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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. bought tuscani pasta and breadsticks and pizza from pizza hut. You'd expect breadsticks would come with dipping sauce right? Well you have to pay extra for the sauce. it's sixty cents per cup of sauce. Seriously, where did it say NO Sauce inluded????? I must have missed that.

  2. Brown and Croupon voted the Winningest lawfirm in Missouri. And they also drink Tiger's Blood. Winning Winning. And don't forget, they have 3 Super Lawyers.

  3. Calling to cancel my Verizon Fios internet/tv today at 7:50pm and that office is closed. I'll bet that if I wanted to add service or sign up for service that that office to sign up for service would be open. Crap

  4. Can matter be created or destroyed? Liams question of the day

  5. can we keep the newsfeeds from showing up? I don't honestly care about the newsfeed. It also shows who is on facebook entirely too much.

  6. Careful what you wish for. Demand stuff like free health insurance and this kind of crap is what you get.

  7. Clearly a republican smear campaign. Surely this upstanding politician has done nothing wrong.

  8. Cleveland football, what the heck was that lateral pass? Looked horrible.

    1. spenac


      Cleveland has a football team?

  9. Colleague - "I've been tasked to tell engineering what is wrong with the software in terms that Engineering will understand" Colleague to Engineering "It No Workie" Engineering - "So that's what is wrong with it"

  10. cracker barrel is NOT NOT NOT what's for dinner

  11. Culvers is so expensive

    1. ERDoc


      But their fries are the best.

    2. HERBIE1


      Gotta love their chocolate shakes too. They're finally building one near me!

  12. Darnit, I got audited and now have to go through all this stuff to prove I've done what Ive done. Darn it. My printer's going to be awfully tired today.

  13. Day 1 of my conversion is a pretty good success

  14. Day 1 of PMP boot camp which begins at 8am sharp and the instructor is no where to be found. Not a good start to the day. Oh,he just walked in.

  15. Day Three down in project management boot camp. Two tests tomorrow. Have submitted my application and playing the waiting game just seeing if I get audited or accepted to take test. Then the real studying takes place.

  16. did anyone else predict that the uprising and democratic movement in Egypt to end badly and with the military taking it to the protestors in the streets. 35 dead, hundreds injured and who said that they didn't see this coming? Same with Libya..

  17. Did you know we are just one day away from a 10.0 quake. At least thats what the tv show I just watched said. But they just didn't say what day the quake would happen or where. Damn scare mongers.

  18. Didnt think id get so choked up seeing the patriot guard today but wow, I sure did, had to pull over and wipe a tear and say a prayer.

  19. Dinner at whataburger. The burger definately does not qualify for exclaiming Whataburger!!!!!! More like "was that actually a burger?" Not in my book it wasn't. Blech

    1. Just Plain Ruff

      Just Plain Ruff

      How hard is it to cook a burger correctly? I mean if you can't do that job then you need to just go hide under a rock. Especially when there are alerts that you need to turn the burger now. Then the next alert is to take burger off grill and put on bun. If you cannot do those simple steps then you don't need to be in society. I'm paying for the undercooked greasy burger today. Thank goodness the bathroom is 12 feet away.

  20. Do some research on Dr Marcus Robertson and torture. If what he claims is true the this is very bad juju indeed.

  21. Do they even take into account larger people in the freakin regional jets. This sucks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Siffaliss


      And that was a 757 ...

    3. Just Plain Ruff

      Just Plain Ruff

      Here is what I have done. I had that same 350 pounder. I have made a big issue of it before. I paid for my seat and to have someone else begin to take part of my seat over just makes me pissed.

      I have gone so far as to have them book me on another flight. I am accomodating only so far and when I have to share my seat with someone else then I expect some sort of recompense.

      Case in point, had a flight from Tampa to Atlanta. Was sittting in the back of the airplane next...

    4. Siffaliss


      I will keep that in mind, sounds like a reasonable path to take if it so happens to me next month.

  22. Doc just broke Jenny's water. It's on the way now. !!!!!!

  23. Does anyone dislike that Target girl in the holiday target commercials? I don't think they could have gotten a more irritating woman for their commercial.

    1. Tyler_EMT


      I wouldn't mind back handing her.

  24. Does anyone else have a issue with a 59 year old lady playing a young boy who refuses to grow up?

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