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Pocket BVM Cleaning


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Hey Guys. I've been looking at the "Cyclone Pocket BVM" that takes up way less space then a preassembled BVM in a bag. The one con is that its expensive at like $37.00. Can the mask on the BVM be replaced and the bag portion cleaned in a solution of bleach and water. Can the BVM at least be reused after its been cleaned?

Benasack, I was in your position at one time and then I arrived at a wreck that was a total clusterfuck. 2 car head on with 3 critical patients with no EMS units on Scene.

I was RED CROSS First aid trained and thought I was the SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! I mean come on that's all I needed. I was the bomb. I was ready to take on the world. I was able to call 911 and get all the resources.

You know what, I froze when I saw a dead kid in the floor board of the car. I had no preparation for that. The first ambulance arrived and the medic realized that I was there to help because I was holding C-spine on the kids mother.

He told me to focus and just talk to the mom.

I did just that.

they ended up flying all the patients out and then he sat me down and talked to me about what we saw during that call.

He told me to take my enthusiasm and the red cross first aid card and shove it up the Red Cross's ass and then gave me a number to call to enroll in a EMT Class and I did.

Best thing I ever did and now 20 years later I'm a pretty damn good medic.

So do what Mike says, get your butt in a EMT Class and stop trying to impress all of us with your "nanny nanny boo boo I'm trained I'm a MFR shit" and get into a EMT class. You will quickly realize that the MFR that you think is so hot shit has not only set you up for failure down the road if you do come upon the big one like I did.

YOu have potential and you should listen to him and to me, get a EMT Class under your belt and see how far you can go, you might realize that EMT isn't as far as you want to go.

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Capt. Benesack has been banned. He is a 12 year old boy whose only training is from that of an EMS video game. However, his obsession with EMS is real and he does have what he states.

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I wasn't really paying attention to his posts until I read what Mike kept trying to hammer into his head about going to EMT school. That's when I added my 2 cents. I really didn't read all his posts. The only other post I contributed to was the bag post but it wasn't directed at him per-se but to the group as a whole as to what I have in my disaster bag

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I wasn't really paying attention to his posts until I read what Mike kept trying to hammer into his head about going to EMT school. That's when I added my 2 cents. I really didn't read all his posts. The only other post I contributed to was the bag post but it wasn't directed at him per-se but to the group as a whole as to what I have in my disaster bag

I trained with the Red Cross but it was EMT.

I wonder what game he is playing. I might could go troll them for a while! :punk:

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