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Has the world gone crazy?


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So again I think this world is completely bonkers. The media should have some sort of policy of doing public trials like this. Last night on one of those Nancy Gray type things on CNN there is a missing grade 5 girl from somewhere in the states. So a reporter goes to the step father and asks "If you could say something to your step-daughter what would it be" his reply "Get your butt home". Ok not what you would think any one would say and alittle harsh but with those words the reporters have invaded his face-book, any other thing that may have his name on it and are now saying "He should be a person of interest and that the cops should be investigating him" Well first of all they are investigating him because he was in the house when it happened. Just like the Jonbente Ramsey case this family is going to go through the ringer. Once the accusations are out there who ever it is towards never lives them down and there are many people that have had to live through this public trial system. Personaly I turned it off as I dont want to be a part of a public trial. Now with Casey I dont know if she is quilty or not and I will never know, but the public is all up in arms over the out come of their own judical system and are on a head hunt. The crap the media puts out there is borderline slanderous. They even have an expert that has created a picture of her if she has plastic surgery.... Come on people there has to be something eles to report on.

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Shush you .. I am trying to sell a sightly used White Ford Bronco !

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Shush you .. I am trying to sell a sightly used White Ford Bronco !

Got some gloves with that?

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I do not think they would fit .. they got put away wet and are shrunk a tad.

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I dont think there are many people who dont believe that she was guilty as sin, but belief is not the same as proof. It then becomes opinion, and I dont think that anyone wants a judicial system that works on the basis of opinion.. There are certain safeguards built in to most western legal sytems that create a safety zone to protect the innocent. Without those safeguards,we might put away (or execute) a few more guilty people, but also a few more innocent ones. High profile cases like this one and OJ Simpson's boil our blood, but but we probably do not hear about those in which an innocent ordinary citizen has been acquitted thanks to those safeguards our forefathers built in. Trial by Jury beats the hell out of Trial by Media1!

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Shush you .. I am trying to sell a sightly used White Ford Bronco !

Only driven at low speeds?

I do not think they would fit .. they got put away wet and are shrunk a tad.

If the glove doesn't fit, you can't convict!

Seriously, if you're going to put on a pair of gloves, try to not spread your fingers out as far as they will go......even YOUR gloves won't fit YOUR hand if you do that!....lol

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Yeah...it has nothing to do with this little girl. It has everything to do with people wanting something to be angry about. Wanting to be 'advocates' without every having to actually commit themselves to anything.

What truly pisses me off is that these shitheads will get off of their couches to protest in front of the cameras for a dead child but will be sitting still, getting fatter and more ignorant while the next two hundred such children become dead. It's like the "if you care, repost this!" shit on Facebook. People are allowed to feel like warriors without ever having to do more than click a button. It's crazy, ridiculous, enraging and sad.

It makes me think of the contests, like the televised celebrity poker tournaments where there is someone playing for a battered women's shelter, someone for children's cancer research, etc...yet who always wins? Some ditzy, vapid, starlet playing for Momma Murphy's home for stray cats. And they are ever so proud to give that money away...

We can't advocate from the sidelines. We can't create change by fighting when we haven't even identified the enemy. The world has got to get back outside, where they can be effected, and then affected, and then become potent again. The world, despite appearances, doesn't concede to sound bites.

Hell, sorry all. Was just on the break room on the rig where "paranormal scientists/researchers' explained to the world why we know that the moon is actually a spaceship that is trying to communicate with us. Unfortunately that communication is being covered up by the corrupt governments of the world. Listening to some of the roughnecks say, "See! That's the kind of bullshit that I'm talking about! We have a right to decide if the aliens can talk to us or not! Not the governments! What if they have the cure for cancer or something!" made me a little batshit crazy and got you all a silly rant.

If you really want to cry, go to Youtube and type in "end women's suffrage" and watch some of the videos. Ridiculous. It's not the misunderstanding that bothers me so much, though it does of course, but the passion that these young, supposedly educated, women churn up on a subject that they are completely ignorant to, in order to participate.

Thanks all for participating.


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I dont think there are many people who dont believe that she was guilty as sin, but belief is not the same as proof. It then becomes opinion, and I dont think that anyone wants a judicial system that works on the basis of opinion.. There are certain safeguards built in to most western legal sytems that create a safety zone to protect the innocent. Without those safeguards,we might put away (or execute) a few more guilty people, but also a few more innocent ones. High profile cases like this one and OJ Simpson's boil our blood, but but we probably do not hear about those in which an innocent ordinary citizen has been acquitted thanks to those safeguards our forefathers built in. Trial by Jury beats the hell out of Trial by Media1!

Well I might have a bite on that ! Don't you mean the "precedent" set by scum sucking Lawyers because of a loop hole ?

I have been to court way to many times to see a slap on the wrist when a drunk guy kills a father of 4 in an MVC. A bastard that smothered a 19 month old child and got 2 years, or a meth head get off because he had a drug problem and assaulting a Peace Office charge because he was not aware of what he was doing? ps I was the witness. Oh dear North "opinion" is exactly what the judge uses in his/her judgement, we are way to light, 9 times out of 10, bring back the guillotine and public hangings for horse thieves too. :argue:


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Well I might have a bite on that ! Don't you mean the "precedent" set by scum sucking Lawyers because of a loop hole ?

I have been to court way to many times to see a slap on the wrist when a drunk guy kills a father of 4 in an MVC. A bastard that smothered a 19 month old child and got 2 years, or a meth head get off because he had a drug problem and assaulting a Peace Office charge because he was not aware of what he was doing? ps I was the witness. Oh dear North "opinion" is exactly what the judge uses in his/her judgement, we are way to light, 9 times out of 10, bring back the guillotine and public hangings for horse thieves too. :argue:


And if the 10th (out of 10) is your son, or your daughter, or another that you cherish, you will then still be satisfied as "you must break eggs to make an omelet?"

Will you willingly sacrifice one that you love so that those that I love will possibly have one less criminal on the street? How many of those that you love are you willing to do so with so that there will be no chance that the guilty will walk free?

Without 'scum sucking' defense lawyers there is no justice, no civil liberty, no constitutional value. What you ask for is to allow the government to choose who is guilty or not, who will live or die, who is worthy or isn't? Welcome to Squints domain in the dark ages....

For the record, I have no family members, friends etc that are defense lawyers. I simply respect the need of the individual to be defended against the masses.


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And if the 10th (out of 10) is your son, or your daughter, or another that you cherish, you will then still be satisfied as "you must break eggs to make an omelet?"

Will you willingly sacrifice one that you love so that those that I love will possibly have one less criminal on the street? How many of those that you love are you willing to do so with so that there will be no chance that the guilty will walk free?

Without 'scum sucking' defense lawyers there is no justice, no civil liberty, no constitutional value. What you ask for is to allow the government to choose who is guilty or not, who will live or die, who is worthy or isn't? Welcome to Squints domain in the dark ages....

For the record, I have no family members, friends etc that are defense lawyers. I simply respect the need of the individual to be defended against the masses.


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