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Everything posted by Jeepluv77

  1. For the record, rap was never intended to be angry, violent, or thuggish. It was intended to be a modern spin on African folk music and Motown type music. It was made angry, violent, and thuggish by the ill-mannered and ill-parented children/young adults of today and it's not the only genre to have suffered this. I am a fan of several different types of music from country to rock to rap, and I refuse to listen to the garbage they play on the radio anymore. This song gets back to the heart and soul of what rap was intended to be. Motivating and/or uplifting music that sends a message. Instead of downing on an entire genre of music and every person associated with it, how about looking at it as an individual song. Is it geared toward inner city youth? Possibly, maybe even probably. But who better to serve the inner city population than someone who was raised there and understands the unique circumstances of such an area? It serves to draw in people who otherwise may not even realize what EMS is all about or that they, too, can be a member of the profession. Or are they not good enough because they weren't lucky enough to be born middle- or upper- class? If this is the song it takes to get them motivated to become more than what they were born, in EMS or elsewhere, so be it.
  2. Greetings from Hampton Roads. What part of Va are you in?
  3. Not bad, Spenac. Sounds a little more bluesy than country to me, though. Especially on that last line.
  4. Thanks for posting! I love it! If this guy ever puts out a CD I'm first in line to buy it.
  5. 2Wheelin, I'm so sorry for your loss but it's good that you could be there for your father. I'm glad to see you back. Hope to see you around! Jeep
  6. When asked if he could help with repairs to the ship, the pirate responded "Arrr can saw!"
  7. That's kind of scary. I had no idea that copiers saved the images copied but I'd never really thought about it. Hopefully the story will make companies start addressing the matter.
  8. Lol. This is kind of funny. I'm known as the "white cloud" because in all of my hundreds of hours of clinical/field time I've only had 2 dramatic cases. Most are only noteworthy because of their utter lack of drama. Hence the fact that, although I've got more then enough hours in for EMT-I, I'm no where close to making comps. Can't even get a patient that needs an IV! And, yet, a nurse still almost beat me when I mentioned it was a slow shift. It got even slower though. I'm now encouraged to use such words.
  9. Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Hope all is well with you!

  10. Lol, Brett. I called back to make sure I'd written down the right time as I'm kind of in a fog from lack of sleep. I didn't catch the doctor's name the first time. Turns out, I'm seeing Dr. Strange. Literally, that's his name. I like him already. With a name like that I'd guess he stood out a bit in med school and was watched a little closer than Bob Smith. Some of the doctors around here seem to have gotten their medical licenses from gumball machines but I'd bet he's not one of them.
  11. Lol @ Ben and Richard. I needed that, guys! I finally got scheduled and great news! I go in on May 19th which is just long enough to get all my CT, lab, and lymphectomy(don't worry, it was just hyperfolliculitis or something like that. benign either way) records without going to much more stir crazy. Hopefully they'll give me more great news. Got my fingers crossed.
  12. Thank you! It's great to know I have support here. It really does help.

  13. Thank you all. I just called to set up my appointment with what I was told would be pulmonology but at some point along the way it changed to thoracic surgery. I'm not sure if pulmo changed it on reveiw or if my doctor just decided to start there. Of course, that's caused more delay in scheduling but I should have an appointment scheduled by tonight. I just picked up a copy of my CBC and I'm waiting on another copy of my CT report since the doctor took it. I'm keeping my own copies of everything as I've had the military lose my records before. Everything was WNL except for RDW, MPV, and platelets which were all a little low. I don't know what the first two are, but my platelets are almost always a bit low. We have no idea why. I'm at 133 right now so I'm safe just a little off. Anyway, I'm kind of happy to be going straight to the surgeon. Maybe I'll know something soon so I can move on and finish my training starting in August. Thanks again for the positivity and well wishes. My husband is now convinced it just has to be cancer and that I'll die. I'm trying to convince him even if it is cancer I'll be fine. Just temporarily inconvenienced.
  14. Thanks, Wendy. I've been hoping for the best but I figure either way, even if it's cancer, being asymptomatic would mean it's early and should be treatable. But, obviously, if it's something like that it may not be wise to be by myself with three kids. I'd have to make arrangements for my parents to come out. If it's anything other than benign I plan to beat it hands down. Really, my only fear is they'll decide to do a biopsy. I hate needles unless they're going into someone other than me and they darn well knock me out if they plan on something like that! Thanks for the positive vibes! I'm sure I'll be okay it's just so frustrating not knowing. The two doctors I've seen so far haven't told me anything. Both conversations were kind of "So, what could it be?", "Well, a lot of things", "Like what?", "Oh, you know a lot of different things", "Name three.", "Let's just get you that (Stat) referral to pulmonology." Which, of course, was infuriating. Neither one would look me in the eye either. They stared at my chart the whole time until telling me to talk to pulmonology. Neither one offered that it could be nothing. If it's bad news, tell me that. I can handle that a lot better than a doctor that won't be honest with me and doesn't even bother to attempt to hide that fact. If you think it's nothing, tell me that. Even if you're wrong at least you gave me an honest answer rather than avoiding the question all together. Everybody's wrong sometimes and that chance you could be wrong is where you say "Well, I'm not the specialist, but if you want my opinion here it is." and I never asked them anything that specific. Just what could it possibly be. I now don't have one modicum of trust in either of them. That's the good thing about military medicine, though(I'm a dependent, not service member). Plenty of other doctors and I'm sure I'll find one that will be straight with me. Anywho, thanks again for the positivity. That's one thing I love about this community. I can't even talk to most of my friends about it. If I said "nodules in my lungs" they'd say "How long do you have left." Figure if I didn't feel sick before I found out why start now? I'll keep you posted and hopefully it's just some random thing to get the blood pumping for a while.
  15. Jeepluv77

