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Caught On Camera: Child Dragged Through Ga. Store On Leash

Posted: 1:35 pm EDT August 5, 2009

Updated: 4:22 pm EDT August 5, 2009

ROME, Ga. -- A Verizon Wireless employee captured shocking video of a mother dragging her child through the store by a monkey backpack leash.

According to a police report obtained by Channel 2 Action News, Melissa Means told Rome police officer Keith Green that she was having problems with her child.

The incident occurred in late April on Broad Street in Rome.

Means, of Gaylsville, Ala., told police that she suffered from lupus and pneumonia and that her son was refusing to walk and because of her health problems, she could not pick him up. According to the report, Means said her son liked being “pulled around by his monkey.”

While investigating the incident, Green spoke with a Verizon Wireless employee who had videotaped the incident on his cell phone. The video was posted on the video sharing Web site LiveLeak.com. Green said the child had a red bruise mark on the left side of his neck from the backpack strap.

Representatives from the Division of Family and Children Services(DFCS) were notified of the incident and the child was later released to his grandmother.

Means was charged with cruelty to children and taken to the Floyd County Jail.

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He likes being dragged around by his monkey!? Even if that's true, what exactly would possess a mother to try that in the first place? From what I saw in that tape, she was moving at a good clip and having no trouble dragging him across a carpeted floor, so I find it hard to buy it that she's too sick to pick him up.

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Depends on what pretence this was being done under.

I would totally do something like this as my child giggles....... but NOT out of anger.

Seems like this was being done out of anger........ PARENTING FAIL!

"She could not carry the child"

You should not have to put your hands on a child to modify thier behaviour......

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I have seen children on leashes a lot. They should be banned. Your child is not a dog!! Parents who use them should be punched in the face. Good parenting would teach the kids not to wander off and BE GOOD KIDS. Leashing your kid shows poor parenting and laziness.

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Why wouldn't she just use a stroller? She could also pack those bags she was carrying on it.

I too have seen people use leashes for their kids. I was never a fan, but I can understand in certain situations, and with certain children, it works. This is not one of them.

I think this gal has one oar in the water.

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I think this gal has one oar in the water.

I think you are being too kind.... I dont think she has a boat to put that oar in the water.

If she was too sick to pick the child up then maybe she shouldnt have been out shopping in the first place! but that is just my two cents worth. I agree with chaser on the point of the leashes I didnt like them never used them on my kids but if some parents do in certain situations then who am I to tell then they suck as parents because of it? But this chick needs some help....

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Oh, see...now you guys have gone and done it... I'm going to have to get up on my Soapbox about how children are raised.

First of all, the video is disturbing to say the least. I am not a fan of Leashing children either, but I'd lay odds that there are those on this forum who have used the device on their children. I don't think using the leash on the child makes you a bad parent, but I DO agree that children should be taught to mind.

When I was growing up, my parents never hesitated to remind me who was the boss... most of the time a stern warning would do the trick, but sometimes, it would be followed up by a physical reminder.

Please keep in mind that my parents never BEAT me... I received throughout my childhood and adolescence a strong respect for discipline. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. When I was growing up, any adult who asked me to do something was the boss. I learned to respect my elders and I learned that just because I wanted "instant gratification", that didn't mean that it was always best for me.

Flash Forward to today's society. Everyone is afraid to discipline their children, or they simply don't want to take the time to do it... I'm not quite sure. Either way, now we have kids being diagnosed as ADHD, and being prescribed awesome meds likt Ritalin. Now we have kids who we HAVE to restrain on "leashes" treating them like the family pet, and now we have kids KILLING each other in schools....

What have we allowed ourselves to become?

Just my .02


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I don't think using the leash on the child makes you a bad parent, but I DO agree that children should be taught to mind.

When I was growing up, my parents never hesitated to remind me who was the boss... most of the time a stern warning would do the trick, but sometimes, it would be followed up by a physical reminder.

Please keep in mind that my parents never BEAT me... I received throughout my childhood and adolescence a strong respect for discipline. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. When I was growing up, any adult who asked me to do something was the boss. I learned to respect my elders and I learned that just because I wanted "instant gratification", that didn't mean that it was always best for me.

Flash Forward to today's society. Everyone is afraid to discipline their children, or they simply don't want to take the time to do it... I'm not quite sure. Either way, now we have kids being diagnosed as ADHD, and being prescribed awesome meds like Ritalin. Now we have kids who we HAVE to restrain on "leashes" treating them like the family pet, and now we have kids KILLING each other in schools....

What have we allowed ourselves to become?

Just my .02



It sounds like your parents and My father/stepmother side of the family must have been friends! While living with them, I learned that a child didn't need to be beaten 'senseless' for every little 'infraction', but for the more 'serious offenses', a 'warmed backside' often did the trick.

I've been on both sides of that 'abuse vs. discipline fence', and I DO know the difference between the 'tactical application' of corporal punishment and outright beating your child.

Terri made a good point (another one of my views shaped by childhood lessons), if the mother was 'too sick' to actually keep her kid in line, then she was 'too sick' to be out cruising the local mall!

The biggest problem I have with the way kids are being raised today is that the 'parents' are trying to be the kid's best friend, they're not teaching the kid that life is full of 'little disappointments' and even though these new 'trends' are SUPPOSED to be better for the child, I think that they're actually causing more harm than good. Ultimately, many of these parents are raising children that cannot cope in the 'real world'.

Now before any of the 'new breed of parents' decide to draw a bullseye on my forehead and open fire, please notice that I said 'many of these parents'...not 'all of these parents'.

I firmly believe that the child needs a strict structure to their lives, they have to be made aware of the fact that each and every action they do has potential 'good' and 'bad' consequences. In order for that to hapen, there has to be more in the 'discipline toolbox' than simply giving the child time-outs and 'a gentle talking to' in order to keep that child's behavior within socially acceptable standards.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate kids, nor do I think that 'all children are bad'! I've been completely impressed by some children's behavior by these methods, unfortunately, the 'impressive children' are the minority, while these 'demon spawn hellions' seem to out number them by a great margin.

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If the kid likes it and wants it, that's cool.. Do it. At home. But because you're pissed, and he's throwing a fit? That's sick. The kid part of me says, I would have loved that. The EMT part of me says.. It's a store, think of the things that could injure him, not to mention what's on the floor, and who was on the floor. Eww. Then again, I understand where the frustration would come from, she made a bad decision.

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