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China Bans Time travel

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If the story I heard about an American who, while learning one of the Chinese dialects, got arrested for "playfully" telling a Chinese woman he loved her, is true, they might have the concept of a previous century person having a baby by one of our contemporary century folks in mind.

It brings to mind a Mike Nesmith movie, "Time Rider", where a contemporary motocross rider accidental gets sent back in time, while wearing a medallion his great grandmother gave him. Great gandma had stated she stole the medallion from a mysterious stranger, with whom she had sex. In the story line, he has sex with a woman, who, just before he gets rescued, snatches the medallion, leaving me with the impression he may have sired his own grandfather with his great grandmother.

Talk about keeping it all in the family!

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I'm not sure how I feel about them trying to protect their national heritage for their spawn coming up in the internet/video age...I saw a quote somewhere..Snopes maybe? That said something to the effect of that we now have several generations of kids that were taught to respect print media that now believe anything they read on the internet. For you youngsters...what you read here, and the print media of old have nothing in common when verification is considered. Unfortunately, I see many adults that behave in that exact same way.

Babs bought me a collectors set of The Magnificent 7 a long time ago(Those of you not having been around long will likely have no idea what I'm talking about.)..Like...400 cds or some such..but anyway it had all of the interviews with the actors and editorials etc. What I found interesting was that it was filmed in Mexico, and they made all of the necessary arrangements to do so but the last "I" to be dotted was that someone from the International Protectors of Mexican Appearances bureau (or something like that) had to be present during shooting to make sure that Mexicans weren't portrayed in a bad light.

It turns out the woman, I think it was, that filled this position didn't like Mexicans always being portrayed in westerns as dirty, and slovenly, smoking and spitting and talking like idiots, so she changed that. So if you watch that movie, THE western of it's time you see the Mexican workers coming out of the fields at the end of the day exhausted, carrying their hoes yet their clothes are perfectly clean, starched and pressed, none smoke or chew, and all seem to have at a minimum, an MS, at least to hear them speak. :-)

I do have to wonder the effect of that image on the youth of that day compared to the image that was normally portrayed. Would I want Dylan to grow up with images of our WWI/II vets raping and pillaging while they slurred in their drunkenness because that had become the accepted global image of Americans for that time period?

I truly have no solid opinion on this. Hopefully those that know me here are aware of my thoughts on censorship....Man, I don't know. Perhaps permanently protecting some images for our youth, who live in a digital instead of paper age, even in fantasy, is worthy of the temporary shit storm it will cause? I have no idea....

So, the point being....Well....I'm not exactly sure what my point was..I just found the two like stories interesting...


Edited to repair formatting.

Edited by DwayneEMTP
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Hey Dwayne, get this. Since you brought up the appearances of the mexicans in Magnificent 7.

Did you know that on a number of John wayne films and other westerns, the attention to detail wasn't really cared for.

If you look at some of the scenes on the prarie, you will see Jet Contrails in the sky.

If you look at some of the wrists of the actors, especially Wayne, occasionally you will see a nice watch on the wrist.

they didn't have wristwatches back then.

You will also see in the far background during some of the scenes on the praries, roads, and especially paved roads.

Just some trivia - and I return you to the regularly scheduled thread - NO wait, this is my thread so I can go off topic if I want. ha ha

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In the book version of the first episode of "The Time Tunnel", back late 1960s or early 1970s, they addressed the dilemma of a man going back in time, and, accidentally or otherwise, killing his grandfather before he met his grandmother. Then, they reversed it by having one of the 2 time travellers of the show save the life of the grandmother of the one who had mentioned the dilemma, when "granny" was only 5.

On the topic of film inconsistencies, there's a segment of "The Valachi Papers", showing the Brooklyn docks, circa 1932, with a background showing the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. The inconsistency? There shouldn't be any 1970s Kenworth, Mack, Peterbilt or Mercedes trucks driving behind action in the 1930s.

Another inconsistency: A film of Melvin Purvis' pursuit of John Dillinger, also circa 1930s. They do a somewhat tight shot of Purvis lighting a cigar, with a Microwave communications tower behind him.

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