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Looking for specific case law - Families following the squad

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Good evening to all,

Looking for case law regarding any MVC's or patient care delays regarding families following the ambulance through red lights, following too close, or the like.

My good friend Google McSearchengine was unhelpful, anyone know of anything?

XOXO, and thanks in advance,


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I know that in Colorado a vehicle can't do that unless they have emergency lights and follow saftey precautions. I found this out becuse of a conversation about the van from the local prison doing just that.

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I didn't know that was legal in ANY place, unless they were specifically being given an escort...but following an ambulance on an emergency run is not an escort.


You can't break traffic rules just because the ambulance in front of you is doing it. Even following it within a certain distance without speeding or running lights is illegal I think.

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I didn't know that was legal in ANY place, unless they were specifically being given an escort...but following an ambulance on an emergency run is not an escort.

It isnt legal anywhere.

What im looking for specifically is any case law regarding lawsuits, wrongful death suits in the above situations.

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I was told once that if someone won't quit tailgating, pull over the ambulance, get out, and tell them you will not continue if they stop.

Its unfair to the driver to have the added stress of watching someone do stupid things behind them. I'm not sure if there is any specific case law written about or for non emergency vehicles drafting emergency vehicles, if you run a red and cause an accident following your dear sweet grandmother to the hospital after the ambulance, I'm sure it would probably be treated the same as if you ran the red on your own.

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I know several years ago, back when the EMS was called AMCARE in OKC, there was an incident that there was a family that was following an EMS unit too close and was involved in a MVC (not the EMS unit). It killed one of the family members when their vehicle ran through an intersection. I know the family attempted to sue the EMS for allowing occurrence etc... They lost because the the EVO had warned them not to follow... he radioed in to report to have LEO to stop them... and he was not exceeding the speed limits, and nor driving reckless.

I am sorry, I don't have more info... this as more than 20 years ago as well. I know they changed their policy to stopping the unit and advising the family to "back off" and if they continue, the unit will go to the hospital in a non-emergency mode.

I will try to get case .. etc. if I can find someone that might remember... A legend EVO safety instructor Gary McGraw used to have this in his course as a case.

Be safe,

R/R 911

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I know several years ago, back when the EMS was called AMCARE in OKC, there was an incident that there was a family that was following an EMS unit too close and was involved in a MVC (not the EMS unit). It killed one of the family members when their vehicle ran through an intersection. I know the family attempted to sue the EMS for allowing occurrence etc... They lost because the the EVO had warned them not to follow... he radioed in to report to have LEO to stop them... and he was not exceeding the speed limits, and nor driving reckless.

I am sorry, I don't have more info... this as more than 20 years ago as well. I know they changed their policy to stopping the unit and advising the family to "back off" and if they continue, the unit will go to the hospital in a non-emergency mode.

I will try to get case .. etc. if I can find someone that might remember... A legend EVO safety instructor Gary McGraw used to have this in his course as a case.

Be safe,

R/R 911

Great Rid, thanks...the reason for asking was determining where the liability stands.

I ask, what is everyones station policies on this? Tell them not to follow? then contact LEO's to pick them off? Stop the squad, get out and tell them to stop?

What does everyone do to combat this?

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You stop your truck, get out, and tell them. Period.

It used to happen frequently, but now, not so much.

I stop my ambulance safely, then walk up to the driver, and nicely explain. I have had to tell people that they were stupid, and will die if they continue. Many years ago, had one who just wouldn't listen, after I stopped twice. With a critical patient, I slowed down, and called the Po. Luckily they were available, and detained him.

With overly excited family, I am pro-active. They are usually related to the patient who can walk to the ER, and have a good tooth to brain cell ratio.

We did have a family that "passed out" while following, and crashed into a tree. Luckily, the bus was driving normal speed with a "routine transport" to a specialty center, no RLS. Crew stopped, and called for help. Luckily, nothing serious.

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If we are running in with L/S I always, always tell the family not to try and follow us. I usually will stop the truck, get out and tell them to back off if need be or if LEOs are handy I let them handle it.

One thing not mentioned that really aggravates me is people who aren't family following the ambulance and passing cars that have pulled over for me. People think its a free ticket down the highway. Anybody else have this happen to them?

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