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Everything posted by emtnerd

  1. I would try and save the strangers regardless of who they are....I know my brother would understand.
  2. Where I live the EMS side is half and half, I'm not 100% sure but I think the Fire side is as well.
  3. I would talk to everyone, the more info I can get the better I can help my patients. Also, I would give any first responders a huge thank you for stopping and helping out, not only does it help me out but I'm sure it makes a huge difference to the people who really needed it - the patients.
  4. Being a Canadian I have to admit that I do not know a lot about American history. I doubt that many of the people in my community do either, however, several people have Confederate Flag license plates on their vehicles. Frankly, I never thought much of it. It is a unique flag and it obviously represents several differing ideologies to different populations. For myself, I really don't care what items people choose to wear or how they decorate their homes or vehicles. I'm not going to pass judgment on a person based solely on a flag or anything else. What truly matters is what is in a person's heart. Just my 2 cents...
  5. I'm in school right now and there are only a couple of people I would want working on me if I were the patient. I wouldn't want the majority of my classmates to touch me, my kids, my family and friends with a hundred foot pole. The incompetence and lack of professionalism in this group is baffling...it was like a flashback to junior high.
  6. I weighed almost 230 lbs after I was finished having kids. After separating from my husband I lost nearly 100 lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I was swimming and weightlifting 4-5 times per week. I kept up the pace for a while after meeting my boyfriend and then starting working part-time, going to school part-time, being a mom and a homemaker and fitness has definitely taken a back seat. Who am I kidding, I left it sitting by the curb months ago!! A couple of summers ago I was running a 10K race and suffered a stress fracture in my hip. Which I stupidly walked on for a month before finally going to the doc. I used to enjoy running on the treadmill and found it to be great cardio. Now it's just too hard on my hip and knees (which have been bad since running track and field in junior high). My thing for a while after healing from that fracture was swimming and aqua jogging. Frankly, I think it's the best exercise in the world. I keep telling myself to get off my arse and get to the pool but life with school, kids and ambulance practicum coming soon there just never seems to be enough time. Help!!!
  7. I drive a "car", if you can call it that. It's a 1988 Mercury Topaz. Not the nicest set of wheels on the road but it gets me where I need to go. I'm trying to save up my pennies for something better. I absolutely love the Ford Explorer SportTrac. But trying to raise two small boys doesn't leave too many pennies left in the old piggy bank.
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