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The Computer belongs to a Redneck if......


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The Computer belongs to a Redneck if......

1. The mouse is referred to as a critter.

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

3. There is a Skoal can in the CD-Rom drive.

4. There is a gunrack mounted to the CPU.

5. The password is "Bubba."

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

7. Outgoing faxes have beer stains on them.

8. The printer goes really slow since Bubba don't read too


9. The extra RAM slots have parts for a '76 Dodge Aspen

installed in them.

10. The menus all have Budweiser, Black Label, and Old

Milwaukee options.

11. Jeff Foxworthy *.wav's.

12. The monitor is up on blocks.

13. Seven blue tick hounds under the computer desk.

14. Deer jerky in the desk drawer.

15. The screen saver consists of Ned Beatty with the dueling

banjos playing in the background

16. The six front keys have rotted out.

17. John Deere Pocket Protectors.

18. The only games installed on the computer are "Deer

Hunting" and "Bass Fishing with Babe Winkleman"

19. Bumper stickers on the side of the tower stating "I brake

for nobody"

20. Copy of his lawsuit against the makers of "Redneck Rampage"

claiming that he and his brother never did such a thing.

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Hmm... howzabout:

Spam - Four of da four main food groups?

Pixil - Da shelf under da winder whar ya leaves yer geetahr strummer?

Technology - Experteex 'bout how thumbtex werk?

(And from the post-a-reply screen alone:)

Forum - What ya say whin yer votin' in faver uv a candydate.

Submit - When it's real cold, da glove ya wears next ta yer skin, unner da werk-glove.

Emoticon - One uh them wussy kids what's gone ter jail.

URL - What the doc sez iz wrong witcha.

Message - What ya left when ya haint cleaned up.

Message body - Who ya left when ya haint cleaned up.

Font - Howya feels when ya likes summun. :love7:

Default Font - Howya feels when ya likes summun ya shoon't. :oops:

Arial - Da radyo wire on yer truck.

Code - Winter illness.

Flash File - What a lady does inna 'mergent nail sityooashun'.

Stream File - When she drops it while fishin'.

Real Media - True roadkill.

BBCodes - Cardiac arrest associated wit' birdshot.

Bold - Got no hayuhr.

Minus 3 for being silly, I know, I know.

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