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Posts posted by akflightmedic

  1. Does it matter? One more unpleasant tick in the game of life, but seriously...does it matter? If it does, why?

    Why is CM so hung up on this person's validation? Even if he was considered a trusted friend, it still does not matter.

    Move on...

  2. Everyone says taxes is the solution "just roll it up in...", but from what I understand from the previous case a year ago and now this one (same area mind you) is that the fire department is responding from the INCORPORATED area...where there is a tax base covering this.

    These homeowners are in a rural, unincorporated area--no tax base set aside for this service.

    The fire department has offered service to them provided they subsidize by paying a membership. Sounds completely logical and fair to me as there is cost involved to respond and also it means there is risk to the incorporated areas who are temporarily deprived of full service in their tax base area.

    After all the press after the last fire in the same area a year ago, you would think those who own homes would assume some personal responsibility and subscribe.

    And for those who say what about the renters who could possibly be in a home with no coverage...well first that needs to be part of the rental agreement and second that is where renter's insurance comes into play and it is just affordable as this annual subscription is, so well worth the expense.

    • Like 2
  3. Dan Barker...one of my favorite authors. Was a priest for many, many years....now is one of those "new atheists" doing speeches and selling books. He is very open about his transition from preacher to atheist and produces highly enjoyable works.

    I put new atheist in quotations because the religious right often refers to us that way...when truthfully, we have always been here, it is just now slightly safer to make it known. There is fierce discrimination and persecution when making oneself known as an atheist. People do treat you differently, it can impact your job and it can bring your credibility into question. Quite amazing how this happens, but whatever. At least we are not being killed in the USA for this anymore, but the discrimination is significant.

    Anyways, Dan states some of the issues he has is people will say he was never truly a christian since he is no longer one. They will say he must not have known the "real god" or he did not pray hard enough...all kinds of crazy excuses when the truth of the matter is much like what I experienced. I could no longer reconcile my logic, my questions with my belief. It does not compute plain and simple, nothing more or nothing less. Nothing to do with loose morals, nothing to do with a tragedy in my life, just the simple fact that to me, it makes no sense.

    I do enjoy these threads, not to crush anyone but to question others and have them question me. You must have an open mind and be free to challenge anything and look within and then look externally for the answers. My questions and challenges may seem harsh to some but that is always the perception when drilling someone on their faith. It is an uncomfortable area to discuss for most cause it is easier to ignore and feel good than question and possibly have life long beliefs removed.

    How many of you continued to pretend long after you knew Santa, the bunny, or the fairy were no longer real? You did this because it felt good, you have those memories and that is why you now do it for your kids. You want them to feel good, to feel care free, to enjoy their childhood and relish the fantasies. As adults, all we have is reality and it does suck many, many times and a lot of people simply do not have proper coping mechanisms.

    I will close with one of my favorite "punchlines" directed towards those who believe and insist that without god we would have nothing to live for and no morals to keep everyone from raping, stealing, plundering, etc.

    First, I have EVERYTHING to live for. This is my one and only life so I am going to live it well by treating my fellow man with kindness and compassion, loving people, raising smart children and hoping the things I do will leave the world or my small bubble of it in a better place than when I first found it.

    Second, if YOUR belief in god is the only thing which prevents you from stealing, murdering, raping, etc...then PLEASE continue to believe. PLEASE do not stop your faith ever as it will keep me and my children safe. I on the other hand do not need a belief to prevent these things but apparently you believe it to be true, so please for the Love of God :) Do NOT STOP!

  4. AKflightmedic.....

    At the time I was living in Alaska (AK) and working as a flight medic...hence akflightmedic. :)

    I change my avatars every so often, but who doesn't love a Mr.T Yoda?

  5. They pass the test everyday at work when they lift the stretcher with patients on it multiple times during the shift. You are getting crazier and crazier sock puppet....

    It is a fair and reasonable test/assessment. Same as the CPAT for fire departments...it is pass/fail, no reduced times or weights based on gender, size, color, anything. A straight forward test which replicates realistic scenarios that occur repeatedly throughout a normal shift. If you cannot lift once, what makes me think you can lift multiple times without injuring yourself or your partner?

    Puff puff pass cause thats how you are sounding.

    • Like 1
  6. Are you suggesting that one article is sufficient as scientific proof, I am sure I can find just as many articles that point the other way.

    By all means, please provide them so we may analyze and then comment. If your only rebuttal is "I can...that point the other way", then provide those articles.

    Evidence, evidence, evidence...otherwise at this point in time, you have Peter Principled yourself out of every single debate/discussion/thread you have chosen to be in. It is not who yells the loudest which wins, it is the one who brings the evidence to the table yet is also willing to adjust or even change position when presented with credible, reproducible evidence to the contrary.

