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Everything posted by funkytomtom

  1. Good responses all! I wouldn't be worried about not being bummed after a call like that. I think that's probably a strength as long as you can still empathize and treat with care. I'm going to go ahead and be the wuss here, however, and say that I've been very affected by some of the calls I've had. One was a train-wreck of a call with two infant deaths, but others weren't that dramatic. I try to just use it to my advantage and really truly help my patients in any way I can (as I'm sure we all do). I think you can be a strong provider in either of these categories. Just accept who you are and how you handle it, keep the patient's well being as your main priority (after your crew), and you're on the road to greatness!
  2. I'm more than a little worried on how few of these I know... Anyways, this is a great thread...I'm staying tuned.
  3. Wow! Thanks for the cool link.
  4. Whelp...I've got the gun on my right arm, and the gun on my left arm. Also...Chuck Norris on speed dial.
  5. Holy HELL! Not calling you out or anything, but is there somewhere I can read about this story? THAT is the definition of insane litigation.
  6. Wrong...if they are coherent they can literally sign their life away. This can become a tricky situation, but for all intensive purposes, if they are oriented and sign AMA, they could explode one second later and you would only be responsible for cleaning them off yourselves.
  7. That's awful. Shows you the need to do a proper assessment on all your patients. It could be that one time you half-ass it you get nailed. Although it is unclear whether he was even seen by EMS or not.
  8. You are correct that only two ATP are produced in the TCA Cycle. I will have to investigate further on A) the ion channels, and the inflammatory mediators. Thanks for the help!
  9. Yeah I guess it is rather late...I'm curious and impatient and figured we all had to be creatures of the night like me.
  10. Hey all-I'm wondering how hypoxia actually physically kills you on the cellular level. I know that your cells use O2 in the final stages of cellular respiration as your "terminal electron acceptor." But...with hypoxia, CO poisoning, or cyanide poisoning, this final step in energy production is inhibited. Does the cell even attempt the electron transport chain without the presence of O2? Or does it go through electron transport only to end up with free floating electrons? And...how long can anaerobic respiration sustain life...and (lastly) is it the accumulation of acids or the lack of energy that kills? Thanks for the help! I've been having a difficult time trying to tease out the answer using my EMTI textbook, bio textbook, a&p textbook, and yes...the internet.
  11. I stumbled across this today. A very different kind of emergency medicine practiced by some real heroes.
  12. Sigh... You do realize that not all of the younger generation have that sense of entitlement? I am in college right now doing my medic pre-requisites (among other courses). Not all of these pre-reqs particularly get me off, but beyond daydreaming how nice it would be to be finished with a particular class with a nice grade, I haven't really entertained the idea of cheating. It's simply too satisfying to work hard and see the payoff of a good grade. Despite all the moralizing I just did, I did "cheat" on a non-school exam the other day. It was proctored very informally and I asked for and received an answer. Why people cheat though is pretty obvious to me. No commitment/investment+work=cheating.
  13. Very sorry to hear this. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the crews on rotary and fixed wing ambulances. They take some of our most critical patients at great personal risk. My heart goes out to friends and family effected.
  14. I didn't say being angry was infantile, I just said that some of the explanations given behind hatred of the bill ARE. And when you say "American People," you have to realize you don't speak for all of us. I just did a quick search to find this: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/03/25/polls-indicate-support-for-health-care-reform-has-increased-since-sunday-vote/?fbid=ty7Kb9sbz8G Now realize that YES the numbers are not in support of the bill in some of these stats, but some of those number don't support the bill because they don't think it goes far enough. And that still leaves millions who support the bill. Again, not saying that makes it right, but from what I hear on this forum, I would expect militias roaming the streets. There are A LOT of angry people, but there are A LOT of people who either aren't angry or aren't angry for the same reasons as you. You ARE perfectly entitled to have your opinions and I think some of them are valid. The things I have a problem with are A) death threats, (I guess B ) makes a cool face) talk about revolution, and C) thoroughly opinionated people with thoroughly uninformed opinions. And I'm not saying all the dissenting voices are uniformed, but the tone of this discussion is really polarizing (from some people). The reality is that the way forward is going to be one of compromise, not of deafness to the idea's of others. BOTH sides are guilty on that one. My problems with the bill: spending, cuts for seniors, and lack of tort reform. What I like: more people covered and some needed regulation of insurance companies. Still not sure about: whether or not this will actually work out as a "pay now, save later" scheme in reality. I know we don't want to talk about history, but even besides Bush, many of the big government legislation that has been successful in the past has ended up with high levels of public approval. Think social security, medicare, and medicaid. None of those programs are anywhere near perfect, but today's healthcare system is far from perfect itself.
  15. You know what? I am damn sick of all the exaggeration and violent talk! DAMN SICK OF IT! More profanity would be included if this were not an internet forum. But seriously people? I am ashamed that some of us are now cheering on death threats? Saying Obama has now ruined the whole country? Revolution is the only answer? I didn't see anyone b1tching like this when the federal gov't saw its largest expansion ever under Bush. Now some of you sound like chicken little with talk of how "the sky is falling!" I don't necessarily agree with Obama's bill or many elements of his presidency, but as an EMS professional, citizen, and human being, I know how to appropriately express my views and push for change. I am disgusted to hear some of the talk on here. You need to realize there are two sides to every issue, maybe try to look at the other side of things, or the positive in this very bill. More help for children with pre-existing conditions gets my full support! I DO think there needs to be HEALTHY debate about the economic implications and things I don't personally care for such as cuts in care for senior citizens, but come on people, lets grow up, clean up our act, and stop these INFANTILE EXPLANATIONS of complex issues. This does not apply to all posters or even posters who are against the bill. If it applies to you, you probably already know it.
  16. I hate to threadjack, but while I appreciate your enthusiasm and apparent patient advocacy mentality, I fail to see where you make this connection. Whether or not it is a good bill (of which I'm not sure), I have an impossible time believing that ANYONE is ever going to ask you to NOT care for someone who needs help. This comment sets you up as a self-righteous crusader without a crusade. The economic points and finer details of patient care are all up for debate, and with good cause, but lets not hyperbolize the discussion with talk of death panels, and these "mystery patients" we will no longer be able to treat. Good debate aims to tease out the truth, while debate just to win becomes eristic.
  17. when exactly did Obama tell you not to care for someone/some subset of patients?
  18. That's funny that they see what he's doing as a problem. While I read it I was thinking to myself "I wish we did that here." There's a huge difference between passing the in-class stuff or managing a patient for a short period of time and applying your knowledge in real life, providing care for a long period of time. I can't believe they're really bitching and asking him to lower the standards. Suck it up and meet the standards fellow healthcare professionals.
  19. I know you're already getting bashed from just about everyone, but your last sentence needed a response. YES it's an evil thing to take our jobs because we do have jobs and a job to do! No one is taking FD jobs, they simply don't have enough of a job to do. No work=no job. We have jobs without taking them from fire and we've been doing a damn good job for a long time. Now that there's less of a need for fire, you see us not being willing to give up our jobs for you as TAKING YOUR JOBS?!?!?!?!?
  20. On the second point: pretty damn similar if you ask me. I know it turns your whole world upside down, but think about gangs vs. the military. Given we need a military and they are here to protect us, but more often than not lately, they're serving some other kind of agenda (through no fault of their own).
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