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Status Updates posted by scubanurse

  1. Heading into work on 5 hours of sleep last night... no sleep today and don't get off until 8am... this can't be good...

  2. Hockey tonight and I'm still not feeling well..this should be interesting!

  3. holy hangover bat man!

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Wee bit too much o' the green?

  4. home after a hard game of hockey...another win though...i could get used to this!

  5. Home from Australia and had a blast... just glad to be home

    1. spenac


      I still can't believe you forgot my ticket so I did not get to go. :)

    2. scubanurse


      you didn't give me your address so I couldn't send it!

    3. spenac


      I was waiting at the airport with all my luggage but my ticket never arrived.

  6. Home from my surgery, took longer than they had hoped and had a lot more damage than they had expected, but glad to be home

    1. FireMedicChick164


      hope you feel better soon!

    2. Happiness


      well hope your being pampered :)

  7. hour 12 of a 16 hour shift... bed is sounding pretty nice right now!

  8. How am I supposed to go celebrate someone's happiness when I'm sad?

  9. How come everywhere else in the country and world is getting snow but we aren't!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scubanurse


      no fair! I just want snow :(

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Skiing is overrated!

    4. fakingpatience


      its been snowing here for a couple days straight... you can have it!

  10. I hate my shoulders.

  11. I need a break.... see ya for now city!

  12. is bored...someone go into chat and entertain me?

  13. is going to have a sister in law! yay!

    1. spenac


      Were you expecting a brother in law? lol


    2. scubanurse


      well the possibility always exists... I just can't believe my brother found someone who can put up with him

  14. it's 8 degrees in the sun right now here... so cold!

  15. Lots of spam... Nike Air Max shoes....

  16. Loving my new Jeep Liberty!! So much fun to drive and so comfy!

  17. Married life is really no different than it was before...weird.

    1. Eydawn


      Yeah, you are who you are in a relationship with or without the piece of paper . Seriously. I found it to be much the same, just had to adjust to calling the man "my husband" instead of "my fiancee"

    2. rat115


      So true. If you had a good relationship before you'll have a good marriage.

      Hope yours is good.

  18. May 11 and it's snowing...fantastic

    1. emtcutie


      wanna trade...? its hot here lol

  19. melodrama everywhere!

  20. might be having my other shoulder fused here soon and I've never been more scared than I am now... EDS sucks

  21. Migraine... yuck...comm exam then dry lab... to the mountains this weekend :)

    1. spenac


      I want to go to the mountains. Not fair I only get to drive over them in the dark on my way to work.

  22. My annoyance and tolerance levels are maxed out.

  23. My grandmother passed peacefully in her sleep on Sunday morning after a very long battle with Alzheimer's. She joins my grandfather, who passed in 2005. Will always love you Mimi.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. uglyEMT


      Glad to know you made it BUT very sorry for your loss. Stay Strong Kate. You and your family are in my family's prayers

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      My condolences for you and your family in your time of sadness.

    4. scubanurse


      Thank you guys

  24. New hockey skates and helmet...the day I break my hand... hopefully I can still play Thursday!

    1. spenac


      Maybe hockey is not a good sport for you my fragile friend.

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