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Everything posted by Asysin2leads

  1. Crochity, not to intrude on your paranoia, but what would you say of the stats that pretty much prove you yourself are far more likely to rape, kill, and dismember your spouse than the guy at boutique?
  2. I like to read these stories and wonder the pathology behind them. My guess the is that the culprit is that constant threat to American culture and progress - the Fat Midwestern Housewife. With only a 12th grade education and a kitchen full of recipes from Kraft and Duncan Hines, but with a startling amount of purchasing power that translates to political votes, her world is defined by the edges of her zip code, and beyond that zip code, like the maps of yesteryear, lays dragons. She is entirely insulated and likes to keep it that way. She doesn't know or want to know the statistics about rape, murder, child molestation, and kidnapping, which all pretty much say the same thing: You are going to get raped, kidnapped, murdered, and molested by someone you know, probably a family member, in all likelihood. Rather, she goes with her doughy, Jell-o and Cool Whip filled gut. She knows behind every bush, in every darkened parking lot, near the dumpsters at the Wal-Mart lays those people who will perpetrate evil on her and her family if she ever wavers in her eternal vigilance. With greasy hair and dirt under their fingernails they wait, like tigers, waiting for her to blink the moment she goes into a store that doesn't have Code Adam in effect. She is for Amber Alerts. She is for Meghan's Law. She belongs to MADD and SADD and knows all the street names for the drugs the kids are doing these days because of that darn tootin' rock music. So the next time you're hearing about a grisly murder on CNN that just happened to involve attractive white people, or you get one of these e-mails, you'll know that the Fat Midwestern Housewife and her penchant for paranoia has struck again. Copyright 2008, asysin2leads productions
  3. I'm going to be in Las Vegas between the 20th of February and the 22nd of February of this year to do some NREMT testing. If anyone from the board is going to be in the same place at the same time, let me know and the first drink is on me. Otherwise, just wish me luck.
  4. When the entire country disagrees with them? Gee, we've never seen that before. Anyway, Lone Star, the kids you are talking about are not going to be president. They're not going to be senators. I'm really not sure where you have gotten this impression that ever single child in existence in this generation is somehow overly coddled. I assure if it makes you feel better there are hundreds of thousands of children growing up, right now, who have fairly miserable existences. I do think society is facing major issues with children today. For instance, I don't know whats up with those Bratz dolls, but unless you're a 43 year old man living in his parents basement, I think you should find them fairly despicable. I know I'll never let my daughter play with them, and for all intents and purposes my parents were permissive liberal scum. I turned out all right... relatively, and I think if I concentrate on my child, and you concentrate on yours, it won't really matter what the Oprah watching hands off parents of the rest of the world do.
  5. We want photos. Please tastefully place those black bars when appropriate.
  6. Ummmm.... yes, you did violate their trust by "diming them off" to their parents. So... you probably... shouldn't be doing that. Perhaps its time to do some review of your job functions. I don't think I've ever had the need to tell a child that I would keep something secret and then go and tell it directly to their parents.I generally... okay, make that always... put it in my report and then pass it off to the ER staff. Now I'm really confused. What exactly it is you do?
  7. For the record, if the parent was AOx3, no she would not be getting any Narcan as being 'high' is not significant enough reason to risk giving Narcan. I don't give drugs or draw blood because a law is being broken, I do it if the patient needs it.
  8. Wait, did you hear that? Listen closely... that's the sound of your health insurance rates going up. You see, Jimmy over there, the one hooked up to the ventilator with the respiratory therapist next to him and the ICU nurse buzzing around him, and the cardiac surgeon being flown in from Harvard just for him now that his ejection fraction is down to 25%, and wouldn't you know, it darn if his type II diabetes isn't complicating things. Down stairs in the ER is one of the crew who turned his third lumbar spine into jelly trying to get Jimmy off of the floor after he collapsed, he's got several months of daytime TV and workman's comp ahead of him. But don't worry, Jimmy's going to survive. He'll need a full time visiting nurse, home oxygen, and a tax payer provided Access-a-ride to get him back and forth to physiotherapy, but he'll still be able to get down for his Supersized meal every lunchtime and his pack of Winston's. Of course, a month ago, Jimmy's doctor tried to get him to cut down on the fat a little bit, but he told that doctor what for and said he was going to live his life anyway he wanted. God Bless America!
  9. Never said anyone was harming him. I said it was an invasive procedure done for purposes other than the patient's health needs, which, IMHO, is not something we should be doing.
  10. I don't know how nurses and physicians do blood draws given the code of ethics health professionals are supposed to follow. I really don't. A lot of things in medicine don't make sense. But the thing about ethics is that, just as your mother probably told you, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. You feel one way. I feel another. I'm giving my opinion about it. IMHO, given the code of ethics that paramedics are held too, doing a blood draw on a patient who otherwise would not need it for the sole purpose of evidence collection to prosecute a crime can not be justified, particularly because they can't make informed consent in that situation if they are intoxicated. As it is currently written, if someone can't make informed consent, then the provider has to make the best judgment based on the individual's health need, and prosecution of a crime is not a health need. Someone doesn't get their arm in a splint because they want to impress their friends, and by the same token, they don't get a blood draw because the cops want some evidence.