  7. This is not a black and white case, this is one of the many grays we all will encounter at one time or another.

    If put in this situation, I would NOT hand over the weapon to anyone on scene. I would elect to begin transport as this patient at that moment has a higher/the highest probability of ROSC. I would confirm/visualize the presence of the weapon and how it is positioned (if I do not want to handle it). Regardless of being familiar with a weapon or not, I would remove it without pulling the trigger as even a 3 year old knows what makes a gun go bang.

    The weapon could be placed/secured in an exterior compartment but I myself would prefer placing it where I have eyes on it.

    The presence of this weapon would not delay delivery of care or transport.

    Upon arrival at the ER, I would notify LE or Hospital security to come secure the weapon. This would not be a new request to either choice and they are quite familiar how to proceed from there. I could fully justify my exception for allowing the weapon in the ambulance to anyone who challenges the decision.

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  8. I see the detail you are stressing which IHLPP did not address.

    I am assuming this is a witnessed cardiac arrest with immediate CPR--therefore higher than normal chance of survival.

    You are placing the LE 15 minutes away and indicating you do not wish to delay transport simply to hand off a weapon.

    A normal response would be he is an arrest, work him then call him...but this case is one of those rarer ones which is witnessed with immediate CPR...right?

    • Like 1
  9. Query: Why do you need an RN to sign paperwork to take over care ? We just don't do that gig here .


    Legal paper trail showing you handed the care over to someone of equal or higher quals...as opposed to just dumping them off somewhere. Also by signing, the hospital is then assuming responsibility for the patient and you are clear to go.

    At some of the busy hospitals where wait times for ambulance stretcher patients can reach 4-6 hours, you will stand there until they sign. Legally they have not refused the patient and will respond if he gets worse but until they sign and assume control, that baby is yours.

    A LBB is something like a carrying stool, ain`t it? (Sry, I did google for the abbreviation, but couldn`t find anything fitting)

    Long Back Board / Spine board

  10. They require you to lift 360 lbs? What is that 210% your body weight? Was the test the same for everyone or where they just jacking with you?

    My math says that is 260 pounds and when shared with a partner...ummm 130 pounds....right?

    So if she cant lift 130 pounds, yeh I have issue with that.

  11. If all ems agencies should have to have a bariatric stretcher for fat asses, shouldn't airlines be forced to have one or two bariatric seats on the whole plane. Or are you guys changing your position ? Isn't this "pay to play" ?

    Not sure what you are getting at here cause you are not comparing apples to apples.

    First, a PUBLIC agency which has an obligation to respond the the taxpayers should know and expect for morbidly obese patients to be encountered and thereby prepare for it by acquiring the equipment in order to transport the patient safely (how or why they are obese is irrelevant).

    An airline, PRIVATE company has no obligation to provide a large seat or two on every plane. They have and are willing to accommodate obese customers bu designing their seats with arm rests which raise completely and providing extra long seat belts when needed. The caveat for this is the obese person KNOWS they are expected to pay for 2 seats.

    The first situation is an Emergency situation.

    The second situation is a preplanned, prepaid for event over which everyone has control and if 2 seats were not available for this late arrival customer, then he should of been denied the flight until he has time to acquire two seats.

    Again, your comparisons are nothing alike.

    • Like 3
  12. I am with you Dwayne and glad you have kept up on this point. I haven't had time but from the very beginning I stated and continue to state this has absolutely nothing, zero to do with HIPAA. This is the focus of the conversation. All the tangents of patient privacy, ethics, "could possibly get jammed up" are bull shit tangents.

    If you are gonna claim HIPAA, I want to see exactly which part of HIPAA you are using to justify your point. In my non-legal opinion but heavy personal review of HIPAA, I do not see this as a violation. The burden of proof is not on me to display as we do not prove negatives. It is those in the affirmative who religiously stand by their HIPAA statement who must demonstrate proof/evidence...much like another favorite subject of mine (whistling now). :) :)

  13. So if I were asleep in the bunkroom AK, and you came in and ran your hands over parts of my body that are offlimits to everyone who works there, you should get a written warning and a chance to do it a second time ?????I agree with progressive discipline for the minor stuff, but there are some things that should get you fired the first time, like:Reporting to work drunk, stealing patient medications, violence, gross negilgence, or committing any crime while on duty. May I ask if you work in a union state versus a right-to-work state ?

    Nice play on words. I made no indication that was an all inclusive list, I did leave the etc part at the tail end and I have also stipulated many times that your service needs to get with their management and legal team and address the issues in writing so there are guidelines. Touching someone without consent is an illegal act, therefore a stipulation could be made that illegal (breaking the law) is a terminable offense.

  14. Not trying to be pissy, but just asking those that are saying you have to have it happen twice to be harassment, and that you need to establish a "pattern" before termination, do you not have any offenses in your policy and procedures for acts that are immediate terminations (after investigation).

    Definition of harassment here: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/harass Clearly states it is repeat behavior.