    Any ideas?

    I had a car accident last week and my doc decided to do a chest CT to check my aorta as it has widened a bit over time. Aorta was fine(2.6 where it was 3 years ago) but they told me I had bruising in my chest. I went back 2 days later and requested a copy of the CT report because I have no chest pain and haven't had any major chest pain. A little tenderness from the seat belt but nothing close to what internal bruising would cause. The report said I have numerous small parenchymal nodules. The two largest are a 5mm in my lower right lobe and and 6mm in my lower left lobe. The one in my left lung has a "radiolucent center surrounded by a distinct halo". I feel fine, no coughing or wheezing or pain. I do have occasional bouts of shortness of breath but they generally pass within a couple minutes so I figured it was my heart(I have an unnamed accessory pathway). The only other possible symptom is a sensation of being poked in the back that happens to be in the same area as the 6mm nodule. I've had a TB test that's negative and the only remotely significant finding on my blood work was my potassium was at 3.3 which they said was a little low but not by much. I did grow up in a smoker's household and have smoked off and on for 15 years(about 9 years total). I wouldn't be concerned if not for three factors. 1) I had the same spiral CT with contrast at the same facility almost exactly a year ago and it was clear. I haven't had any major colds since. A couple of minor uri's but nothing significant. 2) There has been several cancers on both sides of my family. 3) My father was exposed to Agent Orange during Veitnam and was diagnosed last year with significant damage to his lungs and bones typical of high exposure. I know that it's been linked to problems in 1st and 2nd generation offspring, but I'm not really clear what. I'm wondering, should I be prepared for bad news or is this most likely benign? I believe the only bloodwork they've run was a CBC(normal) and an IStat(potassium finding). More importantly, what further testing should I expect. My husband deploys in July so I'll need to arrange childcare if this is going to be an ongoing process. Thanks for any info you can provide. And, don't worry, I'm not a fatalist and won't freak out if it doesn't sound good. I'm simply a realist that is tired of the doctors trying sugarcoat things and refusing to give me any info. All they said is wait and see what pulmonology says. It'll be a least a month before I can get in and, seeing as how I'll be on my own a week or two later with 3 kids, I need to be prepared. And, like anyone else, the wait for info is the worst part. Yes, I'm working on quitting smoking and determined to make it this time.
  16. From the article: "Olowo-ake's family told FOX 40 News Tuesday they understand AMR's standing policy not to drive into potentially violent situations until police arrive on scene, but they do not understand why none of the paramedics in the AMR vehicle would help Michael after his brother Anthony carried his body to the AMR van a block away. "We brought the scene to them," Michael Olowo-ake's Senior said." I would think that about sums it up. There's a reason he was shot and the person holding the gun and knowing that reason was still at large with no police on scene yet. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be opening that door either. A dead EMT/Medic will be of no use to the patient. It sucks and my heart goes out to the family, but we have to protect ourselves first. I hope this is resolved appropriately and quickly.
  17. In 2007 I was at work and pregnant and started mild bleeding. I wanted to drive myself the less than 1 mile, through exactly 3 stop lights, to the hospital to be checked. My boss, however, decided to take my keys and call and ambulance with threats of firing me if I didn't go. So I went in the ambulance. En route I got asked a few questions and was given o2 through a cannula. A month later I got a bill for $635. Needless to say, I was astounded. Especially since this is a service that is supported by taxes and it is a fire-based service. The EMT and Medic both had the worst attitudes ever. I have since found out that is because to work for that fire department they are required to work one ambulance shift a week. Very few, if any, actually want to be on the ambulance. And if you want to be on the ambulance, you have to work fire twice a week. Which exludes most that are actually there for the medical aspect. I ran my fields there two semesters ago and worked with a medic that had no clue what a combivent was. When I explained it was albuterol mixed with atrovent she was still clueless. Her response when I showed her the ipratropium bromide as I was setting it up? "Oh, so that's what that is?" Nice. Hope I never actually need a medic there.
  18. Seriously? The baby was born 4 months premature and it doesn't sound like the medics can be faulted for that. Seems to me the first hospital should be held accountable if anyone. I'd really have to see the facts in this case. However, notice the one that went to court to defend themselves is the one that got screwed? I'm sorry, but the litigous nature of this society really needs to be put in check at some point. It's tragic that her child has cerebral palsy and my heart goes out to her. However, that's unfortunately a common occurance with extreme prematurity even when delivered in ideal conditions. This is exactly why a lot of areas are having trouble keeping enough doctors/nurses to keep patient load managable. It's nearly impossible to find a high-risk ob/gyn here now because of lawsuits like this.
