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Everything posted by DFIB

  1. Actually I was agreeing with your argument that even if animals have value, there is no reason to stock the gear to save them. I guess I was saying that an afterthought turned out well. That is not our job. In the other post the kid would have been fine without the dog. No need to leave the argument because they are two separate issues. Saving the dog was a tremendous hassle. So, we are at the hospital with a broke leg dog in the ambulance. We all look at each other with a "what do we do now?" look. I took it to the station and when my shift was over, took it to a vet friend that set the leg for free (I still owe him one). I didn't even take the dog back to the little girl. A policeman did. I might do it again but then again I might not. I think what you are getting at is that what FF do for publicity borders on dishonest if not outright. If I take my picture with a doggy non rebreather I would publicly be implying that I intend to designate training and resources to saving animals. There are only two logical conclusions, they will honor their implication and it will spread into a standard operating procedure or they have no intention of doing anything with the equipment and it was just a good photo op. If I designate resources to saving dogs, I am misusing taxpayer money because that is not my job, If I do nothing I misrepresented my intentions in a photo-op. It is the same as that dude that took the ladder truck to propose to his chick. Misuse of taxpayer money. But it is magically OK because that got the news to cover it. It's OK because they are firemen and would just be sitting around anyway. It is OK because it makes them look cute. It is OK because good publicity makes money. Really? All bogus arguments but somehow generally accepted. I don't intend a hijack here but I see what you are getting at. I also understand your point of the danger of doing things like taking pictures with doggy mask gives the public a false expectation that has in the past, and could again become a ridiculous reality. No more rambling for now ...
  2. Definitely not a controlled burn.
  3. I have to agree somewhat with you Dwayne. I suppose that if you don't have anything better to do with your time you can save the kitten or take the ladder truck out to mack on a girl or dance around with your shirt off or any of that other useless stuff people do for money. I might take your anthropomorphic argument a step further. I believe that animals are only valuable for the pleasure and products they provide for humans which makes me remember a MVC that I worked a couple of years back. A car was rear ended by a truck and rolled down the side of a mountain. There was a family of five in the car. Tough high angle rescue. Two people were killed in the fall. One other died before we could get her out and one other died at the hospital. I was holding the safety rope and was the last one out. For a reason I only understood latter I grabbed the family dog that had a broke leg before I ascended. The surviving child was surprisingly unscathed and the dog turned out to be the only thing she had left from her family. It was a valuable commodity because it was valuable to the girl. Do I think we should gear up for Emergency Veterinary care? Absolutely not. Does saving the dog have value to humans. Sometimes more than we would imagine. EDIT: Sp
  4. DFIB


    Who you callin' old paleface?
  5. Your introduction reminds me of these two rednecks that are sitting in a greasy spoon drinking coffee wondering about the meaning of life and what they should do with the rest of theirs. They see a man in a 1700.00 suit across the room and one decided to go ask him what he did for a living since he looked so successful. So they flip a coin and the looser walks across the room to speak to the distinguished gentleman across the room. "Hello, My name is Bo and my buddy and I are wondering what you do for a living" Man ; "I have a Phd in Logical Deduction Theory" Bo: huh? Man: "Let me explain. Bo, do you have a dog? Bo: well, yea! Man: So you have a dog house? Bo; It is an old chevy truck bed flipped upside down, yea. Man: So you have a yard? Bo: Yes Man: So if you have a yard you have a house. Bo: Yes Man: If you have a house you have a wife. Bo: Yes Man: If you have a wife I bet you have kids. Bo: Yes, 6 of them. Man: So I deduce that you are a heterosexual male. Bo; Wow, that is amazing! Thank you! and walks back over to his buddy and says: "Hey man this is cool, that guy is a Dr. in Logical Deduction theory" Buddy: "What is that" Bo "This is way cool" "Let me show you" "Do you have a dog?" Buddy: "No" Bo: What are you? Queer? Welcome to the city!
  6. DFIB


    Welcome, Medics fresh from school always have a new perspective to share, so don't make us hold our breath. Start a thread and get the ball rolling. Good to have you
  7. We may not be talking about the exact same device but it looks very similar. I briefly rode on a service once where the flash chamber did not have a cap but er could punch the back with a pen and get a drop of blood for the D-stick. If this one has a cap then I am thinking of a different model.
  8. To be honest I would like to have one of the doggy O2 mask as I am occasionally on violent scenes where K-9 units are working. I have never had to care for an injured service dog although I have trained somewhat to do so. I do believe that the article was really referring to something else entirely and my thought is most likely off topic.
  9. I think that you can "punch" them with a pen or something similar to get a drop for BGL. I don't know about drawing blood.
  10. In third world countries where schools to train and Emergency services are few and far between a person could be internally trained as a FR in Spanish they call them "socorristas". This us usually a scenario that can be found in very rural very poor areas of the world. The service, as to be expected, was poor and most often http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUxFQDGC6Bg. Many countries have passed certification requirements but still turn a blind eye in rural areas and let the empirical providers work in rural areas but are making an effort to move toward standardization. It does seem a little shocking that the third world is more advanced than a USA state in standardization of education and practices. Raising the bar is always good.
  11. Without having ever visited your state it seems like a place where a well trained provider could easily shine or drown in a sea of BS. I am always in favor of raising the bar.
  12. Never underestimate the potential of college level bowling and golf! Welcome!
  13. We would love to help where we can, but, help studying is a little ambiguous. Is there a specific area that we can chime in on. We may be of no help at all, but enjoy trying! Welcome
  14. Welcome to the forums. What kind of work do you do with the trade union? Is that work EMS related?
  15. DFIB

    the German

    Hello my new German friend! How did you get the name Fabio in Germany? Welcome!
  16. Two men where sitting on a train. One turns and says to the other : : I think I want to be one with the tiger" Second man answers; "That is crazy" First man: " I am going to do it! I will jump into the tiger cage and become one with the tiger! Tiger: "Come on down and get your wish! You can be my favorite turd!"
  17. It is possible to keep people safe and let them participate in a more than limited capacity. I don't think the screw up was having a kid on the scene. They screwed up in burning him. Every redneck I know understands that gas on a brush pile is going to explode. The brush forms a net that first breaks the gas into microdrplets and then traps the vapors. I think that letting kids participate is formative so long as we remember that they are kids and must be protected.
  18. I controlled burn goes terribly wrong whe firemen used lot's of gas to light a controlled burn. Junior firefighter gets burned. http://pahomepage.com/fulltext?nxd_id=276722 What do you tell his mom? Sorry ma'am, We didn't mean to set him on fire .....
  19. Now isn't that novel. The owner is probably a retired medic or a medics mom.
  20. Sindicates are all so similar. How about a statement that starts with: The union is concerned for the well being and dignity of all our patients .....
  21. You might have to look for a right to work state. I am not sure that they can legally call you an "old guy" when turning you down for a job. The USA is still a country of laws.
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