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robert gift

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Everything posted by robert gift

  1. With a home sprinkler system, must you also have monitoring 24/7? I don't want to spend $35/month for monitoring. If I install sprinkler heads, I'd do it in the basement to protect exposed engineered floor joists and where water damage would be less. But, as funds permit, I hope to enclosed exposed joists behind drywall. I'd be afraid of a pipe in my attic freezing unless it stays dry. Also fearful that if a head opens, our house could be severely water damaged if not monitored. Thank you for your opinions.
  2. Don't believe the "studies". Lights and siren allow MUCH time to be saved. Requiring siren with lights is ridiculous. Allow siren to be used at the discretion of the crew. Siren may worry/annoy patients. Siren may impede hearing BP, breath/bowel sounds, communication with pt, ED, base. There are so many places where no siren is needed. Also places where it is best not to sound siren to allow traffic ahead to clear. Most of our runs were accomplished with litte siren to no siren at night. Most people try to help the ambulance. Because of better vehicle sound insulation, better stereo systems and air conditioning, many drivers don't detect the siren until late.
  3. Such human defects sadly need to be destroyed. Would like to know more about his family. Are others also souless?
  4. Our refrigerator, with my wife's Chinese food, probably smells like that all the time. If you want to lose weight, allow those smells to spoil your appetite. Wow. People will pay huge medical bills for nothing but harmless odors.
  5. Well said! My deficits in general knowledge, and especially in medical knowledge, has no bearing on this legitimate question. But, as tskstorm suggests, posing this question as a new thread is a better idea. Never thought of it.
  6. Nosy? Just asking anyone why they "want" children. Some, I'm told, want them to have someone take care of them in old age. A Mormon told me "Mormons do it to get higher status in their Celestial Kingdumb." "Also there are souls waiting to become born." A Catholic said "The Catholic Church wants to increase membership, which is why they are against contraception." Others tell me it is pressure from parents and relatives. Others, "It's the thing to do." and a "Status symbol". Others have said it is "Tradition".
  7. I deserve a kick in the shins. Nonethelss, I am always curious why people have children. Before, it was not a choice. Now, since it often is a choice, why? Religious reasons? Because "It's the thing to do"? Pressure from parents or relatives? Tradition?
  8. Sometime I wonder that. But if caught, huge fine and loss of license. And any little mishap; pothole in the pavement, wind eddies off a building or billboard, touch a vehicle or object, could lead to ten$ of thou$and$ in damages. Plus, if prohibited from taking off, the loading and hauling charges are very high. Have your thrill going dead-stick onto a runway. Better yet, don't have a thrill where you can kill yourself, or worse, destroy a nice aircraft.
  9. Sullenberger is going to make a fortune writing a book about his life and extrairport landing, though any ATP rated pilot would have done the same. Very fortunate that no vehicles were on the road in their direction. That seemed very unusual. When I was learning to fly, I pointed out a road on which to land, and said I'd steer into the K-Mart parking lot and park in a parking space. Doubtful they ran out of fuel. That is an easily avoidable deadly mistake. Partial blockage allowing only so much fuel to enter the carburetor float chamber, then being used up? Not ifuel injected. Love to know more.
  10. Runway? We don' need no stinkin' runway. Fantastic! But I ain't seen no right turn signal. Any cause listed? Much better than landing in a field. (I also faulted Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger for not skiing his Airbus A320 up to Pier 88 on the Hudson River. I mean, really, make all those people wait in the cold? )
  11. We ASK if lights and siren are needed. Simple and straightforward. If unsure, or emergent response may be needed, we send emergent to the scene. Siren as little as possible. Crew then determines urgency of transport to ED. If not emergent, NO lights. (Before daytime running lights, headlights on when a patient was on board.) If emergent, lights and siren PRN - as little as possible, both to minimize pt anxiety and public annoyance and to aid in communication.