  11. No, just some of us take that whole doing what is in the best interest of the patient seriously. No one is in the habit of transmitting infections, but everytime you start and IV or draw blood, especially in the field you do increase that risk, and to do so unnecesarily is in my mind, unethical. Drawing blood for a cardiac patient is so that they can get reperfusion therapy quicker if necessary, and on traumas... ummmm.... so... we can make it look like were doing something, I guess? There is a world of difference between doing that in the interest of the patient's health and in the interest of making a collar stick. And BTW, I've testified in DUI, assaults, arsons, and murder trials. At no time was I asked to collect evidence in any of those.
  12. Having spent a few months in the great white north, I have to say I have also come to the conclusion that us Americans are a bunch of fatties. Growing up in a rural area, I can distinctly remember eating at McDonald's maybe three or four times a YEAR. Seriously, I'm not joking, the nearest Mickey D's was like 40 minutes away by car. I took it for granted that a good proportion of the population of the United States eat McDonald's several times a week. However, I think Canadians must have some secret given both their love of Tim Horton's and lesser obesity rates. Maybe its all the hockey.
  13. As a paramedic, I will only do an invasive procedure and risk giving a patient an infection in a less than sterile area because it is medically necessary to do so. If they don't need an IV, I'm not drawing blood, and unless the DWI is also suffering an asthma or heart attack, the reasons for doing an IV in the field become fairly narrow. If you want to pay me an extra couple of G's a year and call me law enforcement, and as part of my duties say that doing certain procedures is necessary to maintain good law and order, go ahead. I'm not going to give someone a staph infection for the purposes of evidence. No way, Jose.
  14. EMT's and paramedics are supposed to do medical procedures best on the HEALTH needs of the patient. Doing otherwise is unethical.
  15. Actually, to be technical, if the rate of death without a bulletproof vest is %100, and the rate of death with a bulletproof vest is %73, then the survivability of the unarmored population would be .73 x .27, or .1971, or %19.71 of all of population might have survived if they were wearing a vest.
  16. Well, the thing of it is, in the fire service, it is a very closed off organization. An organization full of well-toned, well-built men, living together, showering together, exercising together, forming bonds between each other that people on the outside just wouldn't get. So as you can see they are already very tolerant of homosexual behavior.
  17. Me, personally, no, and even I had, I would never admit to it. The key to nookie with a co-worker is to to keep it on the down low, and then deny it to everyone, always. At least, that's what I've heard.
  18. Does that include Quebec? Because you don't want to get me started on Quebec./Est-ce que cela inclut le Québec ? Puisque vous ne voulez pas me mettre en route sur le Québec.
  19. It all depends. If she had been passed out from shooting up heroin, it may have been a different story, but otherwise a DA would be hard pressed to go for a manslaughter or reckless endangerment charge. There is such a thing as prosecutorial discretion, and I think we can pretty much agree she has been punished enough.
  20. Not crying over a suicide victim is one thing. Treating their situation with cold-hearted indifference is another. No where in any textbook does it say that the best way to deal with a psych patient is "tough it out with them". Just as I have cautioned people against playing Dr. Phil with the psych patients, I will caution that trying to "set them straight" and "snap them out of it" is just as ignorant and harmful. Now I'll be the last person to say follow protocol chapter and verse, but you should at least have a protocol for dealing with mental health issues, and stick to its guidelines. Treat them professionally with care towards their mental state, and transport them to an appropriate facility. Then feel free to go to a bar, have a brew, and talk about what "really needs to be done with them crazies."
  21. If the person buying the ambulance sounds like this: "Hello? Yes... I was wondering how many kilograms of explo...er... patients... your infidel machine can hold? Oh. Glorious. And how is the front end built for say... I don't know... smashing a barricade? Oh, very good. Please put me down for 12. Yes, I will be paying in cash. Allah-akbar, and peace be upon you." Please be suspicious.
  22. Good, I don't have to be the only member of the city who packed it up and packed it in from the NYC/NNJ area. If another dedicated paramedic said he's had enough, it makes me feel a little less like a quitter. Good luck and keep us posted.
  23. Absolute control over who gets to work on the ambulance should rely on the medical director, period. He should refuse to allow her to work on an ambulance due to gross incompetence and then DC Fire should take it from there.
  24. Because tactile response is all that a provider has to go on to measure his depth of compressions, given that females have a generally lighter upper body than males, it would make sense that providers give more shallow compressions on a lighter frame. Actually its because the pig male power structure wants more females to die so that we can retain our phallocentric hold on society. But we won't win because of the strength of the sisters everywhere making their voices heard from the darkness no longer.
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