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Everything posted by Katee

  1. Oh dear. I hope no one would drop a child off at our station... no one is there a lot of the time... I am pretty sure our department doesn't do this. Good question to raise about the issue though.
  2. I just read parts of this topic (mainly the first parts)... AHHHHH! What is wrong with people my age! AHHHH! I need my chaos shield. This is a bunch of shit. I can't belive young people (well hell, my age) have to f*&% everything up for the rest of us. If only the world would have a "stupid people filter", we'd be all set. :roll: This is so unbelieveable... Let's beat the dead horse with the stick again! Just keep on beating! We all have figured out that the best place for us "youngins" isn't in EMS. I KNOW that! I went against it, and you know what? I shouldn't have. Look at me, I'm a freaking nut case. Use me as an example... NO person... let me say one more time... NO person my age should be a paramedic! Maybe an EMT, yeah, but heck, a PARAMEDIC? Dear God... even an EMT sometimes... I have a senior EMT on calls at my volly station, but geeez, still, I wonder if I was a little early for starting this stuff. People my age come from the generation of "no respect". I know people my age are the most disrespectful people to the older EMS crowd... but anyway... Some of us do respect your opinions on "kids" being in EMS, even though we are here. That was a pointless rant, but heck, its late for me, and this topic bothers the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me because we all know that the older people are right when they say we shouldn't be here. *claps hands for "seniors". Did any of that even make sense? Grace
  3. I can agree with you on the part of your topic description about "stupid people". "Civilian firefighters.." thats a good term, will you sue me if I use it? Hehe. We had our annual "Daytona 500 Racing Party" at the fire department today. I was left in charge of four stations, in which I had two people to "help" me. Well, wouldn't you know that I got stuck with the most retarded person in the world. I'm not kidding you, this kid can't count, he can't read, can't follow directions repeated to him five times... I'm sure you get the picture. He just doesn't stinkin' listen. ](*,) Oh did I mention, he's not a firefighter either? Civilian firefighter fits the description. Anyway, enough about my "stupid people" experience of the day. Great story by the way... sounds like you had a "real interesting time"... You should think about writing a book or something lol.
  4. Uh oh, didn't I start the "Should There Be an Age Limit" for EMTs topic? LOL That was a disaster! We'll have to monitor this one.... hehehe. If you all don't remember, I bet that topic is locked. Hmmm. Then again, why am I in the ALS forum...?
  5. Katee

    Yuk. Eew. Gross.

    I like the Vicks idea. Definitely stealing that. I'd go on calls with one of our emts, and she can't smell, so she'd be laughing her butt off after the call because I was turning "green". Never puked on a call, but before practicals I did. Grace Grace Grace!
  6. "Rump Ranger". You're kidding me, right? Grace
  7. The poll is good. And you can't hate Mark Martin, haha Grace
  8. Ooooh you hit a good topic, ERDoc! We all know who will be the winner! TONY STEWART! YEAH! We should start a poll on it! He's gonna win though! Grace
  9. The CPR dummy..... hahahaha in EMT class, we constantly picked on each other, (in good fun of course). My partner and I would go get ice cream next door. Well the one day, he made me laugh and I spit it out all over myself, so I decided to get him back. The instructor said it was time to practice CPR, so we get out the dummies, and blah blah blah. So we get "Annie" and set her in the restroom on the seat. My partner walks in, turns on the light, and goes "oh sh*&! I'm sorry ma'am..... " Then he started laughing when he realized it was the dummy. Oh well. I guess its not that funny. We had a laugh out of it though. Grace
  10. Sorry dude. Ya haven't seen me whine yet, buddy. I never said YOU didn't have a sense of humor, did I? If I did, I am sooo sorry. I wasn't trying to. Friends? I see where you're coming from though. Keep singing Kum ba ya, Prpg, trust me, it will happen again in some thread, someday. Hehe and I still can't figure out how to quote.
  11. Oh my goodness..... can't we all just get along....? Sheesh... it was supposed to be a harmless thread..... wow.... okay, so some of the things were bad, blah blah blah, but others were in good fun. Guess I should stop being such a kid. There is a time for play, and a time to be serious, we all know that, but sometimes, a little joke doesn't hurt. I honestly did find a couple of these funny. Sorry, I'll grow up, but only if ya'll lighten up Gracie
  12. This is a story one of my friends told me about.... they are bad, bad, children.... hahaha The cheif likes to make all the "juniors" (eek can't believe I said that) wash the fire trucks before they put them back in service after a call. Of course, he is REALLY picky about how they are cleaned.... so one day, they all got tired of it, and thought they should pull a prank on him..... they got out the nice roll of duct tape, and let's just say he couldn't open the door to his truck and had to crawl in through the passengers side with a pair of scissors... by the way, don't do that, or they extend your probationary period...... haha...... Grace
  13. Wow this conversation has really went haywire. I'm glad I haven't put my opinions in it. Proud of myself for not doing so. Looks like you all have a good "healthy" debate going on, makes for something interesting to read. :roll:
  14. Our FD is all volunteer..... we run non-transportable rescue unit. We go on calls from home. That's it.
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