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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Word CB, no one is up to par. Til then, we need to work with the current system. This entails using all of the resources available, including BLS 911 units. If it falls within the BLS scope theres no reason not to utilize that level of provider, until ALS providers are up to par as well. XoXo PRPG
  2. CB No EMT or Medic is trained adequately, or to the level that we should. This is more a generalized statement, and less specific about the situation at hand.
  3. Thats stupid. A wrist pain call can be transported BLS. Thus, why would you send it ALS? Also the admissions clerk analogy does not work. A more appropriate theory is the nurse to Doc relationship...at least both are trained in the art of assessments. Neither EMT's nor Paramedics are trained adequately, but both are trained. An admissions clerk is not. You only have so many ALS to go around. In your magical world where everyones an ALS provider, it wouldnt be a waste of resources. In our current reality, it is a waste of resources. Im aware your utilization of EMT's is scare in Texas. This is not yet the ideal. Edited 19:56 EST to assist Whit72, and other minimally literate friends at EMTcity. Thanks for listening. PRPG
  4. Im an idiot. LOL Teach me for not looking before I cut and paste a link. In regards to your question, i havent noticed a difference.
  5. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...&highlight= You can get some wonderful information here.
  6. Population doesnt determine call volume? Huh?
  7. They are absolutely correct. This is simple Whit. EMT's, by and large, are too stupid too administer meds of any type, with a rare exception. Medication administration required significant clinical and didactic education, regardless of the medication administered. There is not enough hours in a BS weekend "update" class to handle it. Period. You can continue to argue this until your blue in the face. You will lose the arguement.
  8. Im going to go ahead and be on top then, since I know your off at the dialysis center for the guy with snoring respirations. At least ill bve on top for more than the ten hot seconds I usually am. Im on top. woo hoo. go me.
  9. Hate to be a spoiler, but this thread was stupid 80 pages ago. Please stop. thanks.
  10. Firefighters have jobs. Here ius a short list encompassing the most common jobs, they have, in relation to the EMS service. 1.) "Carry her please" (Read: Too heavy, id rather you sit out on workmans comp for six weeks instead of me, because im sure your FIRE department has better benefits...) 2.) "Open that, and get me inside there. Cut there....there....and there" (read: Also too much work, thus, cut me a whole i could drive a mac truck through, and I avoid the labor board phone call because I had to break a sweat) 3.) "do compressions. ventilations, and utilize the AED oin cardiac arrests, and concentrate on airway management" (READ: This is not a pick and chhose what you want ideal. Lets do it right and try them all SIMULTANEOUSLY for best results...) 4.) "handle my refusal pleeeease" (Read: Im lazy, your dumb, soooo enjoy the chart...) more later....
  11. *ahem* Guess what? On the third day of the thread, PRPG rises to the top again...
  12. 1. Yes, I lost my kumbyyah. But...there a silver lining. Its summer. you know what summer brings? Yes kids, camp kumbyyah, home of the rejuvenation, proclamation, delineation of the prolatin of improvin kumbyyah. PRPG tested, and approved. Dial 1-800-kum - byah Operators standing by... 2.) EMS student aptitude AZCEP is the reason the books are written so poorly, and have so many pictures. If EMS was taught efficiently at a college level, they would be written to that level...
  13. Might as well write it in crayon and add a books on tape feature. Only medical course that could be taught by third grade children is from those books, because they are written for their age bracket. ...and most of the students these days seem to be operating below said bracket. PRPG
  14. :shock: :shock: People still use dial-up? I thought we lost that with mellow yellow, atari, and Regan?
  15. im not on top this time. Im wondering if 80 sudden pages of server pages taken up in 24 hours is going to pout a hurt on this site... Ok...now im on top. PRPG
  16. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?????????????????????????????????
  17. :shock: 1. Reading is fundamental 2. 88 + 22 is 110, not the one hundred you posted on the other thread. 3. Yes, SEVERAL hundred hours to start IV's 4. Reading and mathmatics competencies before performing minor surgical procedures like IV's :shock: :shock: :shock:
  18. If you do have IV capabilities, I then ask... -How long is your program -How much didactic time is given to IV -How much clinical time is involved -How many sticks are you doing before they card you. That alone, is several hundred hours of education, which is several times the length of your BLS program.
  19. or New EMs education promo banner... 2 years of education, gave asys an extra ten percent...what will it do for you?
  20. Word. Ok, were posting like...a hundred times an hour at the moment... I guess everyone wants to be on top. Hmmm, I like it here though. So... *Unleashes chuck norris on the person at the top* Hmm...im on top now...
  21. Side note, I'd likely to give Marty(scaramedic) the EMTcity 2006 amusing as hell post of the year. Congrats Marty!!! Anything to say to your more than slightly amused fans?
  22. *ahem* I suppose now im on the top? If thats the case... All im sayin. XoXo PrpG
  23. * PRPG kicks everyone in the shin and runs to the top, shocked this thread hasnt ended*
  24. We may have been the only ones who caught how 88% and 22% make 100% apparently.. This has been an amusing day...lol
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