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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. I worked in two different hospital ER's where EMS runs out of the hospital. When I wasn't on the ambulance, I was in the ER taking care of patients. I had my own patients that I took care of and relied on the RN to work with me but in all intents and purposes, those patients were my patients. I did everything to them including foley catheters on male patients all the way up to running the code (doctor was of course always there). I could hang blood and give antibiotics and any other medication that we carried in the ER. I was functioning as a nurse but not paid as one. The community knew that medics staffed the ER along with nurses and never once did I get asked by the patient to not take care of them and substitute a nurse. My care was as good if not better sometimes than the nurses we had in the ER. When an ambulance call came in, I would give quick report to the nurse and I would go run the call and then return and take my patient back over from the nurse I gave report to. If you have any more questions - pm me
  2. Welcome Mr Daniel - good to have you here.
  3. Tami, maybe the 50% is all that she can do?
  4. You know, your case brings me back to a poor dude who was a classic MI if we've ever seen one. Lead elevation in II, III and AVF along with reciprocol changes were some of the worst myself and my partner had ever seen. Every time we laid him even back a little, to get him out of his house or even to move this guy, any movement, nearly put him in arrest. Strange seeing him lucid one minute and then nearly unresponsive the next until you sat him straight up. We landed the helicopter in this guys field and put him on the helicopter all the while knowing that he would not survive the 70 mile flight. Fortunately he did survive the flight but he did not survive the attempt to open his 100% occluded arteries and there were two others that were 95% occluded. He was so grey in color that we turned on additional lights in the house to verify that it wasn't just te lighting in the house. We prepared his wife and mother for the worst outcome which in the end came true. The receiving hospital as well as the helicopter crew were excellent but sometimes people are too far gone to be saved.
  5. I think that the majority of people who are against this are two groups 1. The medics who don't want to have something in their bag of goodies taken away - it's mainly a territorial thing I believe. ON the flip side, they don't want to have a cop or bystander give the narcan and when they get there they are dealing with a violent drug abuser who the bystander just took away their 5 dollar high. 2. From law enforcement who don't want to do anything medical if they don't have to. Many cops I know say it's not in their job description and if they are going to be required to give this drug then they want their union or contract negotiators to go back and negotiate for more money from the city/county/state for them learning this new skill. I am personally for this as I have had at least 3 friends from high school who have died due to opioid overdose and would have possibly been saved if they had this option available to the officers who made it to the scene 5-10 minutes sooner than the EMS crew did. There is NO reason why BLS crews should not be able to give this except for a territorial reason. And for those with territorial disputes on this, I say "buck up buttercup, get over yourselves, you guys aren't God"
  6. No he was a paragod who knew all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Didn't they have a episode of ER where the intern or someone tubed one of these kids and he broke their neck or something like that and paralyzed him?
  8. Acutally at 20 seconds I think it's a tanker truck - maybe a petrol truck But the wreck just doesn't look too bad until you hit the 40 second mark and then you go "whoa"
  9. I've made no secrets about my at one time dating a Nursign home charge nurse. A couple of things she said when we were dating 1. When you come to the NH you aren't like any of the other EMS Crews, you are at least nice. 2. It's not their fault when the patient is sent out. 3. She said some of her nurses and CNA's are truly freaking idiots and dont' deserve a job but she can't fire em because they can't replace em with better nurses but she did say that they all love their patients. 4. She said also that they have absolutely zero control over when the patient get's sent out. And she is truly sorry when a doctor sends a patient to the ER for a problem that can be managed at the NH 5. And her final one was she asked me what we in EMS called medics that thought they knew what was better for a patient than what that patients personal doctor, the nurses in the NH and the actual patient and I told her what that word was "paragod" and she said most everything she has witnessed in many of her EMS crews was exactly that, Paragod. But she really was apologetic at times when she had to send someone out. She said she didn't like doing it. That's what I can remember her telling me.
  10. Have you had your morning coffee yet? That post was downright depressing.
  11. HOLY SHIT, you called someone on here a cunt and you are still here? I see in your quote where he told you to gake your skinny little arse back to high school and to me that NO where is calling you an ass. You on the other hand WOW, calling someone a cunt, the only ones who get a pass on doing that are Bill Maher and other liberals. You are no longer worth the effort to talk to. Why hasn't this person been banned when I believe it's against the COC or TOC to call people names like the C word. I believe the following quoted text is enough to get this person banned or booted - ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. You agree not to post or transmit any material that may reasonably be interpreted as obscene, vulgar, or gratuitously sexually oriented. Profanity is not specifically prohibited, so long as it is used in a professional context, such as quotations. Profanity shall not be used in addressing any person or member of the community. Acceptable: "The Ca Ca hit the fan at work last night!" Unacceptable: "You're full of Ca Ca!" Acceptable: "I got screwed on my last paycheck." Unacceptable: "Screw you!" Acceptable: "It was one hell of a wreck!' Unacceptable: "Go to hell!'
