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Pager 6th sense?


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Ok, so I work at a service where I'm on a shift for 10hrs and then on 14hrs of pager call-back. I noticed that every single time where I get paged when I'm sleeping, I wake up roughtly 20seconds BEFORE the pager goes off.

Does anyone else get this? I'm a bit weirded out by it really... almost like my body KNOWS the pager is going to go off so makes sure I'm awake :shock:

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I've woken up right before tones drop, and also right before my radio goes off in the middle of the night. I'll look at my cell phone 2 seconds before I get a text message... or just be picking it up when it'll go off... So yes, it happens to other people too. I've heard of medics who know what kind of call they're getting before they get it. I've just kind of gotten used to it.

I have a very interesting theory about this kind of thing... it has to do with time but it kind of jumps into physics a bit which I'm not really good at. If you really want to know, I'll tell you- I've explained it a few times before to friends. If not, I'm not subjecting the board to it, because it could open up a very funky can of worms!

In the meantime, don't worry about it. Just accept it, is all I can say. It's something that most folks don't talk about because yeah, it's kind of strange... but think of it this way... it gives you a jump on waking up in the middle of the night, and that extra 20 seconds could mean something someday.




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One night my hubby and I were headed up to the neighborhood bar (now mind you, our service is not very busy). He began to take my radio off the charger and I told him to turn it off because we would be drinking and I wouldn't be able to go on a call. He turned it off and then decided to turn it back on during the trip to the bar. The dang thing went off, call was a 10-50 and one of the worst we have ever had around here.

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i know what your talking about. i wake up in the middle of the night a good minute or so before tones go off. but by far the wierdest is i can call the calls we're gonna get. its gotten so freaky. i can call it with in 30-45 mins of the time i said i would come in. and now for some reason i can even call what we're gonna go to. like today i said we'd have a seizure and 1715. and we got one at 1736. it made me feel so creeped out. i got all goose bump.

my roommate and i have been playing a game where we try and call what time the calls will come in. its a fairly slow service so we have a lot of time to sit and play stupid games like this or make crazy pick up lines.... but that anther thread.

my advice enjoy it. its always feels creepy but you'll never be cought off guard. which is nice. if you can have fun with it.

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I've woken up in the middle of the night just before tones went off more times that I want to admit. I've also grabbed my radio when I was headed out just because I got a "feeling". Last time that I didn't follow that feeling, I got a call on my cell in the middle of a Cub Scout pack meeting telling me that I would be the only supervisor in town since one of the other supervisor's wife had just been set up for a transfer to Denver and he had requested that the third supervisor and the director be the ones to crew the ambulance.

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many, many times over the years. A phenomenon really....i wonder, do you all work off of tone paging? Listen to the scanner too?

There has to be something your brain is trained to hear and wake up to, that occurs before the alert. For instance, I wake up to the police call, and use of the word "hospital case" on the police band.

This has a pavlovian connection id bet.

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Ha- nice to know I'm not alone!

This has been happening to me for years, both on the EMS and Fire sides. No scanner, just a pager, so it would be hard to say that there is any subliminal listening to signals. I know a few people like this - I'm sure there are many more!

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The worst is when you're dreaming, get a job in the dream, wake up, and then get a job in reality.

Well, you do have to grow up eventually, put down the Guiness and work for a living. I know how scary it can be having a job but you will be fine. :D:lol:

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