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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Hmmmm... Check sugar while you have a minute. Older vehicle? Whats =his skin color like? Red maybe?
  2. single passenger? no one else in the vehicle? proximity of crash to trauma center? medic alert tags? Do I have stabilization equipment on the squad? If so, stabilize and make entry. Stabilization of C spine, trauma jaw thrust to reposition airway and hope for improved repirations. If no improvement in respirations, bag and intubate. Apply collar. Wait for rescue company.
  3. Alcohol / Drugs / Seat belt / Airbag / Vehicle damage Responsive upon arrival? Breathing? Airway intact?
  4. 1. your right. But considering the downturn in education, standards, and every other pillar feebly holding up EMS as a whole, its not a supise. 2. Repeat what I said x 3. Its the key to life
  5. Ok. Just be careful in your presentation. Things are better taken from a 3rd party approach. Welcome to EMTcity.
  6. Dear Ace, Drink more. Go get a massage, take a nap. Get a hooker, take some xanax, and F-in relax fella. XoXo PRPG That being said, there are no absolutes in medicine. This seems to be a thread about preferences.
  7. So your going to eye for an eye then? Connie was wrong. Period. So your insulted, and decide to stoop to the same level and lash out in a public forum? That doesnt make you any better. Prove yourself to be above the par.
  8. My personal preference is the reverse. O2 / vitals if the scene is stable / extricate to truck / assessment / drive I also come from systems where true ALS calls are 20 minutes or less from tones to available.
  9. Was Dr. B smokin pot when he wrote this? 200 hours for that? I was unaware he prescribed to the quantity over quality theory... Sad really. Oh whit, this was an obvious attempt to quantify your prior arguement that BLS should be giving glucagon. Let it go, for the love of god. Next time you post, it better be productive.
  10. I am working on a teletubbies flash EMS instruction video for glucagon. Give me 2 weeks :) PRPG
  11. There is no kumbyah here. Wow Not a bad thing I suppose....liek a proverbial b*tchslap in the face to the sugarcoated world. So...well done.
  12. Awww, someone feeling protective of the devil? No problem, happy to defend my stance. Acadian and AMR are large scale corporate entities of note in American EMS. Acadian being of course the smaller of the two models. These particular large scale models have, for the most part, operated with similar corporate models as companies like microsoft, and wal mart. The ideal is to suck of everything around them, in the interest of profit. Think im wrong? Tell me how many non EMS ventures your "company" has their hand in? Lets see how in depth your knowledge goes... Stepping beyond that. Heres the issue with this. EMS as a whole should be a municipally based system. There is no more stable organization than a county run EMS system. Lets compare your 401k to theirs...or any other benefit you may have. Progressive nature? Municipality based EMS services will always be more cutting edge when performance and customer satasfaction reflects on how happy your voting contingent is. But most of all... Acadian could tomorrow walk in and cut your rate in half, pull your benefits, and cut your staff in half, in the interest of profit increases. Welcome to Corporate EMS. If youi dont like it, put on a cup. Municipal EMS? There are considerably more laws and protections, especially for those within the civil service blanket. So in reality, my prior statement was less against Acadian, and more against corporate giants who lure ignorant, unsuspecting people into their guise with decent benefits and progressive services, yet offer them no guarantee their employment and benefits wont be taken away, because the owner needs a new Mercedes. Welcome to the corporate world. I have more than enough experience in EMS, the corporate world, and corporate EMS to recognize that patient care should be the goal, not the almighty dollar. Until you get out a bit, youll never "get" it. I also welcome your responses. XoXo PRPG
  13. Oxygen+Heat=BOOM! Oxygen+patients=JAIL Oxygen+Fire= BIG BOOM! Thats all im sayin. XoXo PRPG
  14. Quick follow up on the airway issue discussed. 12cm tracheal tear, advised from autopsy type people that was from the intubation attempt, especially after hearing the story. No follow up from ALS coordinator, simple because "it happens" Heavy extensive ETOH history, moreso than originally thought. The 22 year old "friend" with him died of an arrest the following night of (insert gasp here) Herion(sp?)/Fentanyl.
  15. Ok, Ive heard this before. Several times. It annoys me. But...im curious if anyone else has heard this? Is there a difference? Between full, and the apparent partial cardiac arrest? Lesson to all. Theres NO such thing as FULL cardiac arrest. (/rant)
  16. Yes. 21 year old OD arrest (the magic herion / fentanyl weve heard so much about), asystole on the arrival. I set up the stylet. It was bent off at the top of the tube, with the end of the stylet and the end of the tube at the same length. Also, afterwards, there was a pretty Red foamy goo coming from the airway, which was initially clean. WEIRD.
  17. Im going to remind you who came after who tonight. I made the statements initially regarding education. You hammered me. I hammered back. Welcome to public forums. Put on a cup before you hit the city lines, not everyone will agree with you. Ask dust. We've disgagreed til blue in the face til we both realized we werent changing our views. Im not changing my style of writing or opinions. This is a public forum. I have mine, you have yours, and everyone else has....everyone else. Recognnize your going to get tore up if your wrong. Accept it and move on. I have to give you credit in one aspect. Your persistent. Sit back and learn from the incredible talent coursing this site. You too can become better Whitticus. XoXo Mr. "23"
  18. What if I was to say there was Sub-Q emphesema on the R side of the neck after the tube was attempted? Wasnt there when i first started to bag...
  19. Side note...since this thread is taking a odd turn down "Im going to get locked" alley... For the medics... When intubating, have you ever lacerated the vocal chords? I had a medic jam the tube in so hard, he tore up the esophegial lining, and blew the tube... I had never seen this. Insight?
  20. That statement was used as an illustration to my point. I stand behind it. Sometimes in life, you need to "man up" and know your role in the grand scheme of life. We need EMT's. Period. We need medics...period. We just need them with educations that suit providing emergency medical treatments in the field. At this point, the baseline education for both levels of provider is inadequate. At least the ALS program is of the level where the BLS level should be. XoXo The 23 year old PRPG
  21. Wow...this thread degraded quickly. So, you back up your statements yet again with a decisive lack of information, by trying to tell me your experience stands for itself? Whit, this is simple. Respect is earned, not expected. I have earned the respect of providers who you'd be lucky to breathe around. You have not earned mine. When you have, I will regard you as a step above the trash I pick up on a daily basis. Yil then...well.....you know where you stand. Come to these boards, defend you opinion with logic, fact, and not opinion based around a protocol driven medicine that doesnt allow for thought, and you wont get torn up with everystatement you make. Just a 23 year old youngins reccomendation to someone who would be lucky to get a grip and realize the truths about something you do for a living. PRPG
  22. Original post edited to promote further understanding.
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