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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Yeah, once you get past the first couple of vomiting episodes, the food that was causing the problem is long gone. On a side note. If you suspect that you were the victim of a food poisoning incident from a restaurant, make sure you save the vomit if you can think of doing so. The last couple of times that I've either been the victim or had a loved one who was a victim, the insurance company or the parent company of the restaurant said "no stomach contents, no evidence, no money" boy were they surprised when I came back to them with their statement and said "oh you mean the bag of stomach contents that the lab saved for me for just this occasion" The insurance company was only too eager to pay my medical bills. Just food(bad pun) for thought.
  2. But Craig, if I was a Secret agent, I might be upset about the bond shows too. But I'm just saying that the show sucks and shows us in the worst light. I said I also would watch it if there wasn't anything else on to watch. And that the public sometimes gets the wrong impression even though we in the business know better. But I'm done with the discussion because no-one else on here has anything to say on this thread.
  3. They all have weapons, just not openly displayed. I hear cinderalla has a couple of nasty knives hidden away. Sleeping beauty has a garrote and a icepick under her dress and Mulan, well you don't want to know what Mulan has hidden away. All in all, the 11 girls pictured above would take out Seal team 6, 3 and 9 and still be able to get home for dinner by 5.
  4. Yeah I know that, and I know that they aren't real paramedics and all that but there are many people out there who got into EMS or Fire service based on the TV shows of the past. The public knows no better and they see these Yahoo's going into active shooting scenes and they say "dang these guys are idiots and then it rubs off on their opinions on us and they begin to expect miracles out of us. Does everyone remember Rescue 911? Remember that no-one ever died in that show. Well the public perception at that time was that you call 911 and they came and saved your life. That was the downside to the show, the upside to the show was that the influx of people into public safety was a lot of people began their careers at that time. Listen, I know that this is fiction, I know that it's a bunch of hooey and it's entertainment but come on, they have professional advisors on the show, they can't even get the simple things right that don't even take a simple minded fool to get right. For pure entertainment purposes, I'll watch the show if there is NOTHING else on, but I had a Quantum of Solace rental to finish but I won't turn it on for any other reason. And if anyone gives me the full season on DVD as a white elephant gift this christmas, I will exchange it for Grandma's old set of false teeth embossed in porcelain.
  5. Ok, I thought that they would have at least have gotten better but alas I was wrong. I turned on Chicago Fire tonight, the first time since I watched it in the first week. I nearly gave up on it the first week. So I decided to give it another try. I was sorely disappointed by the 5 minutes that I watched tonight. The Firecrew and EMS crew get a call on an active shooting scene and they arrive well before Chicago Police. They are met with Active shooting. No staging. No checking if the scene is safe. They go right in to the scene and they get shot at. Then after the commercial, the captain is blaming the cops because they didn't get their quick enough. Apparantly I just need to give up on this show entirely because they JUST DON"T GET IT.
  6. See that's why I asked. I have no idea what equipment the FD has, and what they can actually do. I suspect that after 7 or so minutes this ladies fate was sealed already. I suspect that the initial jolt her fate was sealed anyway. I for one would never be a rescue hero either. Has anyone seen the Duracell or whatever battery commercial with Rescue randy on the scene of the car wreck with the sparking lines. He walks up with no protective gear and helps the woman in the car. If that was real life, he'd be a crispy critter as would the woman as she rolled down the window. But I digress, This would have been a terrible scene and I'm surprised there isn't a video showing the entire rescue.
  7. This whole thing just sucks. Sorry for the family and sorry for the responders. The question I have is why did the fire department not have the equipment to get to the woman? I ask this because I truly do not know what it takes to get a 7200 volt wire off a victim. Can someone enlighten me? Does it truly only take the power company to get the wire off the woman or do fire departments have the equipment to do this? And if so, shouldn't the fire department have this type of equipment?
  8. This is a pertinent read for everyone. Sad to hear about Esteban.
  9. Give us your general location and I"m sure that someone here on this site would be happy to give you a general list of good and the bad places to go get your education.
  10. Ahh another rookie from the great state of Missouri, My home state. He comes from a rural part of my state and I'm not surprised that they might just go from the front to back of the book, that are that backwards in that thar part of the state. ha ha But seriously, William, the prep work you do now(except the reading), might not be worth a darn for your class that I am assuming will start up 2nd semester in January. Good luck though. This is a great place to learn.
