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Well, well, well. Rules


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It's been my understanding within the past few years, since all of this "National Scope of Practice" talk fell upon us, that EMT would be removed from paramedic. You would be an EMT or a Paramedic. I've said it before, and I'll say it again (at the risk of hurting all the EMT's out there) EMT-Basics are technicians, they perform skills. They may or may not know why they are performing the skill or even the outcome of a skill, but they are there to perform the skill. Paramedics are clinicians. They treat a patient based on assessment and and an advanced educational foundation (we hope).

Now, before the basics get their star of life panties in a bind, I was a basic for quite some time. I knew what my job was and how to do it efficiently. I knew on 90% of our patients that I was going to put oxygen on (I could even get the liter flow and device correct most of the time), run a 12-lead, spike an IV bag, get a set of V/S manually, and put the BP monitor on. I knew when the patient would require EtCO2 monitoring. I could most of the time, pull out the appropriate drugs for the paramedic to draw up. I couldn't read a 12-lead, and outside of being able to associate a drug with a symptom, I couldn't tell you why the paramedic might want a drug.

As a paramedic, I understand the end result of the treatments I perform. I can read the 12-lead and I know exactly why I would or would not use a drug on a patient. The skills I preformed as a basic were invaluable to good patient care and the flow of a call. An EMT doesn't "save" me, they make my job easier by doing the skills they were taught to do. You have to know your role, and that goes for both EMT and paramedic.

If EMT's save paramedics, then paramedics save doctors! That's just silly.

Hi ems493, You mean to tell me paramedics don't wear star of life panties, too? Wow, I'm learning something new everyday! lol Seriously though, I agree with what you've said here. I think you said it very well too. It is true I haven't been in this business very long, but I do understand what you're saying makes a lot of sense. One of the things that really amazes me is all the hostility between emts and paramedics. I see it go on here where I'm at too. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions on this topic-but it probably belongs in a different discussion-we're in the funny section, right? I just wanted to reply to your post and let you know what I thought about it. Take care and stay safe.

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Hey bushy-could you define the term "tosser" for me? I'm relatively new to EMS. I'd appreciate it. Thanks :wink:

Tosser is a synonym for "chronic masturbator" or "wanker" in accordance with our good friends at Websters dictionary.

Wankers seems to have taken a life of its own as an EMS term for someone who is a "ricky rescue" type, with a full array for galls purchased gear in their personal posession. Please forward all blame to EMTcity member Dustdevil for this happening. However, you likely have never met a person like this considering the career oriented system you are from.

Come to the states, where driving a blue light and "im an EMT" covered pickup truck thats too high for its own good can only be outdone by the 8 pagers and "firefighters ride em hard" T shirt at a wedding or other black tie event. :? :?

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However, you likely have never met a person like this considering the career oriented system you are from.

Not in EMS, but when you consider the largest fire service in the world is here, with all 79 thousand vollies manning it, ive seen my fair share :shock:

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