocols ?
  2. About the old timer: My instructor ( now retired, shes way old ) did say to do CPR on babies no matter how dead, for the parents sake. and I think that makes sense, nothing much worse than losing your own child, very very sad indeed.
  3. "46 states use the National Registry tests as their standard. To say it is a waste of time is a bit foolish." Its not foolish at all. If you read my post carefully you will see it is true. to be an EMT everybody have to take an original course and a test that the state will recognize. Right? that's everybody. So the guy takes his course, and his state test, passes, gets his state license... and then is presented with the chance to take a NREMT test and be certified by NREMT. now, a NREMT certificate does not allow you to work as an EMT. the STATE license allows you to work and an EMT. So what good is a NREMT certificate ? well, none. So say our good man decides to move to or work in a different state. His home state EMT license only allows him to work at the home state. So he must apply for RECIPROCITY to the new state he is going to be working in. each state is unique. Some ways to get licensed by reciprocity: They take his home state license and give reciprocity based on it, They will not take his home state license and demand that he do a refresher from the new state and that the new state's test. They will not take his home state license BUT will accept a NREMT certificate in lieu of taking the refresher and the new state's test. So as you can see, If he never plans to move, then a NREMT certificate is worthless.
  4. well how nice ! If the day comes I wander in to Austin, I'll look you guys up. ( I go to friendswood a lot )
  5. Why is it considered a weakness to have an emotional reaction to such an event? because emotional reactions takes up valuable time that you can spend on something worthwhile. Its best not to have emotional reactions, and there are people out there who just DO NOT get emotional. they are the assets, wasting time by any means is a liability or weakness.
  6. I LOVE that gas ! really helps.
  7. you are a good person Richard, you take care of your family, you are honorable. May your family do well into the future !
  8. Saw in a movie, FDNY EMT taking a dead woman from a scene. Like, totally dead. Is that realistic ? Some people say, FDNY EMT do sometimes take away the dead, in certain situations... when is it the job of EMTs to do so ? and when is it not the job of the EMTs to do so? and does it happen often ?
  9. "For me it's more like silly worries about insignificant things that I blow way out of proportion and spend insane amounts of time thinking about. It can be rational or irrational, and it's hard for me to tell the two apart.... " You know yourself best. If the person you loved the most, in a life or death situation, needed EMS....... do you want "you" to show up? If you say yes, and pt care is not affected then only time will tell if you will be affected by the job, give it a try then, you only live once.
  10. Will say pt is dead, nothing more can do... etc.
  11. I will tell you this, it is worthless unless you plan to move around a lot. NREMT does not license you to do anything. you are licensed by a state to work in that state. when you move, you have to apply to the new state. and some states recognize NREMT and you don't have to go through their requirements. Some states will take your home state cert the same way. I am licensed in NY. NJ and PA licenses obtained 100% by reciprocity of NY, I did not need the NREMT. If you go to each state's EMS website, you will see which states where NREMT will come in handy for you. Cheers.
  12. a bracelet would have been way cheaper..
  13. nothing in life is without risk. are you willing to risk ? I knew the risk, ride a motorcycle anyway. had a total of 3 accidents, the last one totaled my bike, Minor injuries for me, and haven't purchased another one due to lack of $$$.
  14. I agree with the people who say to just let them go, we all have a place in the world, and not everyone can / should be a EMT
  15. Just think like this, your patient DIED because you chose not to expose and check an area because you were too worried that bystanding people will see some nudie.... follow protocols.
  16. nobody is to interfere with anyone taking pictures, to do so soley because of the picture taking is illegal and will be punished to the full extent of the law. As to the person who deleted the bystander's pictures after illegally taking his phone, shame on you. did your father die defending the consitiution so you can wipe your butt with it ? If you dont like the constitution, LEAVE MY COUNTRY. and leave the picture takers alone.
  17. I think using the term MEDIC to describe yourself is proper along as it is proper with the group you are in. think Military, u ever seen a movie where they scream out MEDICCCC !! think dictionary, what is medic ? think about locality ? here in NY, a paramedic is an EMT. a "medic" is not an offical anything. so most people, a medic is anyone who works in medicine.. "MEDIC" "INE"... no ? in some industries everyone is referred to as a medic, that includes EMT (any level), Nurse or Doctor... so it all depends. My suggestion for safest choice, is "EMT" as it most accurately describes they type of work it is. but it does not describle the certification level which is Basic, Advanced, or Paramedic..
  18. well, the fdny ride-along is observation only anyway, so yeah, the focus was on food and what to wear ! pt interaction is strictly prohibited..
  19. And so, I cant finish the ops guide, 1660 pages is just too much reading ! way too much, I cant handle it ! but it is very good reading...
  20. Well, In closing, I have gone on the ride along. I was shocked to see that most of the calls were mostly nothing at all. EDP, homeless etc... but the men were professional, everybody was friendly, and a word of advice to anyone else to go, Wear a suit. why ? I kept getting stopped by security everywhere who wondered who I was. Without a uniform, so many questionable looks esp from the police. It got better when I clipped my ID card to my shirt, but still afterwards some security still didnt see that... I was wearing casual clothing. Im pretty sure that had I wore a suit I would have been more seamless.. I did buy lunch, and the guys were really happy about that. I have learned more than I bargained for ! I think I will go ride along again soon !
  21. It dont suck, your job is not to save lives. Your job is to apply treatments as per what you discover, per protocols. You have done your job, you should feel no different than if she lived. Now.. If you effed up and killed her, that would suck!
  22. Wow, how much different is the insurance cost for EMS workers between 19 and 21 ?
  23. OGP being akin to giving a terrorists a key to the city ? Well, OK, first off, I think a KEY TO THE CITY, is actually a gift of some sort that the mayor gives to visiting VIPs. but I know you meant it as security threat of some sort. but the EMS Operating guuide ? Its not a book of secrets ( as far as I have read ) its just procedures and specifications. Very helpful stuff too. I'm reading 125-04, and it is a wealth of information about disease transmission and how you can protect yourself, and it tells you in detail about the more common ones the EMT would come across... very interesting stuff.. I think ALL EMS workers should read it, NYC is a very big city.
  24. Richard B the EMT, again I thank you for that greatly informative post. I have decided to bring cash. I cant wait to experience the ride along.
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