  11. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2 See thats whats wrong with you young bucks. You make things too simple.
  12. But they are asking for only ONE full timer. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  13. welcome to the forums. Lot's of experience, lots of help to be had. All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and do NOT be afraid to put your foot in your mouth, the only way to learn is to ask a question.
  14. Giaccio put the corps’ annual revenue at roughly $120,000 vs. an estimated EMT cost of $160,000. For that reason, he said, village board action was unlikely before the new position had been addressed in a future budget 160K a year for an emt??? Surely that figure is not for just one EMT. For 160K I'll move there and work 24/7 and I'll even be their huckleberry.
  15. So who prosecutes the prosecutor? Can he get a impartial prosecutor to prosecute him or will he plead out or will they drop it as a "favor"??????
  16. Just look at how well FEMA Did with all the resources they had at their disposal during Katrina and the time leading up to it. Look at what happens when any thing privatized get's ahold of by the government. Come on, not much good happens (there are notable exceptions) when a private group of entities becomes federalized. If we federalized the public safety like Dwayne said, I could foresee a group of people that would take over the leadership of the department and totally FU($%(* it up and if you think Detroit EMS is bad, then you aint seen nothing yet.
  17. OH MY FREAKING GOD< I just typed a huge long list of stuff about Dr. Finkelstein and Chrome lost it. It had bunches of links about him. Let me find them again. Ok, here they are Follow this link and they are all found via this Google link. https://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=Dr.+joel+finkelstein%2C+Reputation&oq=Dr.+joel+finkelstein%2C+Reputation&gs_l=serp.3...4230.14096.0.14861.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=cae27d0e0fede5e5&bpcl=38093640&biw=1366&bih=667 Ok, I found one other thing. The review website said one other thing. It said these three are the highest rated orthopedic docs they have near Toronto. Might want to review them. Highest Rated Orthopedic Surgeons near Toronto, ON: Dr. Paul Marks - Toronto Dr. Darell Ogilvie-Harris - Toronto Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Elizalde - Toronto www.ratemds.com Hope all this helps. Maybe maybe not.
  18. Well my thoughts are that each and everyone one of these items in your tags are dangerous and we all need to know more about them but I hope you are not just here to sell your service. That would be the worst possible start that you could get here. I would hope that since you are a "self professed" Project manager that your expertise would be very very beneficial to this group. Are you a member of PMI? Do you have the title that goes with it? You do know what I'm talking about right? What can you offer this group of people other than selling your service? Answer those questions and I'll be like Dwaye and welcome you to this site.
  19. That is a pretty nice writeup. Thanks for the info.
  20. http://bigmedicine.ca/wordpress/2012/11/western-australia-lodd-firefighter-wendy-bearfoot-succumbs-to-injuries-suffered-in-oct-12-firefight-at-albany/?goback=%2Egde_111539_member_181867652
  21. I was taking care of a lady in the ER, had a great rapport with her, was joking with her and got to know her pretty well while we were stitching up her three nearly degloved fingers. I was the on duty first out medic and near the end of fixing her up I got a call on a chest pain call. I transitioned care to the back up medic and went off to the call. Arrived on scene to a first responder doing cpr. We worked the guy for about 15 minutes but we called him. Found out that this guy had lots of health problems. What happened later while we were still on scene was pretty surreal. My degloved finger patient walks in the doorway and I asked her what she was doing here. "Bob's my father" I said "oh" She asked what happened and we ran it down for her. She then asked if he was in any pain and I said I couldn't answer that for her. She said "I'm so glad it was you who was here" This was a surreal and emotional moment for me but in the end the job is the job, we said a prayer, waited for the man's pastor and the funeral home and coroner. Said our goodbyes and that was it. All sort of like a blur. I know any of my other colleagues would have done just as well but I felt the connection was better for this woman and her family that I had with her.
  22. I think the goat conversations should fall to Wayland
  23. In the town I used to work in, he would not have even been charged. The cops would have said that since he had been drinking they could not have made the charges stick.
  24. OH My god, you would think that these people would learn. Every disaster it's the same old thing. Each disaster sees some high level person get the axe because he does something like this. Don't they ever learn.
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