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Everything posted by P_Instructor

  1. It's not so much about the oxygen but the CO2 blowoff. With the patient passing out, metabolism continues and CO2 slowly increases back to homeostatic levels, whereupon the patient comes to and breathes at more normal rate. Question, was there any spasms noted with the patient? The nurse would probably want to stick the patient's head in a paper sack with that attitude.
  2. MCI - multiple patient scenario. Best would be like 3-5 patients just taxing out the system of one or two ambulances. Thanks!
  3. Perfect....thank a lot!!

  4. I've got a brain freeze and have exhausted my resources in coming up with multi-patient scenarios and am looking for your help! If you can send me some scenarios that can be utilized in class, it would greatly be appreciated. Can be medical/trauma/whatever. Real life experiences, brainstorming ideas, what you saw while driving down the road, whatever. Send via PM to me and again, thanks! These can be basic or advanced scenarios!
  5. Likewise, good luck. You'll do fine. Therapeutic Communication is one skill that should be taught more intensively. Just talking to a patient may be the best thing you can do for them.
  6. I am stuck between the yes and no. Personally, I think it should come back on selected channels, but not in updated form. Keep it original. Use it as a training film for yourself to decide what you would do in today's standards or local protocols. Watch it on Hulu.
  7. Not trying to be funny with the circumstances, but maybe he's more underpaid than the rest of us.
  8. Good cross section of reply and I thank all of you. I do agree with online not the way to go for easy diploma/certification. You have to be totally committed either with this style or classroom. For further info, the online style is hybrid meaning you still have face-to-face sessions for skill practice/competency/evaluation.
  9. Question for your opinion. Should High School students be able to take the EMT-Basic course while still in High School, whether classroom style or online (based that they are eligible per their State Code) or do you think that lack of maturity would lead them to failure. (No right or wrong answers, just looking for opinions)
  10. 8....no 6.....wait, maybe 7.....who knows, it changes every day.
  11. Thanks for the updated info. Yeah, it does sound like there was not much to do, however, if you sit on scene, call medical control to call them out (if that is your protocol) or transport. Don't just sit there looking stupid.
  12. Nice picture Dust.....Is this the City Council member exploding over the issue???
  13. I agree. This is a very good program to watch whether your a nature lover or not!
  14. Probably will be like all the other flu vaccines....get the vaccine and get the flu. Likewise, would like a little more study.
  15. ABSOLUTELY.....We are there for the patient, right? What is it called again???? - Oh yeah, being the patient advocate. Screw the politics, worry about the patient! If you did the best for the patient, I don't think there are many legal grounds against you if you did the right thing within your scope.
  16. I'm sure that it is some sort of liability clause....It's still stupid. Why not have the partner drive, the attendant attend the patient, and have one or more FF'ters assist in the back. Then there would be no delay. Most FF'ters are trained in basic HCP CPR, and have assisted at scenes before.
  17. I'm sorry all, but is there anyone that can send me some phenegren or compazine, I don't feel so well after watching.
  18. I couldn't agree more. Idiot. Really listen to what the cop is saying......it's nuts.
  19. Great....here it is again. Whose fault????? EVERYBODIES INCLUDING THE AMBULANCE PERSONNEL!!! Anyone driving MUST BE AWARE OF ALL SITUATIONS WHILE DRIVING LIGHTS AND SIREN, AND EXPECT OTHERS WILL NOT HEAR OR SEE YOU!!! This is basic ambulance driving 101. Read my other posts if you want to know how I really feel.
  20. Gross incompetance. What's the term......Idiot I think. Good bye and stay out of the profession Jason.
  21. There used to be a very low budgeted program produced by some Hollywood person who lost their daughter because of some accident, or she was saved, or whatever. This program was all 'real calls' whether EMS, Fire, Law, or Aeromedical. It was called "Emergency on Scene". I have a few video taped segments of it, all raw footage. This is what should be shown. Real stuff, not the 'ab-lib' dung that everyone thinks they want to see.
  22. Go back to showing 'Mother, Jugs, & Speed' over and over on AMC.
  23. Understand within your protocol. Just wondering how fast glucagon works given this route as compared to IM.
  24. Our service faxes the finished report to the respective ED's. I know it is probably best to complete the report prior to leaving the ED, but for some busy agencies, this is not practical due to call volume. Have your computer guru's set up a link from your computer to the ED's if possible, or finish your report at station, print it off (which you will have to do anyhow) and then fax it. If you gave a good radio and verbal handoff report, this should be OK. Use what is best for your service.
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