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Coach Hohman

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  1. I haven't been here in almost 3 years. I hardly recognize the names!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rat115


      Wow! You're still around. WB!!!

    3. spenac


      Still here.

    4. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      CoHo has returned from the dead!

  2. That's what I'm thinking too. I wasn't overly impressed with their Vanbulances in the pictures, but it said their director was one of the founders of the National Registry, which if nothing else shows he's progressive.
  3. I'm interested as well, given that I live about 45 minutes from Orrville and have never heard of them. Apparently they're the 911 service for the city (I would say Orville is around 10,000 people perhaps?). Heres a link to the ambulance portion of the company http://www.webfh.com/fh/aboutus/history.cf...amp;fh_id=10508
  4. "XXXXXX County paging ABC Ambulance, You're needed at The Esates apartment G as in (long pause) uhhhh....goat. For a 79 y/o male with chest pain."
  5. Ruff also covered something else I wanted to say...I didn't know a way to say it without jumping all over over the OP...I didn't want to be on my soap box :wink: 911, what was the nature of this seizure?
  6. A couple things to address - Great job keeping your cool, I know especially if you're a mother these calls can be difficult the first time (not that they're ever easy). - If you have a child in this condition, transporting parents with you is NEVER a good idea. They will be too much of a hinderence. I know they want to be there, but you need to explain the need for them to follow behind (and not chase the squad). - From the get-go this isn't a "basic call". If a child of 3 y/o is seizing, there is a serious reason why. Is ALS available in your area? This child needed much more than you could provide him. - Good pick-up on the cyanosis. It's easy to pick up on, but a lot of people (myself included in my first few months) would either a) panic, get distracted by the mother (see point No. 2), c) have tunnel vision on the foaming - O2 sats will regularly drop with a seizing pt. during the seizure itself, did you have the pt. on o2 prior to the BVM? just a little food for thought Don't feel like I'm jumping all over you, just offering some advice as I seem to be a pedi-magnet and have been in your shoes. Best of luck in this field, it can be as rewarding as it is challenging if you allow it to be.
  7. Almost EVERY time I put my GPS unit in the truck we will pull a lengthy out of town trip to BFE....so I stopped doing that. Also, I love to play Tetris online and every time I do I will get called out in the middle of it...so I stopped doing that too....I'm running out of options
  8. Any presence of ETOH? Last Oral Intake? When did he take his insulin last? I would get a blood sugar Vital Signs?
  9. You're right, but the immediate life threat is the chemicals...lets say he aspirated some of that blue stuff (I think I just vomited a little bit). What are the complications as far as chemical exposure in his respiratory system? I've searched and can't find much of anything.
  10. In all seriousness (difficult I know)...What are the chances for exposure in this case? Exposure to chemicals, not crap...but is there a potential life threat, possibly respiratory related from the chemicals in there?
  11. AK, I agree with you 100%. Of course that is completley in retrospect. I'm a big guy and used to power lift so I had this mentality that I was young, big, and strong. There was no way I could get hurt lifting. Pure stupidity that could have injured my partner or the patient (never considered the patient at the time). it was definately a learning experience. This call was in a volunteer fire area at noon, so we had one guy show up to help. In retrospect we should have called for another department for patient safety. It's one of those things where you learn from experience. Luckily t wasn't any worse than it was, but it was enough to learn from it.
  12. Broken? No. I messed up my back pretty bad though on a 500 pound woman. Had help on four corners and my partners hand slipped off the bar and the weight shifted. I tried to counter it with my own body weight and somewhere in there the point of torque became my low back. Four months of chiropractic and I'm as good as new.
  13. By contributing, he means "Contributing the the delinquency of a minor" or the equivalent in N. Dakota. Essentially he bought booze for an under age and got busted.
  14. We are dispatched for any working fires, any fires in heavily populated areas (a kind term for trailer park), any at risk situations (gas leaks, CO detectors, nursing home smoke alarms). We respond to almost all working fires non L&S unless dispatch cannot confirm the family is standing by outside of the house. We've arrived on scene and seen grandma Mae trying to rescue her cats inside her fully engulfed house. If they can confirm that the victims are safe, we go non-L&S, and usually take our time anyway so we can stock a couple coolers of water and gatorade. Our FD responds to all of our calls, but they're all medical first responders. On more than one occasion I've taken one with me on a diff. breathing or something just to give them some experience in the ambulance. I would rather break them in that way than on a code, or a bad trauma. Overall though, I think we have a pretty good system....but don't we all
  15. Our system is rather simplistic....there are seven ambulance districts in our county. From alphabetical order they are numbered 101-201-301...etc. If there is a Paramedic onboard we are Medic 201, and if it is all basics/intermediates, we are Squad 201. That way our county ALS units know if we're a basic squad en route to a potentially ALS call. Our county director has a fly-car and is EMS-1 and the assistant director has a county pickup truck with L/S and is EMS-2...simple and easy to distinguish. The fire departments are different...where I work we have Engine 10, Brush 14, Tanker 13...etc. They just use the town name and the vehicle name when callin dispatch...easy system
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