  12. The detective conducting the interview for DPD looked at the three applicants. "To be a detective, you have to be able to detect. You must be able to notice things such as distinguishing features and oddities like scars and so forth." Showing an 8x10" photo of a suspect to the first guy and taking it away, he asked, "Did you notice any distinguishing features about this man?" The applicant replied, "Yes. He has only one eye!" The detective shook his head and said, "Of course he has only one eye in this picture! It's a profile of his face! Sorry, but you're dismissed!" To the next applicant, "Notice anything unusual or outstanding about this man?" "Yes! He only has one ear!" The detective exclaimed, "Didn't you hear that I just told the first guy it's a profile! You're excused too!" The detective showed the photo to Robert Gift. "Did you notice anything distinguishing or unusual?" Robert proudly exclaimed, "I sure did. This man wears contact lenses!" The detective frowned, took another look at the picture and began looking at some of the additional papers in the folder. "You're absolutely right! His bio says he wears contacts! How in the world could you tell that by looking at his picture?" "Well," said Robert, "with only one eye and one ear, he certainly can't wear glasses."
  13. Never saw St. John's Ambulance when I accompanied at pt in London and Brighton. "mr T"? It don't matter if no.nelse don'take me seriously. "ITU"?
  14. "SJA"? "ITU"? China's 9-1-1 is 1-1-9
  15. Wow! How ridiculous. Amazed no one challenged such a stupid policy and had the guts to refuse to follow it. Maybe he meant, 'keep headlights on' while patient is on board. That is reasonable and was practiced for many years. Is the moronic tradition of police leading an ambulance to the hospital in OB cases, still done?
  16. Bravo to them! I would have done the same, even if I got fired and/or in legal trouble. Justice was worth it. I would have called the DVM, not to protect myself, but to learn the best drug and dosage and where best to administer it. So.rry that Justice had to be euthanized. But he was near the end of his life, maybe his mentation was diminished because of that and that is also why he got hit. Thank you, paramedics.
  17. Just kidding. Which is why, when asked if I were paranoid schizophrenic, I answered, "No we're not." I'm just ranting about England doing needless live fake emergent runs, when the goal should be to minimize them.
  18. It is moronic protocols that add to the problem. So you drove red lights and siren to an officer and then took the officer with a boo-boo to the ED to be checked? It is this wasteful nonsense which is driving us bankrupt. Horse falling on top can be very severe. But minor problems they should be able to take themselves.
  19. We are not schizophrenic. Who said that? "(many just use sirens in traffic)" Why would anyone do that? Using siren will cause drivers to seek the source and they would know it is not you since your lights are not on. I would use lights and NOT the obnoxious siren.
  20. Correct, crews do not determine response urgency. Having dispatched myself, YOU ASK... Not everyone calling 9-1-1 is expecting lights and siren. If it is a hang-nail, you ask and discern if it is a true emergency. The mentality that every incident is a life-threatening emergency is what makes people so tired of responding EVs and perhaps makes some reluctant to yield to EVs. There is a world of difference in a traffic mishap involving an ambulance driving routine compared to a responding ambulance disrupting traffic, taking right-of-way from others, causing others to unexpectedly stop and get rear-ended, etc. Why did that police officer not drive himself, or have another officer drive him, to a local ED? Is it all the BS calls that are causing such delays?
  21. That is why YOU ASK if lights and siren are needed. If you, the dispatcher, are unsure the nature of the call, like it IS a cat scratch, the the caller will tell you "No". How many vehicle collisions have occured responding to BS calls?
  22. As a fire department safety instructor, I heard complaints from so many people sick and tired of hearing sirens. What percent of responses really justified emergent travel? An ambulance sevice for which I once worked simply asked callers if lights and siren were needed. I never got a good answer from fire dispatch why they could not just ask the same question. So, too often, fire and EMS is dispatched emergent to a cut toe or something just as ridiculous. At least EMS can decide at the scene if the pt needs transport and the urgency. When we did transport emergent, we used the siren as litttle as possible to lessen stress on the patient and needless annoyance and noise pollution. In China, my wife say they ask. Only ambulance go to medical call. No fire tluck. In England, they do live, fake, emergency runs, just for practice. How stupid.
  23. Also, if they knew, I cannot imagine that they would not treat and transport. Too little information. Do any ambulances there have GPS which reports the vehicle's location?
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