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Exams, On the Job and Contuinuning Education Software

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Alright, for a while now, I have been planning up some ideas for a software program that is PC/Mac based and even for cell phones. It would most likely be complex and take a lot of time.

Anyway, without getting into great detail of what I plan on doing. My question is, how legally liable would I be, and the programmers be. I would of course use reliable sources and cite them, give them credit and get permission. That is not what I mean though.

For example, part of the programming might be dealing with med math. If for some reason the program fails and give a false positive for medication dose. Are we liable for this? We all know programs tend to not work sometimes. This kind of stuff is what I am worried about. I don't want be be sued because my software said to give someone 2000 ug/min dose of nitro instead of saying 200. This, would be bad.

Aside from "provider should know better" excuse, this was just an example.

Could you get away with just using a disclaimer or something?

Any input would be nice.

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I would NOT worry about being sued! One only has to look to all of the Medical Apps available for the Iphone.

What you NEED to do, from my Business Law MBA class,

1. I would form an LLC for your software company.

2. Find a good contract attorney who can write up the " Fine Print" for your software programs. This will include the disclaimers.

3. Make sure your software works BEFORE releasing it to the masses.....This is from a business point of view...If it sucks the first time, people are going to be hesitant to go there twice...

4. Find a good CPA


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It's pretty easy to set up an LLC too, my parents did it for their boat so if they get sued it's only the LLC that gets touched not their personal assets and my inheritance!

Would you make it free??

I like the idea and good luck!!!!!

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It's pretty easy to set up an LLC too, my parents did it for their boat so if they get sued it's only the LLC that gets touched not their personal assets and my inheritance!

Would you make it free??

I like the idea and good luck!!!!!

Didn't they tell you they are spending your inheritance? :spell:

Fire hope you success, but I have no clue how to program, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't stay at Holiday inn Expresses.

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I have what I want on paper. I just need to get in contact with programmers to see if it is even feasible. Getting software programmed from the ground up takes awhile and can be very expensive.

Thanks for the vote of confidence people. I will keep you updated and maybe asking for input when the time comes.

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