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Posts posted by akflightmedic

  1. Since you have shared your name and condition, post your bonafide medical records. Otherwise, you are full of shit. Anyone can have a picture of an AED. I will not stop no matter how casual you try to make this seem as you have taken advantage of real people, people I consider friends.

  2. Why? Because I sat back and did not see you sooner...I allowed you to toy with valuable members. It was when they all championed you that it caught my eye, otherwise my BS meter usually pings long before it gets this out of hand. I will not let you mess with people who have been here for years with your childish games.

    You have been caught in a web of lies, your story does not add up, and now you are shifting trying to find a way out.

    You are neither the first to do this, nor will you be the last. Like all those before you...I offer this.

    Right now is your one chance to come clean, to apologize and say you made a mistake. It truly is that simple. You will be granted another chance, members will still talk to you and support you, but not if the lies continue.

    Do not lie any further, do not change the topic, ask questions or try to deflect from yourself by defending others. Do not say "aww shucks, why ya'll fussin over little old me--you so smart, I am just a time waster"...it does not work that way.

    You had your 15 minutes, you screwed with some people in a major way, now it is time for you to come clean.

  3. LOL it gets better...and rest assured...Ruff does not need you defending him.

    Deflection is a tactic oft employed by the players...been there done that.

    Oh..and er doc I'm 17 now.

    They tried the ICD. They all ended up shorting out or maldunctioning. It was only a couple of them...2 or 3... but i just got tired of the whole surgery thing :/

    How unlucky...thousands of people have them for years and years...yet you get several bad ones in a row....most unfortunate indeed.

    Lotus--Please advise if they tried the PVC-EP? That is standard treatment for conduction issues...if so I may have to apologize.

  4. "does it not normally happen that way"....well heck I dont know, you tell me...since you have done this cardiac arrest thing a time or two.

    Lie after lie, adjusting story after adjusting story....yet some go on believing.

  5. Unfortunately, the result is going to be you more heartbroken than what you already are...

    I don't think you will get to see the body. Legitimate obituary maybe.

    I'll let you finish your investigation before I make any more judgements. I need to see your results prior to my decisions.

    How can you have the medical knowledge you do and still believe any of this??? Because someone said so? Do you not recall the dozens upon dozens of similar internet drama queens who have passed through these halls? Seriously man...I just hope you are not sending money as well.

  6. If and when she dies, I would have to see legitimate obits--maybe even a body,

    We have had people die on here before after being caught....was only way to end the charade with no loss of glory.

    Use your medical knowledge Ruff and quit being so gullible...you have been played.

    • Like 1
  7. Nope, am not buying any of what you are selling.

    Time reveals all especially once I am on your trail...notice the dodge the moment people wanted to send stuff as that would involve a physical address.

    Whatever the age, the drama is unbelievable...completely.

    It is a shame people must do these things...

    Her mother put in the latest text that they do not expect her to last the night. They will make her comfortable.

    Dwayne, she has a problem with the electrical circuitry of her heart and the electrolytes that cause it to go haywire and cardiac arrest. I thought originally WPW but she said they never said that was it.

    This illness caused her to have multiple, like nearly 40-50 cardiac arrests in her lifetime.

    She carried around a portable defibrillator just so she'd have one when she went into arrest.

    She took one home with her from the hospital each time she went home on furlough.

    I just asked her mom what the illness was called as she seems to want to text "A LOT" right now. Probably to get her mind off this thing going on with Lotus.

    Any updates I get from her mother I will post here.

    Ok, from her mother, it was a variant of WPW but each time she was catheterized there were several extra nodes that would grow back after catheterization.

    One would think after 50 "arrests" which recovery from in itself is a remarkable feat, that they would install an implanted defibrillator as opposed to carrying around an AED.

    Please obtain additional information as I would love to learn more in the event I ever encounter this rare condition. Please explain these nodes which grow back which makes absolutely no sense as this entire problem is a conduction issue not a blockage issue...

  8. I just do not buy it. How does one code several times and then be back online and in chat less than 24 hours after said event?

    Yes you may publicly flog me but I am the one who has been here for years and seen every type of character come and go and I have seen very similar stories played out multiple times.

    I call BS on it all. :)

    Way too many similarities to past events and the fact we are discussing a 16 year old girl...

    • Like 1
  9. I think you underestimate the skills of a good EMT. The ability to properly size up a scene, parking well (so we can get out - FAST if need be), patient assessment, knowing what needs to be done when, safe gurney handling, lifting, radio operations, etc. etc. etc.

    There is no doubt that timing and fine tuning of skills and abilities is adversely impacted when they are not being done on a regular basis.

    No I did not--as the skills you listed can all be used continuously in a non emergency position, therefore there is no potential "loss".

  10. Wow, AK, that sounds like a serious gamble that really paid off. I assume this is a private EMS service you run? Where can I sign up? Haha. The profit sharing sounds like a great way to boost morale.

    No, I had the grand idea to start my first business in a war zone. I own/operate 3 medical/dental clinics and a medevac service which cater to contractors abroad.

  11. Ak, I'm interested in hearing more about that "profit share plan". It sounds like you do quite a lot to keep morale up within your service. How do you find the funding for it? Or is that a non-issue for you?

    Unfortunately, right now the budget crunch has made it difficult for my service to dole out any sort of rewards or pay incentives for performance or morale. I know they're talking about implementing an awards pin type of program, though its slow to come. For someone who's placated by more liberal protocols and an increased opportunity for advancement, the service is a dream right now; but most of our staff are more interested in pay raises which won't be coming anytime soon.

    Through a lot of hard work, it is becoming a non-issue. My company will soon be celebrating its 2nd year of service and all through the pre-start up and the actual launch to include the first year, I relied heavily on my people doing whatever it took to ensure I was successful. I owe them and I owe all those who come after. They took low wages, they gambled on my ideas, and they gave 100% so they could be part of something "new".

    I am one of those liberal-socialist types and I do give away quite a bit.

    The profit sharing is a set % of profit is allocated to the employees and shared amongst all of them. It motivates them to continue working hard, especially now that I am still growing and dumping more and more on them each day.

  12. In all seriousness, here is what I do or have done (keep in mind I only have 40 employees currently) :

    1. I authorize pizza at my different locations for the monthly staff meeting

    2. I give an end of the year bonus to every employee

    3. I have handed out gift cards as "Instant Recognitions" for job well done

    4. I have authorized extra time off (paid) while on leave

    5. I encourage employee input-may not follow it, but I will listen and provide feedback on why or why not

    6. I am starting a profit share plan

    For the most part, I have very high morale on my projects. I have people who like coming to work and I always have plenty of referrals and people wanting to work for me as a result. It is a small cost now for a long term gain corporate wise as I have less turn over which reduces expenditures.

  13. Yeh I never understood the numb ya before I stick ya concept (in relation to IVs that is) :)

    I remember years ago when I had to have some same day surgery and they insisted on doing this. I told them it was stupid, just put the IV in, but they absolutely would not do it any other way...injected my hand with lido first, then started the IV.

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