  19. For the record, I'd want to get even with someone that shot me, too. Guess I'd deserve it then. Like my daddy always said, "Never strike first. But if you're going to strike back make sure you get the last hit." That's not saying I'd shoot someone that shot me. I'd have to at least own a gun to even consider that. However, I'm sure the legal system would make a great tool for that. As well as Bubba and his buddies in the jail house. Let's remember, there are many(some perfectly legal) ways to get even. And, also for the record, Earl Grey is awesome. But iced coffee is better.
  20. I was noticing the same thing in the videos. They appear to be getting it done despite the chaos. I can't imagine being on a scene like that. And it does raise the question of what Russian EMS is like. How much and what type of training and protocol do they have in place for an MCI? Another thing that I have to wonder, too, is how much does that training really help in such an event?
  21. Yeah, I'm failing to see what the big problem is there. Was it just a normal chat room? I'm guessing they were wearing clothes in the pictures as it didn't mention them being nude. Were they leaving the chat as soon as they got tones? Sounds to me like some bigwig needs someone to pick on and is running low on fodder for his/her ego appetite. That or there has to be more to it that we don't know.
  22. Everyone has presented good reasons for their views. I'm open to talking with a patient about it. But in the instance of an emergency in which the hospital they are requesting doesn't offer what they need, why did they even bother calling 911? If they can't compromise and go to a center that can actually do something for them, what are we there for? I know if I was having a heart attack I'd want to go to a facility with a cath lab. If I had a broken bone, I'd want to go to the nearest place that could ease my pain. Who cares about the name on the placard out front? As far as insurance issues go, that's a whole other situation. That's one of those things that our legislators need to address. Yes, a broken bone may not be life-threatening, but it is still a true emergency. Not like you can just sit around and wait to call the doctor tomorrow and then drive yourself where the insurance company wants you to go. And lets not forget that some broken bones are life- or limb-threatening and that these are often things we can't see in the living room without x-ray. If all other factors are equal and it's simply a matter of insurance then there wouldn't be a problem going to another hospital, but isn't there usually a reason we head for one facility over another?
  23. I agree that it could be helpful for a patient to know what is available. However, to make it sound like it is necessary for a patient to know is a little much. I had a friend(not in the medical profession) read it and asked her what her thoughts were on it. She said it was frightening to think that in an emergency the people taking her to the hospital wouldn't know the best place for her to go. That was my concern with it. By all means, it would be great if every patient knew exactly where they needed to be transported. That's not the case though. I live in an area that has several large hospitals available and a lot of different factors affecting which one to choose for a patient. Our top trauma center is an extremely busy hospital in a neighboring city while the Level 2 center(that operates level 1 during the day) in this city is usually well prepared, too. During the day, taking a patient to the one in this city is a good option. However, at night when some of there specialists aren't always there, it's not always a viable option. You're also looking at up to a 20 minute difference in transport time. Another example, one of the two major hospitals in my city doesn't have a maternity wing or NICU/PICU. Obviously, this may not be the ideal place to take a mother in labor or a very sick infant/child. However, in the case of that sick infant/child, if you pick them up 3 blocks from this hospital it may be prudent to bring them here for stabilization before making the 20-30 minute trip to the children's hospital(in a neighboring city) or level 2 center that has all services available. They do have ER doctors that hold specialties in pediatrics. For these reasons, it would be very difficult for a patient here to know where the best place for them to be in a given situation. It's often difficult for crews to determine that and units are often diverted for various reasons. Note- The transport times listed are during good traffic conditions. During rush hours or with accidents on necessary road ways, these times are at least doubled.
  24. I just picked up the new issue of Reader's Digest because the cover said "50 Secrets ER Doctors Won't Tell You". Reading through, I came across something I found rather startling. An RN/Paramedic said patient's should know which ER they prefer because we may ask. Okay, that's a good point. However, she went on to say know "where the nearest trauma center is and with hospital has the best cardiac center". Our school teaches that it's our job to know this. So, I'm wondering, how many people feel that the patient should provide this info. I wouldn't expect someone in need of a trauma bay or cardiac services to even be able to think clearly enough to give us this info even if they are A&O. Any thoughts?
  25. Unfortunatly, it's too late to enroll in this semester with the massive amounts of paperwork and new cards needing ordered thanks to a name change. EMT-Basic jobs are hard to come by here which is why I'm not sure if I should keep my eggs in that basket or just start running volly. I just don't want to spread myself too thin or quit on an agency if I do land a paid job and I also don't want to get rusty if I'm out of it too long waiting on a job. It's kind of a catch 22 to an extent. Which is why I need help deciding from those of you who have been doing this for awhile. My city's squads require 48 hours a month while the neighboring cities only require 12-24. So confusing. And, I can't move because my husband is Navy.
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