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Getting a "run" set up...


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It's not that we're against L/S, we're just against something with a very low reward:risk ratio. If using L/S proved to be more useful than saving, on average, less than 5 minutes on a transport and carried lesser risk then it currently does then I'm sure that more people would support regular use of L/S during transport.

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I have been on a few "Leap-Frog" transports, usually going to the trauma center, which is outside my usual coverage area. Concept is good, but has the problem of some civilian vehicle, as already described, thinking the Cop Car blockade of the intersection doesn't apply to them.

No matter what roadway, or what coverage by the LEOs, best everyone in our biz follow NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law #1104, which states that you drive the emergency vehicle "With Due Regard for other drivers"

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I thought everyone on this forum was AGAINST ever using L&S?????
No. I guess it might be hard to distinguish at first read, but look carefully at the posts about L&S. It's dislike at overuse of them, putting patients, crew, and public at risk each time you use them, and driving erratically just because you're driving code.

I have been on a few "Leap-Frog" transports, usually going to the trauma center, which is outside my usual coverage area. Concept is good, but has the problem of some civilian vehicle, as already described, thinking the Cop Car blockade of the intersection doesn't apply to them.
Oh, if a cop clears and intersection we still slow down and clear it ourselves, just because of that issue. In an actual escort, the ambulance isn't part of the leapfrog. The cops leapfrog each other and all our intersections are physically blocked off with a cop car sideways across the limit lines. It's still conceivable someone could try to go around...but I think it's more likely someone would run a red light and hit us during a code 2 transport.
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Boston motorcycle cop did it for me once a few years ago, but only at 1 intersection since he didn't know what I had- otherwise he probably would've helped out all the way into BCH. He happened to be ahead of me, stopped at the red going in my direction as I approached. He flipped on the blues and pulled into the intersection, stopping the cross-traffic dead.

I was appreciative, since we had a pedi post-arrest transfer in the back.

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ideally escorts are best done with 3 advanced police drivers / riders and pref with the plod on bikes

why 3 ? one at the next junction - one with you and one making between junctions

do not accept an escort from anything less than an advanced driver unless you are desperately lost and need a 'pilot' ( in the marine ops sense of the term)

it amazes me how many bobbies forget what they are taught on their response course aobut running with other vehicles ( i.e. everyone picks a different siren tone and you leave the selector allone)

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