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Everything posted by spenac

  1. Congrats. Tough instructors are the best, they make testing so much easier.
  2. In the USA tail lifts are basically not to be found. I believe in embracing anything that helps me return home in same or better shape than when I went to work. I do agree we all need to remember how to work without it in case things go wrong which they probably will. Can you post some photos of some in operation if not to much trouble. Thanks.
  3. I'm an old fart but have to say maturity far out weighs age in my book. Know some 40 year olds I would hesitate to have carry the trash out. Know some 20 year olds that get r done. I judge each person on their own merits not their age, color, creed, o wait a minute starting to sound like the hiring policy.
  4. One of the main reasons the law was in need of change there had been people arrested for defending themselves. Also many were sued and some even lost because the criminals were given more rights than the law abiding people. If a person breaks in while I'm home I have to believe that they are willing to harm or kill me and my family otherwise why don't they wait until we're out of the house? While I am a cowboy having worked on ranches in the past and yes I own and carry guns, we're not all looking to shoot people, we just deserve the right to protect ourselves and our familys. As far as shooting someone that is stealing say from my land but not near enough to be a threat I'll let law enforcement deal with them, I can buy more stuff but I can't replace my family.
  5. Thanks for responses so now which companys in USA make an ambulance with this option? Thanks
  6. I encourage you to do a study of shock. Get into it deeply, look at the different types of shock. That should help you answer your on question. Besides understanding shock forward, backwards, upsidedown, etc will make you a better medic as shock in one form or another is really where we can make the biggest difference in patient outcome.
  7. Like that idea. If the idio.. I mean driver takes curves to fast, goes over bumps or into dips to fast, falls asleep eyes open or closed, then hello feel the pain buddy. Good one Dustdevil.
  8. EMS LAWS OF COMFORT 1. Remove duty shirt call within 15 minutes. 2. Boots also off call within 10 minutes. 3. Totally naked immediate call. I honestly think some people watch for lights out then wait 5 minutes then call.
  9. This is why I definitly recommend working with instructor using training stethoscope.
  10. I hope they will work with you. More importantly I hope you have learned the important lesson that what we choose to do today impacts tomorrow. When young people come in doing community service I talk to them about it, hoping to get them to realize they could lose the right to choose a career because so many company's check your background. Yea I was young and did many things I should not have done. I still make mistakes all of us do. The key is learn from it and not make it again. I don't think you're whining I just think you have realized the above and now hope to correct your past and go forward. Even if get it removed and get an EMS job still should consider education.
  11. Guess people are not taught to drive the way I was back in the dark ages. We were told to be checking side and rearview mirrors every few seconds as part of a cycle. Still do it and it has saved me from several side and rear collisions. Now my invention that is on the drawing board is a springloaded front bumper to send people out of my way but my congressmen havn't pushed the bill I proposed that would make it legal to use on emergency vehicles. Guess better resubmit it as they probably misplaced it right. :wink:
  12. [web:c22f5837d5]http://www.macgill.com/productDetail.aspx?catId=7&subcatId=94&product=405[/web:c22f5837d5]
  13. Does your instructor have a training Stethoscope with 2 sets of ear pieces attached to the bell. If so does the instructor hear pulses at the same time your not hearing, you may have more hearing problems than you realize. If the instructor is also not hearing you may be having positional problems. I have hearing problems both ears with 1 requiring hearing aid that I remove to use Stethoscope. I use $5 to several hundred dollar Stethoscopes, but really for BP all work it's when you start lung, heart and other sounds that you need the more expensive. Also you can get headset Stethoscope that helps cut outside noise. [web:844c78f54a]http://www.buyemp.com/product/1042801.html[/web:844c78f54a]
  14. Thanks for the input :hello1: , Iknow it looked like a good idea but wanted to hear from those that use it. Now to see if any company's in the USA put them on their ambulances.
  15. Anything like this available in USA? Ambulance at bottom of web scroll. [web:9437d9a657]http://www.rsg.co.uk/taillifts/standardtail.asp[/web:9437d9a657]
  16. Here is another site with a different style: http://www.pls-access.co.uk/products_stretcher.asp [web:270f8d062d]http://www.pls-access.co.uk/products_stretcher.asp[/web:270f8d062d]
  17. Found a pic of something like what I'm talking about on http://www.rsg.co.uk/taillifts/standardtail.asp Web Page Name Special Application Modular Ambulance Door Lift For more details on this product please visit; http://www.modularambulance.co.uk/doorlift.htm web]http://www.rsg.co.uk/taillifts/standardtail.asp[/web]
  18. Vent like your post. We should focus on educating the public and maybe all of us will have saves that we will never know about.
  19. Recently got the stryker power pro great cot, but still have final lift into ambulance. Still think a door lift could prolong many medics backs in ems. As far as lifting w/o extra help sadly we have to do it to often here, but still think should be a better safer way for me and my partner thats why I am trying to learn about lift doors. Thanks
  20. Avg adult patient is now more than 150#'s (even lot's of the ladys that say they're lighter, though will never say they lie :roll: ) and then you have to add weight of cot. And lot's of patient's over 200#'s. 75 X 2 = 150#'s. Definitly would help stop injurys.
  21. The one in the pic had 1 of the back doors was actually the lift and would lift the cot with patient on it.
  22. Is anyone aware of any ambulances in the US being made with a back door that lowers kinda like a tommy lift that you can roll the cot onto, then lifts cot so it can just be pushed into the ambulance? In an EMS mag some time back saw a pic of one from England (I think) that had a door that would do this. Can't find it now to show the companys we deal with. Seems like would be a nice addition to an ambulance especially with all the obese patients. Any ideas? If any one has used something like this does it work or more trouble than help? Thanks for the input. Searched but did not find a discussion like this. If missed it sorry.
  23. To be a save got to be leaves hospital basically intact. But I've had some old medics tell me if you take credit for saves you've got to take blame for the deaths, just food for thought. Never had someone leave hospital alive after cpr, but here with extended response times and no one doing cpr prior to arrival actually don't do cpr very often. I have only came up on one scene where cpr was in progress, patient had obvious signs of death so took a moment to correct law enforcements cpr and show them how to use their AED, then called it, patient had been down at least 20 minutes prior to law enforcement starting cpr.
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