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Posts posted by kyle308

  1. :D well as you all know i've been around here quite awhile some of you love me and some I believe are indifferent lol. But anyways, i've been hanging about here since my lowly 15 year old first responder days and well i'm proud to announce now that I have taken a step up in the world and have passed my EMT state written and practical exams. So woo hoo i'm an EMT -does fancy dance-. Hmm, wow, I just realized this is my first post in like well forever...well I think this is a good enough way to get myself back in the rhythm. :D
  2. hmm...my one question on all this from watching the video is do you each get your own personal nasal cannula or does the same one just stay there for everyone to use? t may be just me but if i participated in the "fun" of an oxygen bar i wouldnt want other people nose nastys all up in my nostrols :sad4:

  3. ok the first video posted i dont think anyone caught the funniest thing about that video...i jsut stared at it until the end came up. The Australian Breastfeeding Association. I have nothing against it, its jsut the thought of 30 or 40 women getting in a group and marching down main street breasts exposed with babies hanging off of them screaming "this is our right" :lol::lol::lol: thats jsut what came to my simple mind lmao. Hope someone else thinks its funny.

  4. 7. The Helicopter Ejector Seat

    umm that was a smart blonde because most helicopters that were made by the USSR durring the cold war contained ejector seats and saved hundreds of lives.

    when the ejection lever was pulled the blades on the helicoptor also brake away alowing the pilot to shoot up and out safely.

  5. Saint Louis is better! :) I have a brother there, no hotel room fees for me! Although I do have a good friend in Warrensburg I haven't seen in a few years... hmmm....

    brent...i love you and ill be on your way..jsut 20 minutes down the road from you lol...PLEASE come get me before you go..cause i wanna come!!!!!

  6. MANY years ago, it wasn't unheard of to have one EMT and one non-certified driver. I know a lot of privates worked around that to keep over-head down. We had one "boss" that would send two people out if it seemed like it was a routine or crock call, but if it turned out to be an actual emergency they would radio in and send out the second certified person and meet them either at the scene or up the road from the hospital so it would look like there had been two certs. on board. It's amazing how things use to be ran and thank God it has changed.

    *cough* that many years ago thing is still around AKA: my ambulance service..We uually have a non-certified driver and an EMT and Paramedic working in the back. I dont agree with it completely but hey I'm 16 and just a rider there WHO is a certified first responder so i do touch patients and help out. But when im older i think ill try to change that whole non-certified driver thing, and maybe even try to make us a paid service. The whole volutneer thing just isnt working well anymore.

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