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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. A cop killer in prison, me thinks that he might be a hero to some in whatever prison he goes to. This is terrible news for the officers families, their PD family and the public as it sounds like these guys were well loved/liked.
  2. I would be ready to code this guy. Get all your tools ready and prepped, you are going to more than likely be coding him soon. But if you don't have to code him then get the defib/pacer pads on. STart a 2nd iV, and whatever your protocols have you to give to an Acute MI. Whew, that's a nasty 12 lead. He might be visiting that church in a few days but on a much sadder note than he was visiting it today.
  3. Why don't they like Velcro I personally hate spider straps but for these two reasons 1. Crews just fold them up and put em in the ambulance and never disinfect them - OSHA would have loved my former service. 2. They SUCK to fold up
  4. Holy crap batman. Get that guy to a stemi center. I would not be wasting time trying to find another cause, I think you have it in the EKG.
  5. I got into EMS for all the hot chicks and fast driving. I found out that hot chicks are few and far between and besides, my wife's way hotter than any of those in EMS.
  6. Paramedic Mike's video is absolutely correct. What a example to set to all those kids that were there but I really liked the one kid screaming "PD SUCKS" Bunch of mature knuckledraggers if you ask me. SMH
  7. Yeah one crew not wanting to do any work and then being told that they need to springs to mind. Or the crew that was the problem crew, may have had a rerun of Code Red to get back to.
  8. Keep up the good work Cad, All, Caduceus is making us proud, she came in here an unknown wanting to get training in EMS and look at her. She's really learning. Wouldn't it be great if all our students and new medics/emt's were as into learning as she is. Keep up the good work
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnYeUHyZv_o It's Johnny and Roy in Paramedic school and then a Public service announcement. It's really neat.
  10. Island, I was thinking the same thing, It will probably never get used unless it is used by one of the UAE's richest people.
  11. Only in Dubai, UAE. IT's really nice. http://forum.xcitefun.net/the-largest-and-longest-ambulance-t52094.html
  12. Puts in a quarter and the defective vending machine didn't give me anything. I took a sledge hammer to the machine and finally put this game out of it's misery.
  13. Did you check here?????? https://www.nremt.org/nremt/CbtEmtServices/cand_exam_list.asp?IsPostBack=0
  14. Yes but only somewhat correct, in order to teach the EMT course at least in Missouri, you have to be attached to a state certified teaching entity which I believe has to be then attached to a college or higher education entity. Community college or University I believe. The course does not have to be taught at one of those places, it just has to be attached and approved by one of the approved training entities.
  15. Now now, but I want to know, If we like our ER Doc do we get to keep our ER Doc????
  16. Island could have described the State of Missouri as well. In order for me to teach any form of Cont ed, I had to get my instructor cert which was 80 hours of classroom focusing on what Island's wife focused on. And I just finished my 75th hour of continuing education this year. Granted that I am re-certing in my medic and need to play catchup but I'll have well over 200 hours over the next 6 months if you add in PALS, ACLS, CPR and ITLS and maybe NALS and ABLS Hell if I decide to do it I might even get that DAN Cert that another member is bragging about. And to top it off, In order to get my Certificate in Project Management I'll be taking 40 more hours of Project management education and don't even ask me about my continuing education for my re-Certification for my current IT job. Upwards of 80 more hours. I feel like a student again.
  17. I dated several nursing home nurses prior to my getting married to my ONE true love (sappy I know). Their biggest complaint in their job when it came to venting to me was how bad the EMS providers treated them when they called. I vowed that no matter how trivial I thought the call was, I would never take it out on the nurse or NHstaff when they called. You would be amazed at how the level of your working relationship will grow with those nursing homes if you are nice and not a bunch of complete assholes. Not saying anyone here is an asshole but if the shoe fits, wear it I guess. We are the face of our agency when we show up at a nursing home or any other place and if you are an ass or a not so nice person to a nursing home staff member then you probably are not a very nice person/medic/emt to the rest of your patients. Just sayin, And of course, there are times when you want to gibbs slap those NH Providers but try not to because it looks bad on a police report.
  18. I have no doiubt that you have learned and grown. Keep growing and don't get any more tickets. If you are kept from getting a job based on your past ticket history, just continue going to school to get your pre-requisites for medic school and when you hit 25 or so, go back and apply. Most insurers love 25 years olds much more than they love younger ones. It's just the nature of the business. Again, good luck to you and if you need anything PM Me, I'll try to hlep in whatever way I can,e xcelp spelling of course, that's not my strong suit tonight.
  19. you are right, probably every one here imbibed in alcohol prior to 21 but not many of us if any here giving you advice were caught and convicted of a MIP. I would be very very surprised if a company will allow you to pay the difference in the cost of the insurance oout of your paycheck, it just really doesn't work that way, at least not in any of the services I've been at. It's either the insurer will cover you or they won't. I do wish you good luck though.
  20. Now that's dedication to a product. Was that an AMC Pacer car? I think they were popular in 1974
  21. And here is another whacker, if you use ERDocs logic. But let's stop saying whacker, it's getting doc all excited.
  22. actually I had a large blue bucket about 1 foot across filled to about 3 inches deep with blood from my guy. I'm pretty sure that he lost a crap load of blood. but you are totally correct. a couple of drops to a layperson means they are dying.
  23. Actually he was at church, so maybe he had a vision and it freaked him out so much that he fainted, I've seen it happen.
  24. Do they help in any other way than sleep? You opened that door my friend. If you put wearing something to bed and whacker in the same sentence. Jeesh come on man, this is a family oriented website.
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