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Adam Swartz

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Status Updates posted by Adam Swartz

  1. One very damn happy camper. New computer is awesome and getting the new car Tuesday.

  2. Page 1 of the study guide for chapter 1 is done. Only 6 to go. First test over this is next monday

  3. Pancreatitis again!!! Uggghhh. Dammit.

  4. Parents can be a pain in the butt. But welcome to life

  5. Pics are up now. Amazing courage by ppl here

  6. Please copy and paste this into your status if you know someone, or have been affected by someone who needs a punch in the damn face. People who need a punch in the damn face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for people who need a punch in the damn face, except a punch in the damn face. 93% of people won't re-post this. Why? Because they probably need a punch in the damn face

  7. Please repost on your facebook profile: Please Help if you have information regarding the shooting death of Realtor Ashley Okland. Polk County Crime Stoppers has upped the reward amount to $10,000 for information leading to an arrest in the case. Anonymous tips can be made to 223-1400 or by calling West Des Moines police at 222-3344.

  8. Praying for those affected by a shooting at Virginia Tech.

  9. praying for those affected by the massive destruction and severe tornadic weather in the southeast.

  10. RAGBRAI day 6 is here.

  11. rain rain rain go far far far away please. I want to bike today.

    1. tcripp


      Send it to Texas. We need it!

    2. tcripp


      Send it to Texas. We need it!

  12. RIP Deputy Eric Stein, Keokuk (Iowa) Co SO---May god comfort his family and the entire Public safety community.

  13. RIP grandma Rhoda, you've been gone since December 5,2005 I miss you and love you. I know you and Bobba are back together again and have a nice drinkipoo together.

  14. Roadtrip to cali.

  15. Safe to say it has never felt better to sleep in my own bed. Boy does it feel great to be home and feeling awesome. I am still amazed at how well the surgery went. My surgeon is amazing.

    1. PCP


      good to hear you are doing well and the surgery went well!

  16. Salary of the US President. ..$400,000. Salary of retired US Presidents ...$180,000. Salary of House/Senate...$174, 000. Salary of Speaker of the House...$223,500... Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders... $193,400... Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN IRAQ $38,000... I think we have found where the cuts should be made! If you agree, repost!

  17. Shimra Greenes and Nochum Isser Greenes you guy's are a great family and I am so happy that you decided to move to des moines.

  18. SIBLING WAR!!!! Copy this if you are the smartest, best looking and funniest of your siblings. If this stands an hour without your sister or brother protesting then its true. I know I am better than my sister. leah swartz

  19. Sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to LAX. Not leaving on time. Sched. 2040 and actual probably 2300. Allegiant why so delayed and why do your ticket counter ppl have no freaking clue?

  20. sitting awake still at 0500 why am I awake. Ohh ya the pain pills aren't kicking in. Dammit.

  21. Sitting in Mercy main room 533 with acute pancreatitis and severe pain but it's under control with a Dilaudid PCA. This is gonna be a long week.

    1. Happiness


      that sucks hope you feel better soon

    2. Adam Swartz
    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      I thought you were in Detroit?

  22. Sitting on call at White Earth. 3rd man on for the truck.

  23. Sitting on call in White Earth tonight and tomorrow day. Off to Naytahwash tomorrow night til monday. Please can I have a late call tonight? Thank you god. Have a great day or night y'all

  24. So Bin Laden is now standing waiting for his judgement. When God suddenly gets a tap on his shoulder, behind God stands 343 Firefighters, 72 Police officers, 1 K9 Officer, 3000 American Civilians, and over 5000 American Soilders. They say... "Don't worry Father we'll take it from here" God Bless America.

    1. Chief1C


      No, no judgment for him. Straight to the fires of hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

    2. celticcare


      How about the innocent afghani's killed in the crossfire with the war? surely they get to kick his ass too, fairs fair if the troops get to

  25. So finally things are getting back to normal schedule and work at BEAVEX is getting going again as well as exercise slowly!!

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