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Whose responsible in your opinion foryour pre-hospital care


Whose responsible in your opinion for your individual provision of pre-hospital patient care?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • 1.) I am and I do my best to learn and further myself and take this with the utmost seriousness, I do the best I can for every patient
    • 2.) Not me, it's everyone elses responsibility
    • 3.) It's a combination of factors, and I do my best everytime
    • 4.) My education, trianing, service, partner, and medical director control, and state are, NOT ME
    • 5.) My answer isn't in the list here, see my post.....

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Hello Everyone,

Due to the spate of recent threads with evidence of gross malpractice, negligence, etc... have led me to wonder what your opinions and views on these issues are. Whose responsible in your opinion for your individual provision of pre-hospital patient care? So if you provide care to a patient in the course of your job-duites, do you thinbk you should be held accountible for living up to the accpeted standards of care? What are your thoughts?

out here,


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Good points Ace. This is one of the major points that is left out in the initial doctrination of EMTs'. As others have posted, including myself, we are seeing more and more irresponsible acts. Is this because they are happening more or the public and press is more aware of what are responsibilities are as well.

I believe it is a mixture. So many take the EMT course, never wanting, having the significant knowledge, or performance of performing at the professions demand. Assuming it is someone else duties. As well, with maturity and exposure, the profession gets better understood by the public and the press... but; the good with the bad. More and more of carelessness, and flaws will be reported as well. Again, you have take the good with the bad.

Ultimately, you cannot really control the action of others. Only lead, ask, be a mentor for them to hopefully follow. The first part is evaluating yourself.. are you really worthy of such a role?.. Just because you perform good patient care does not really make it so. Are you a good employee, partner, and medic .....person to yourself and to others? It is hard to look objectively at one's self. Usually medics are always harder on themselves, than others.. but, I have seen a different trend lately. This is what I feel is part of the problem. Arrogance, that one is not responsible for their own action, and that one cannot achieve any higher after receiving their certification/license.

I am firm believer, that educational systems should have attitude grading that can be placed into the grading criteria. Those that demonstrate non-participation, no involvement in classroom, skills, and clinical objectives should be counseled and possibly failed.

Whenever, we in the profession take our own job serious enough, then we will institute and demand better performance from our colleagues and our selves.

R/r 911

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This is a pretty easy and straight forward question. I am responsible for my aspects of prehospital care as I am the one making the decisions. I can't blame anyone else for what I do on a scene provided that I have worked within my protocols to the best of my ability. I'm not sure how many people you'll find willing to admit they should blame someone else for what they have done on a scene.



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Whose responsible in your opinion for your individual provision of pre-hospital patient care? So if you provide care to a patient in the course of your job-duites, do you thinbk you should be held accountible for living up to the accpeted standards of care? What are your thoughts?

I am ultimately responsible for any patient care I render. It is my duty to thoroughly understand all my treatment modalities and how they effect the patient. To say that it is Med controls job is a cop out, I should know if an order or a protocol is harmful to a patient. Granted medicine changes weekly, but I should make a concerted effort to keep up on the changes. My patients deserve the best I can give, and I can only give the best by keeping up with the changes in the standard of care.




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I think the replies to this poll should be interesting, if one were to read the related threads there is always 'something' which prevents or deflects responsibilty for the involved parties. Also, I agree with "rid," in that there seems to be a large rise in the number of EMS providers who state "Not my problem, it's the Medc con, the comapny, the************.....(fill in the blank). Let's here it people, what do you all say, is this representative of you and your views, or merely what i am seeing in my microchasm of EMS?


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Ace, if anyone chooses other than the first choice then SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are responsible for the level of care and knowledge and no one else is responsible.

WE have become a society of blame it on someone else and let us not take responsibility for our actions. Just look at the court dockets these days.

WE have become a blame the victim society and I read a book called "Blaming the Victim" in a college sociology class and it was as true today as it was when it was written.

If you are not able or willing to take responsibility for your actions, your level of care, your level of maturity, your level of education and the like then I DO NOT WANT YOU TAKING CARE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't even bother coming to my house to take care of me, I'd rather take a cab or walk.


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When I was getting processed into our system, the EMS Coordinator asked me almost the same question and also asked who was responsible for an EMT's continuing education.

When I answered 'I am on both counts' , the Coordinator told me younger people (18 to 20) usually answered that it was someone else's responsibility.

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I am a firm believer that you are responsible for you own actions and knowing what your protocols are. I can't imagine screwing up and then trying to blame it on someone else, let alone my medical director. I just finished and passed my NY AEMT-CC class and in a few years when we pay off some of the major bills, plan on going to Paramedic School. In between you can bet you buttocks that I will take my education into my own hands and not rely on someone else to do it for me. I know some EMT's that are on all levels who believe that things should be done they way they were taught 20 years ago, and some new ones who think that because they have just come out of class they know it all.

take care all,


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