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LOL! You haven't been paying attention to the Supreme Court briefs filed weekly on behalf of convicts claiming that lethal injection is cruel and unusual.

Sorry euthanizing a criminal as just punishment for his crimes is not euthanasia. It's the state killing someone. Not that I disagree with the death penalty, but to equate carrying out a death sentence to euthansia gives a black eye to all the people who want to die with dignity.

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It's just a goddamn shame that the murderers amongst us get more options than the rest of us, when it comes to death with dignity.

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It's just a goddamn shame that the murderers amongst us get more options than the rest of us, when it comes to death with dignity.

How true!!

We also had the recent discussion on this forum about the triathlete who became a quad after an accident and through eye blinking, requested to be disconnected from life support.

There are ways to do "end of life" measures in this country but they are not always as quick or as pharmacologically comforting as what some death row inmates receive. We do sedate when we disconnect from a ventilator and D/C the pressors but everyone is afraid of crossing that fine line of "too much sedation" even though we know death is the goal. There is even a debate as to whether oxygen should be given even if death is within 5 minutes...or should be within 5 minutes.

As I had mentioned in the other thread, the physcians may have an agreement with the patient with the family knowing and agreeing to the patient's wishes without agrument, that life support will be terminated within x days on the ventilator if there is no improvement. Often it is the family that tries to over ride whatever wishes and legal paperwork is in place.

While hospice appears humane and sounds great to some, it may take awhile for that patient to die and many times the pain/anxiety meds are not enough. But, it makes the family feel "like they did everything". Unfortunately, there is not much of a choice in the U.S.

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LOL! You haven't been paying attention to the Supreme Court briefs filed weekly on behalf of convicts claiming that lethal injection is cruel and unusual.

dust - I said they may not agree with it, but it IS a humane form of death. Alot of people don't believe the way we euthanize dogs and cats and various other animals is humane (which I believe the majority of forms are short of the gas chambers which is a horrible way for anything to die). The convicts are just wanting to buy time - they don't have a legitimate arguement. Claiming that more than three IV sticks is cruel and unusual - that's the usual number for me if I have to go to ER for anything 'cause I have no veins...all well.

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And if you say there is no dignity, no lesson to be learned, no value to experience gained from end stage cancer or Alzheimer's or AIDS, I ask you- have you ever spent time with someone in that stage? I mean not just intermittent, brief instances of association... but really spent time with them? People who are put into extraordinary circumstances like that often gain knowledge or self-insight. Doesn't happen all the time... but just saying.

Yes, I have. And sometimes that insight helps them understand that sometimes it takes a stronger person to walk away than to fight a losing battle. It also takes insight to understand that sometimes convincing a family member, friend or even yourself that they should fight a hopeless battle is the most selfish act of all. Death is an ugly part of life that everyone has to face and just as you have a right to control your life as you wish, you should be able to control your death as you wish.

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Death is an ugly part of life that everyone has to face

Why is death ugly as it is a part of life ? After all maybe its just a new begining ? I so hope that there is reincarnation, I so enjoy many North American native cultures ideas ... I would love to return as a Raven, no taxes, no borders, and lots of stupid campers and road kill galore to get a free lunch.

Don't ask me I have no answers because I haven't been there quiet yet.

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Years ago we had a similar discussion while talking about DNR's. But we got to wondering, what if a patient had the choice that if their health would become considered as being in a vegetative state that euthanasia could be an option. I know many, including myself, that would rather be euthanized than to live and not have any quality of life anymore. Would something like that be as feasible as a DNR?

And say if there was such a law, who would be appointed to make the call? A judge, the doctor, the family? Or all three would have to be in agreement?

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The Netherlands has never had a hich incidence of suicide compared to other countries and we are now at a 30 yr low: www.rivm.nl

Nor are we baby killers, now we are on the subject of euthanasia. The very idea is preposterous. Look here: www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/003dncoj.asp

The Dutch suffered terribly at the hands of the nazis. Any comparison is appalling bad-taste. What dutch doctors do is resort to using supportive measures in children with no prognosis. The nazis actively killed them. Small difference there...


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