    Regarding the patterns...this is called a Progressive Discipline Policy and if your service is without one, it opens the door for many claims as there is nothing in writing which classifies severity of events or what punishment is given. I could be late and get a behind the door "never do it again" speech and you could be late and get fired.

    Yes there are immediate terminable offenses (Theft, fighting, weapons, drugs, intoxicated, etc). Whatever they are, they must be already in writing before people are just arbitrarily fired in response to knee jerk reactions. If this company had no policies established, then they are wrong in their actions. yes the guys are boneheads but that does not negate the facts.

    Even if this was not sexual harassment, the case could be made that he put the county into a potential HIPAA and Identity theft issue by surfing sites (I assume he surfed many, do not know that for a fact) that are known to be full of viruses that could contaminate the computer system. I would not fire him for that on first offense, but I could see where this could easily become a huge issue.

    Come again? Any website could do this, even SesameStreet dot com. Your argument is baseless, anything on the internet, even their email accounts could have viruses, cookies, trojans, you name it. If they are allowed to surf the net, then the service has opened themselves to this claim, not the porn surfers.

    I do not think looking at porn makes him evil or incapable of patient care, if that were the case we would have to fire about 80% of the men in EMS and probably 50% of the women because any movie that shows a nude love scene is basically soft porn, unless he was looking at kiddy porn or something that is way over the top.

    I agree.

    Dwayne I believe the best definition of porn is "I can't describe it, but I know it when I see it". Not sure he said it, but works for me.Sorry AK, did not mean to violate a rule, I apologize for posting that site's name.

  15. No this does not meet the definition of sexual harassment or hostile work environment. It just meets the definition of stupidity.

    The only violation here is IF the company has a policy against surfing porn on the employer provided laptop. And the employer should have filters as well, not that those will stop those who wish to get around them but it does deter the accidental porn site.

    They should have been disciplined according to the department's computer usage regs and the progressive discipline policy but definitely not fired. These two have a case for wrongful termination if the company in question has neither established.

    It does not matter who signed in after these clowns, male or woman, religious or not...what they did was wrong but it does not construe harassment or hostility unless there is already an established pattern of similar behavior and has been reported previously.

    • Like 1
  16. I recommend "Lies My Teacher Told Me".

    It is a fascinating book and I think there are other volumes out now, but it delves into the history of things we think we know...not religious stuff but all the things from school.

    The factual accounts of Columbus for example with independent verification from many approved historical resources...peer reviewed and approved things. History simply did not go down the way we are taught in many different areas. As with any country, our history is what we write it to be...this book shows you the various slants and spins we put on many different topics and stories and how we continue to tell the same story over and over.

    Eventually if you tell a story long enough, it will and has become 'fact", that is until one digs deeper than the surface.

    No conspiracy stuff here either, just the true history of many significant events from our nation's past.

  17. I just stumbled into this one and am glad by page 2 people were correcting the HIPAA clarification.

    Man, I am torn on this issue because I will break it down on a personal level and not just "I heard this one time..." or some other hypothetical BS. I agree him calling the patient to ask her out is unethical, however if there was mutual interest between the two during the call and then he called to "check on her" and she led the conversation to a point where maybe they should meet, even with subtle hints from him, I am not that upset. Again, you can cite all the rules you want, but we are talking about humans and biology. If his sole intent was to booty call, yeh it is problematic, but... :)

    You see, why I am torn on the issue is because I have BTDT. I was a paramedic just before my 19th birthday. I worked in the busiest county in the entire state which happened to be a beach resort/tourist mecca. I had spring breakers, summer breakers, winter breakers, there was fresh meat all year long aside from all the local talent.

    There were many calls which were "BS" in nature (sunburn, twisted ankles, 2 mph collisions on the boulevard) all situations where the injured parties were not in emotional distress and seeking a hero. On these calls, mutual attraction occurred, sometimes flirting occurred from the injured as well. Sometimes the flirting would be playfully reciprocated. That is real life, that is what happens. We can all act holier than thou, but until you are truly in a situation where there are chemicals flowing on both sides and not one side misreading the others intent, it is difficult to say what you will or will not do.

    Again, creeping with the phone number was over the line but if it was all set up beforehand, if there was mutual attractions, and if he said...can I call you and check on you and she said sure...well again a non issue in my book.

    I have actually dated a few patients from my younger days. I do not regret a single one of them and at no time did I take advantage of the situation. One in particular was in a low speed MVC and her friends talked her into getting checked out. These were the days before selective spinal immobilization so a board and collar was guaranteed. We had almost a 45 minute slow transport due to heavy beach traffic. There was nothing to do so we talked...and while we talked we clicked. We set a date and we went out.

    Having been in the shoes and walked miles in them is the reason why I can not be as decisive as several of you have been. of course, I am always willing to explore those gray areas and debate the philosophical side of issues as well....not the hard and fast rules, but the human element...something none of us can control or predict.

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