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Fiznat's blog...amazing!

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Hey all,

If you haven't checked out fiznat's blog, you are truly missing out. (I don't know him, we're not buddies, it's just really, really, good)

He's catching some heat lately for his entries...I'd be curious what some of you with more experience think about his issues...

http://babymedic.blogspot.com/ He explaines them in the entry titled "a problem."

It's hard to imagine that his problems are justified...Way smart kid, very careful writing...Anyway, I'd be curious to know what you think.

Again, no reason for posting this other than what's stated above. Fiznat didn't ask it, in fact, may not appreciate it...But I guess that's blogging...

Have a great day all!


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Fiznat actually works for the same company I do, and last I had heard is that the problems were cleared up. He is just waiting for his turn to precept as a new paramedic. And you're right, he is a smart kid and I have no doubt that he'll be a fine paramedic. His blog is definatly worth the read.



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I'm not sure what sort of input you were anticipating from the vets, but I'll weigh in.

I only read the last couple of entries, but I am impressed by both his style and his thought processes. I recall bumping heads with him once or twice when he first arrived here at EMT City, but I don't recall why. Certainly nothing significant. But I have come to respect his intelligence, professional attitude, and serious commitment a great deal over time. His writings on the blog only reinforce what I already believed of him.

As for the controversy he addresses in the "problem" entry, I have not yet read far enough back to see exactly where all this comes from. However, if he is to be taken at his word, it sounds like a bunch of people are just being reactionary idiots, giving him grief that is not deserved. This happens a lot in EMS. Even here at The City, we constantly hear people recklessly throwing around accusations of "HIPPA" violations to people's postings here that are wholly unfounded. It's ridiculous. Consequently, I tend to laugh off most such accusations.

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I'm not sure what sort of input you were anticipating from the vets, but I'll weigh in.

That's mostly it. I'm no expert in most things EMS, but as I read through his blog, I was unable to find any stories that appeared to violate HIPAA, or to be offensive in any way to an individual.

I'm getting smarter medic-wise. But what I don't have access to yet is the politics that might cause these kinds of issues if none actually exist. I was curious if I was missing things, or if those surrounding the issue were getting their panties in a bunch for reasons unrelated to the content of the stories.

I'm going with:

...if he is to be taken at his word, it sounds like a bunch of people are just being reactionary idiots, giving him grief that is not deserved. This happens a lot in EMS. Even here at The City, we constantly hear people recklessly throwing around accusations of "HIPPA" violations to people's postings here that are wholly unfounded. It's ridiculous. Consequently, I tend to laugh off most such accusations.

Thanks Dust...Take good care of yourself!! (How is R&R?)


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This post is nowhere near a criticism of this blog - I read it faithfully and love it so I don't want to see it go away but..... with that said.....

But this controversy can be directly tied back into a previous thread topic on how what you write online can hurt you. He is living this truism.

He takes full responsibility for what was written but his boss and some higher ups found out about the blog and are now having an MI over what he wrote.

Remember people, what you write, no matter how innocuous you think it is or how harmless it really is, if it is on line and someone can find it someone will take offense or find fault in what you write.

Had his company wanted to they could have done one of several things.

1. Terminated him because it made the service and medical control hospital look bad and it was identifiable that it was their service mentioned (it didn't but powers above assumed it did). If it is the company that I think he works for then I'm surprised he didn't get canned right then and there.

2. Required him to stop blogging about his patients. I am sure that the old lady in his most recent blog entry and her caretakers could have taken offense at what he wrote, especially the bad dinner statement. That might have been an easily identifiable comment.

3. or they could have suspended him

Large corporations do NOT Like to be made to look bad. They tend to take it out on the little people.

Blogs are great but don't expect them to be fully private unless you are blogging on a fully secured blog, ergo - a blog that only you have access to and that you are the only one who will ever ever read it.

If it's out there on line, then it can be seen by people and some of those people DO NOT Have your best interests at heart.

Just be careful.

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Peter Canning seems to have the right idea, hopefully fiznat will learn from it. Change days, time of day, change genders even, and if necessary file it away and post it a few weeks/months later. Most EMS bloggers tend to post about interesting calls right away, which can lead to trouble.

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Thanks for the link. What an amazing writer! Sorry to hear that he is catching flak for his writings as he seem to be very careful about giving any specific identifiers. I just began my medic education on Monday and I wish I had the smarts to be able to critique myself in a similar manner.

Be safe all


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