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Posts posted by Don1977

  1. Terri- The guy in back has done worse, I can explain that some otehr time, and to my knowledge this has never happened before. Scott is an EMT as well and he is prety shaky with his skills.

    scratrat and Ruff- I agree......he wasnt a friend of mine, Ruff I think he is an idiot!

    I cannot answer any more questions, because I do not know, I dont think anything happened to the other guy.

    I know both EMT's are not that bright, the one in the back, has had an mva that he nearly killed the patient because of incmpetence, PM me for details if you want...

    Thanks for your comments all!

  2. CC and Brett, I agree with you both, I did not hear the full story, but can tell you the EMT in back is a real bad EMT, I wrote him up once for basically killing an MVA victim for a lack of skills, but anyway... I would not resort to take pics and would have thoroughly documented and wrote him up for it.

    I also can say CC, I have not seen anything written in my company saying you cannot take pics like that.

    I personally agree with him being fired, but the otehr guy should have lost his numbers as well last year.

    I also agree with Constance.

  3. I was informed last week that a coworker was fired for taking pictures of patients on his cell phone....

    His reason was good, but the idiot approached it wrong, his reason was because his partner was incompetent in his skills, so he took pictures of patients to show our directors what he didn't do for them.

    So we was fired for going against the privacy acts, I know the guy he was partners with and I can tell you he sucks as a Basic, but this guy really went overboard.

    So, I just want to know, what is your opinion of this? You think Scott should have been fired?

    thanks for your comments

  4. Now I am confused... as I understood it HIPPA was to protect specific pt information(like the demographics: name, address, SSN, telephone number etc). Am I wrong here, or do many people take HIPPA way way to far, like one of the EDS we go to that will not give EMS crews a "face sheet"?

    Well, if its your patient you are entitled to that information and if they refuse to give it to you, refuse to take the patient, Ive done that, and its amazing as soon as you say that, you get what you want!

  5. Me and my partner were responding to a respiratory distress call at one of our nursing homes in 2005, we were only 100 feet from the facility when a girl on a cell phone not paying attention, hit us dead on.

    All we got was a few scratches, but could have been worse.

  6. I’m a firm believer that very service has there own job.

    It’s quiet simple:

    EMS provide prehospital care and transport.

    Fire provide suppression and prevention.

    Rescue provide rescue.

    Police provide law and order.

    All these services are unique and provide an entirely different service, they all have different outcomes and objectives.

    I agree Timmy..

  7. hmm, asys, I have never seen ego trips on fire trucks before, I know several medics that have an ego trip!

    Remember as Lone star said, we were ALL EMT-B's AT ONE TIME!

    And as for this bullshit comment---- Oh, and as for paragods? If it wasn't for paramedics EMT-B's wouldn't have a job in the first place. So quit your bitching-- PLEASE DUDE, YOUR KILLING ME!

    I can be at a hospital in my town before the medic arrives. ANYTHING can go BLS,

    again, I agree with Lone Star when he said....CHECK THE ATTITUDE AT THE DOOR!

  8. It is what it is.

    What may be, will be...

    Nothing I say, do, or not do will change whatever call is about to come my way. It is human nature for us to pay closer attention when the tones go off, catching you in the moment of whatever you were doing and then freezing that instant in your brain.

    That bite of food almost in your mouth, that food order just placed/paid for but unable to wait for, the belt loosened for a healthy grunt, or your head touching the pillow. None of those have ever, nor will they ever affect the nature of calls during your shift.

    However, it is understandable to have these superstitions as our life is based on them from infancy to death.

    I agree.

    I dont personally believe in that stuff, but there is a certain truck that comes to my base and we get the DOA's and the arrests, I dont get calls anymore Im convinced im a white cloud....lol When Im off they get calls, oh well.

  9. I was not driving that day, but my "Caddy-lance" hit a seagull in midflight, with the beacon-light. Had a devil of a time explaining that to my employer.

    ...And I am asking how that poster hit a couch with the side mirror!

    How? HOW? HOW? HOW?

    I said dont ask....lol

    we were going down a 2 lane road, well the road has a turning lane in it to go up hill towards our base, well we were goingto go in that lane and a car came real close almost side swiping us she swerved over to side and BOOM! went the mirror.............we figured the mirror was a better choice then side of the truck....and the couch was on the edge of the sidewalk and too close to roadway, the people living there got yelled at by PD., it was funny when we got to the base because our manager and supervisor were too busy laughung at her as she was in tears telling what happened..... :D

  10. Hi, im from Pittsburgh, not a medic but can tell you that the center is a better program then CCAC's (Community college of Allegheny County) program, Center students can ride with STAT MEDEVAC and Pittsburgh EMS for there truck time, Center also arranges your hospital time for you so you can set your schedule, I recomend that over CCAC, only thing is Center is way more expensive then CCAC.

    Good luck, PM me if you would like

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