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Everything posted by Tibby

  1. Here, in the bible belt, a lot of people don't believe in Evolution. I was just wondering what you guys here believe.
  2. In that case, the free shit rule still applies. And yes, it would help if the EMS Depts in the area came to my class and recruited.
  3. I don't think so. In my school where a Degree is optional, most of the class is going for the degree. Including those going into fire and nursing and other similar careers. 80% in rural areas? Are you talking about in land mass or population? That number is WAY too high for population. Every stat that I google comes up with 74-80% of the population living in Urban areas. But even so, what does this have to do with the subject at hand?
  4. I was thinking the same thing. How could anyone view it as a BAD thing?
  5. Well, that is a rather extreme way to view things, Steve. I don't see things as black and white as that. I believe there is a middle ground between "morons, egomaniacs, and assorted whackjobs" and "intelligent, the humble and mentally sound." EVERY job, no matter what, will have both of these types of people, but most people are simple, average Joes. This isn't a prefect world. If it was, they wouldn't need us.
  6. I agree. Here, we have an optional Asso. Degree, but I wish it was required, would expand so we could go on to get a Bach, maybe even a Masters. Peoples lives are in our hands, lets train like it!
  7. Yes, Steve, I thought about that before I posted it. But then I remembered the reason Rid wants to recruit is because there is a shortage of Medics. It would be great to have a dept full of Rids and Buddhas, but it is like the old saying goes, Beggars can't be choosers.
  8. Oh yeah, don't forget about free shit! The Recruiters for the Military love giving out free shit. Pens and water bottles and shirt and keychains with the logo on them! I got all kinds of pens from my college and career days back in high school!
  9. I have several friends who joined the Armed Forces right out of High School because they "could find anything better to do." Some of the skinniest, weakest guys I know joined the Marines because of Recruiters! I think a Recruiter for your local EMS in high School do some good. They can come and talk to classes, site at a table all set up for him during the lunches, things like that, just like the Military does. I'm sure you'd get plenty of students who are looking at the Military, but don't want to leave home, or looking for a job to get them through college that doesn't involve Iraq, or who are really unsure what they want to do yeah, and sign up out of interest. Yeah, Rid, if your EMS can offer to pay for the training and such, I'm sure you would have plenty of kids join up right out of high School!
  10. Everyone here swears by Littmann Stethoscopes. So far, my littmann (which was about $75) has been great!
  11. When I first starting taking classes, it was for Fire. But now, I think I'm going to get into some other medical career through it, instead, so I put that.
  12. I picked "Ask him are you sure your O.K. ... enough to work.. let him decide" I've seen people work fine while a little bit out of it with 5 hours of sleep. I'd have to let him AND his partner decide. His partner has a right to know, and decide whether or not he thinks he can with with the guy in this state. Now, if he was the driver, or if he is making a habit of this kind of behavior, that's a different story. If he did it again, I would have to draw the line. But if this is just a one time, party of the year kinda thing and all, his problem sounds like something a tall cup of coffee can fix.
  13. I'm in good shape. I'm not has athletically active as I was in high school (I used to go out for all kinda of stuff), but I keep in shape. Biking or running, a little weights, some yoga, a pick up game of football or soccer every now and then, etc. Your work-out seems kinda light on the upper body, Dix... Crazy Pic, Rid. How would you get a collar on that guy, with the lats like that! :shock: You might not need one, I doubt he can turn his head that far, anyways I'll bet he is easy to stick, too.
  14. Always good to have something in common with your spouse!
  15. It would take some fun out of the job, but someone shouldn't be doing the job for the lights and sirens. You can become techno DJs if you want to play with lights and sirens!
  16. Beer- $300 Cowboy hats- $90 Explaining what happened to the chief when he accidentally gets that picture in an Internet forward a year later- Priceless
  17. Do you think he will come and defend MJ?
  18. This is some bullshit! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
  19. I know a some of you have already given your thoughts in various post on this issue, I just wanted to get everyone input into one post. So, what did you pick, and why? For those of you who picked Work AND school, tell me, is your employer sympathetic to your school? Are they flexible enough with your hours so that can still go to school and study and get off for tests and such?
  20. Wow, Buddha... :shock: Anyways, we use Mosby, it isn't to bad. The pictures are kind of crappy, and some of of it reads like a middle school text book more then a medical text book, but it is ok for what we need it for, that is to pass the NR test. If the test gets better, then the Text books will naturally get better. Why don't you write a test, instead, Steve?
  21. My EMT class of 30 some odd people only has about 5 girls. WAY more guys then girls. From what I've seen of the EMT-I and P students, they are about the same as us.
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