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Epilepsy and EMT


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Hello I am Joseph and I am 18 years old. I live in Atlanta and I want to be an EMT. The problem is, I have epilepsy, I really want to know if I am able to become an EMT with me having epilepsy. Please respond if you can, this determines where I go within the next 2 months. Thanks.

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Hey Joseph, welcome to the City.

You can be a rockstar EMT with a seizure disorder, the problem is that no one is going to allow you to drive an ambulance.

We had a great EMTB here a while back that had a seizure secondary to medication in Florida and I believe that he was removed from his regular job and would be required to be seizure free for a minimum of 5 years before he would be allowed back on the street.

Fortunately he found a job he likes even better working in a hospital.

There may be exceptions to this rule, but I really doubt it.

Good luck to you man...


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I'm afraid you might be out of luck my friend. In terms of working on the streets for sure. And in Ontario every working Paramedic is required to have a valid "F"-Class DL, even the flight guys.

I had an idiopathic seizure (more likely situational syncope, but that original ED diagnosis was seizure) two years ago that almost killed my career before it started. It was a long battle of testing and review boards to keep my DL and allow me to finish school and get a job.

That being said, you're 18 and you haven't started yet. Give yourself the better career option and pursue a career as an RN. You can then work in emerg, ICU and one day if you're still interested in the CCT or Flight world and along the way have a better education that still leaves you with multiple job options when your back or knees check out.

I love EMS and here in Ontario we get paid comparably to RN's, but I still consider going back to get my RN, for the added education and as a fallback for my knees and burnout.

Good luck!

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Hello I am Joseph and I am 18 years old. I live in Atlanta and I want to be an EMT. The problem is, I have epilepsy, I really want to know if I am able to become an EMT with me having epilepsy. Please respond if you can, this determines where I go within the next 2 months. Thanks.

Hey dude,

I think as far as EMT school your SOL. But, if your thing is really medicine, don't fret. You may not be able to ride the ambulace, but working in a facility either a hospital or other such facility can still be an option.

How long has it been since your last Seizure? Is it controlled? Are you compliant? Just a few things to ask yourself, before you continue down this path.

Good Luck with whatever you do.

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Joseph, obviously we have never met, and I hate being either the recipient or deliverer of bad tidings.

Having said that, I have to ask: If diagnosed with Epilepsy, or any type of seizure type activity, is it of the type that can strike on viewing flashing lights? I had an associate who couldn't function in the field, as the Epilepsy was "triggered" by the emergency lights on the ambulance. His case was so bad, he couldn't even be photographed by flash photography. He eventually left the EMS field, and I have lost contact with him over the last 3 decades.

While the name for the type escapes me, there is a name for this particular type of seizure activity.

May I suggest getting some guidance from your primary care doctor, and possibly the Epilepsy Foundation? http://epilepsyfoundation.ning.com/

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Having said that, I have to ask: If diagnosed with Epilepsy, or any type of seizure type activity, is it of the type that can strike on viewing flashing lights? I had an associate who couldn't function in the field, as the Epilepsy was "triggered" by the emergency lights on the ambulance. His case was so bad, he couldn't even be photographed by flash photography. He eventually left the EMS field, and I have lost contact with him over the last 3 decades.

While the name for the type escapes me, there is a name for this particular type of seizure activity.

It is called Photosensitive epilepsy, and no fortunately I dont have that. So flashing lights is not a problem for me. I really dont want an office/sitdown job, thats not me, I really dont. I have been turned down jobs because "You are liability", you have no idea how many times I have heard this. I just really wanted to be involved in EMS or the Military ever since I was literally 5 years old, thats all I ever wanted to do. Now I cant do either of them. I am not a whining nor am I negative person, I am very positive and goal oriented and want to get the most out of life and help others. I am just having problems on choosing a career that I am actually allowed to do.

Edited by JosephW
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I think Docharris has your answer then brother.

RN gets you more blood and guts, more respect, more interesting medicine and the better education for when you begin to think more about supporting a family than fulfilling your inner destiny, (Not making fun, being fulfilled is certainly important, 'specially when you're young, but it won't always be your priority.)

I'm sorry we couldn't give you better news, but truly, when you look back at the world from an RN's job, money, and opportunities you may be grateful you were forced off of the EMT path.


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It is called Photosensitive epilepsy, and no fortunately I dont have that. So flashing lights is not a problem for me. I really dont want an office/sitdown job, thats not me, I really dont. I have been turned down jobs because "You are liability", you have no idea how many times I have heard this. I just really wanted to be involved in EMS or the Military ever since I was literally 5 years old, thats all I ever wanted to do. Now I cant do either of them. I am not a whining nor am I negative person, I am very positive and goal oriented and want to get the most out of life and help others. I am just having problems on choosing a career that I am actually allowed to do.

I feel your pain. I have a condition which doesn't allow me to work the field anymore, but thankfully that was after close to 6 years of a busy suburban system. Hang in there. You'll find something you're good at and enjoy even if it isn't in the field of EMS. I had to switch majors from Nursing to health care administration because nursing would be too hard on my body. I know the feeling of giving up dreams before they even have a chance to start. I would meet with the medical director of the program/service and discuss with him what your individual situation is and if they have any suggestions. I wouldn't close any doors until you have someone tell you that you can't do EMS because you just never know.

Best of luck to you and feel free to PM me anytime.

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Well Joseph, I have not lived in Georgia for a while now, but when I did the rule of thumb was you could not work on a truck, because you would be required to drive, and as one with seizure disorders that was not possible. It did not preclude you from becoming an EMT or a Paramedic, it just limits you to where you can work. EMT's and Paramedics are not limited to working on ambulances alone. You can gain employment in ER's, radiological clinics, research clinics etc. Hope this helps for ya.

Hello I am Joseph and I am 18 years old. I live in Atlanta and I want to be an EMT. The problem is, I have epilepsy, I really want to know if I am able to become an EMT with me having epilepsy. Please respond if you can, this determines where I go within the next 2 months. Thanks.

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