  12. When I got fired from AMR way back when(for standing up for a patient and not for the protocol), they asked me when they could expect their uniforms back. I told them they would be delivered outside to their front door. I kept my promise, I drove up, rolled down the window, threw em out onto the sidewalk. They actually had gone through my clothes washer with a brand new batch of PINK shirts and underwear courtesy of my wife. Instead of being light blue they were more a light blue with pick accents. The pants had somehow found a bottle of bleach and were the victims of a drive by bleaching and the boots had gone through the cow pasture at my parents farm house. But I did keep my promise.
  13. I'm sorry, but I may not have a quality sense of humor but that was stupid.
  14. Yep two MCI's with completely separate everything if resources are available. Any resources coming from the north, get the northbound lanes and the resources coming from the south get the southbound lanes.
  15. does your service have a bls truck that was or is available for this type of transfer? Does the Hospice center have a transfer service they use? Remember this, the hospice service often has no control over transportation of the patient - the physician orders the transportation. She was being transported for a medical related issue and the physician was the one who ordered the transport I'm pretty sure. So beating up on the hospice team is counterproductive. Now if this hospice service can make the decision to transport for this type of call, then you can beat up on the hospice but I'll bet if you looked at the paperwork, you would see ordering physician on the transfer paper and I'm sure he's the one to place blame. I'm also pretty sure that you would be raising holy hell if there was a 911 call that had to wait for your transfer to be over but you aren't so I'm pretty sure that your EMS resources were probably NOT overtaxed that day. I'm sorry that you are pissed off that you had this transfer to do, but it's part of the job and I'm sorry if you don't like it, but what really pisses me off more than anything is providers who complain about transfers. It's part of the job and if you don't like them, then do something else, find another job where you don't have to do these scut work type transfers. But you are probably not going to get a lot of sympathy here for having to run a transfer.
  16. I'm sorry but I don't think you can reach this person. Yeah I'm gonna be the asshole here but seriously, If grandma brown down the street has a cardiac emergency we activate the paramedics. I am sure somewhere in the EMS training we will cover it. If not, then I'll go ahead and see if they offer a CEU for cardiac emergencies or not. If that makes you feel any better lol. I'm not just going to let a patient suffer. I will do everything in my abilities to assist them. So if you don't cover cardiac emergencies are you going to wait until you get Grandma down the street in a cardiac emergency and then take a class or are you going to take the CEU prior to it? Your answers are all over the board. And Yes someone is paying for this class, be it with tax dollars(yes you are paying for the class if you pay taxes) or with grant money(and that comes from Taxes a lot of times) or whatever and damnit, if you aren't fully vested in passing in the 90% then save the taxpayer/grant giver the money and don't take this class. The only person who you should be worried about passing this course is YOU and you alone. Don't worry about your fellow classmates, you need to worry about passing this class. Who cares if it's free or if it's a million dollars, the time and effort that you put in this class should be the same. And I do completely believe that all you are taking this class for is to make yourself look good to a fire department to become a fire fighter. But you will of course find fault in all that I wrote and that's ok as well.
  17. Damn, I woke up today and went to work, I will work until 7pm tonight at a job I really like and I will not get a nap, so quit your bitching about not getting a nap.
  18. I worked with Jill, partnered with her a bit way back about 10 years ago and just heard she passed today. She was found unresponsive at home and was transported to the hospital. She has been on life support since transport. They took her off life support and she passed. She had been sick off and on for some time but she was getting better and was trying to get back into the field. RIP Jill, RIP Ruff
  19. Maybe this one? http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196064405000752 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1553-2712.1999.tb00091.x/abstract http://journals.lww.com/co-criticalcare/Abstract/2001/12000/Prehospital_and_resuscitative_airway_care__should.8.aspx http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03009858 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2044.1987.tb04039.x/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false
  20. The vending machine company has received word of this defective machine and is now here and is removing the machine from the premises with a profuse set of apologies and refunds to all who got pieces of crap for their quarters.
  21. ok, get ready to code him. how far out are you from the hospital?
  22. I'm thinking because the medic reported that the patient fell.
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